Would you fuck big girl Alice

Would you fuck big girl Alice

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Sorry, not into beastiality


I would

Duh, anyone who says otherwise is probably still a virgin.

Yeah, probably. Give me a few beers and that becomes definitely.

Yah. Show her tits

Anyone who says yes is extremely desperate or extremely ugly ..or both

yup now share her nudes

Yep! Get her pregnant and marry her too.

can't tell if she thicc or fat

Alice is the pregnant one

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Looks like someone already has

Why you americans are all so fat?
90% of american women are obese... they look like big colored balls since 15 yo

Sure man. Go back to sucking your moms tit.

post yourself to be judged foreign user fag.

I'd degrade her in all her pregnancy.
Send more kik jaaze_07


So we're just ignoring that people with normal sex lives are also chubby chasers?

Says the one who's probably from the UK, the second fattest country behind the US

Yes I would

case in point

Alice is from the UK

If it was just me and her in a room then sure I'd fuck the hell out of her. However, I would not risk being seen with her in public. Punish and degrade them in the sheets, ignore them in the streets.Thats the only way to deal with hambeasts, brother.

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Not from UK or from USA. Both are degenerate countries full of fat fucks and white trash.

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Nudes??? Or is this not that kinda thread.

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Which sister

Meh, ive had bigger *shrug* why not

She takes care of herself, and is taking a mirror selfie without a dirty room. I don't know anything about her, but those two things alone put her a step above a lot of other women who'll post a lot of self-hate, and get dolled up only to take a selfie in the mirror, exposing the pile of filth they live in.

Yeah, I think she's attractive enough. If we met in favorable conditions, I might. Of course, I might also find myself entirely unattracted once I see exactly how big she actually is. Granted, my own aesthetic would not mesh well with hers, so I don't think I'd have to worry about having to make that decision.

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Holy shit, someone gets it!

Dude, seriously: I'm an American and I (literally) roll around on the floor laughing whenever a fucking britbong makes fun of us for being fat. We're double-neck-and-neck in that race, and they often take the statistical lead!


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