
>political affiliation
>favorite cartoon as a child
>dream job as child

Attached: DD.jpg (1851x2397, 875K)

>2nd year at Uni
>libertarian right
>Billy and Mandy

Vocational school
None at all
Again none
I watched every cartoon, and still do, current favorite Garry and his demons.
Dream job, I don't know why but I always wanted to be a house builder. Never happened. Oh well

>High school
>No Future

>1st year at Uni
>Avatar the Last Airbender

>Bachelor's in Psychology
>Progressive/Libertarian Leftist
>Batman The Animated Series

>2 years college, forestry apprentice
>catholic but not really more a culture thing
>Kids Next Door

>I guess I'm a centrist. Neither socialist nor capitalist. But I don't really do politics.
>Dragon Ball Z

>some college
>Democratic Party
>G.I. Joe

>Law school graduate
>The flintstones