What’s with the lack of Celeb Threads today?

What’s with the lack of Celeb Threads today?

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They're fucking stupid. Get back to your People magazine, garbage person.

there has been one all day. there is one now.

There’s the problem, there should be at least two going on at any given time in case the jannies make a stinky

nah, just remake it in case it gets removed. having 2 is bad publicity for celeb threads

Hey. It's too late
Fuck. She spotted me at the ceiling
Are all barrettes necessary?

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good evening frens

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Captcha is slow for me now, been posting too much.

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I am a namefag now

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I like that bewb, that is a nice bewb.

That's not a good thing.

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is that Musgraves?

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where do I say that it is?

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What's your name?

I like that hip, that is a nice hip.

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I love her forearm muscles!

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Of course.
Yeah. I'm probably gonna go to sleep or maybe play some games soon anyways.

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Ofc it is.

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Where did I say that you said that it is?

The better for spooning I reckon.


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that's oddly specific, yet not the oddest thing I've heard in these threads
I've been on all day today, work has been slower than slow

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I still love all of you

seriously what the fuck is your problem?

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Names are actually bad
What is your name?
Who did it better?
the stature or she...
>pro stature does not feel and is naked
>pro Carly sneakers and has blond hair

Carly wins this round

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This is a nice bum.

nobody has anything to post that hasn't been posted a thousand times already
>we now live in a post-fappening world

Captcha has been extra shitty lately anyways. I'll probably head off now. Always a pleasure talking with ya, sleep well.
Statue BTFO

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Now you are kinkshaming me?
There are people who like licking assholes or getting piss
I am not the weird one for loving her beautiful forearm muscles!
Very nice pic

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Hey that's my line.

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Spooning and other things. I'm really rather tired, tho, so the spooning will certainly do for now.

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I can see her nipples

yeah it sucks, you to. gn

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my name is the jack of diamonds on the red river shore

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There are people that like two pp's in the same pucci

Niggers, most likely.

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>Now you are kinkshaming me
I don't think I was, it was just a very specific thing to focus on. not a shaming, just an observation

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They’re all pointless unless there are new leaks.

Prove me wrong.

>other things
That's my DAUGHTER you're talking about.

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I would love to create a statue. Get a nice girl and immortalize her in stone
Your name is original and way too long and it I already forgot it.. I will call you Hawke
There are even people who like themself. The world is a weird place.
I am just joking because I don't wanne sleep and the day tomorrow will be long as hack

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she's built ford tough

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Who is this horseface jew?

Why d'you think I didn't go into detail? I'm playing it safe.

That's quite a mouthful, do you mind if I call you Jack for short?

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Millhouse Robert Brown.

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Millard Robert Brown

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you should sleep a bit if it's gonna be a long day. otherwise you'll just hate yourself tomorrow night. but it's your life, do what you want the most and never apologize. I'm gonna go to sleep now though, too tired and annoyed with captcha

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go to bed c

I'm gonna pretend that by other things you mean putting your hands on her hips and dancing to Christian music at the church while obviously leaving enough room in between the two of you for Jesus...

I'm keeping my eye on you.

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should be 'scurred'

ok good night

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hawke is a cool name actually. but mine is the jack of diamonds on the red river shore

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Anyone fond of Karen Gillan ?

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that's what i searched for, but that's what they had.

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I will call you bob dylan or just dylan?
I hope that is okay

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Well, in fairness, you got the part about me putting my hands on her hips right. Oh, and you can't scold me while also posting her bum, you know. All kinds of mixed messages.

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you are right for the red river shore. but the jack of diamonds I take from gillian welch.

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Still not a celeb.