How often do you take Cocaine and how did you get into it?

How often do you take Cocaine and how did you get into it?

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Nice try, FBI.

That's how you get nosebleeds. Crush that shit better

once a year, friends

Once per month on average. Usually at nightclubs. Not really into cocaine, it is way too subtle for my tastes. I don't get any euphoria or even that much energy from it. Usually have weed and k with me when I go to clubs and people will often offer me a line or bump of coke if I smoke them out or give them a bump of k, so that is usually how I get it. I never buy any when I am in the US since I don't really care for coke. Last time I bought some was on vacation in Medellin. Even after doing an 8ball in one night I still don't see what all the fuss is about. So many better drugs out there.

your coke is cut as shit unless you're intentionally mixing it with something... just look at it. aint never had yellow coke before.

the yellow color is from my pc screens and its cut like that because I was just putting it into capsules before heading out

I've never done coke but I thought I'd post anyway because they're always one retard who does that.

sorry not cut, crushed

I mostly use it when doing extremely long hours at work, and I normally add some Ecstasy to it if i'm going to a club