How come The Hobbit got three films but The Fellowship,Two Towers & Return Of The King only got one?

How come The Hobbit got three films but The Fellowship,Two Towers & Return Of The King only got one?

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dont worry goy soon the remakes will be released in your lifetime

Because The Hobbit movies didnt have to be good to rake it in.

Christopher Nolan presents, The Lord of The Rings

> Frodo running from black Knights
> Loud German siren
> Gandalf looking out at a landscape
> Black screen then we hear footsteps approaching
> He starts to laugh,
> Sauron laughs and smiles to the audience

Yes, brilliant!

>black knights

Because the Hobbit is the better book with less filler. Literally nothing happens in the Fellowship and although they do get better as the series goes on none can hold a candle to the action and excitement of the Hobbit.

Ironically though the LOTR films are better because they had to add a load of bullshit filler to the Hobbit to pad it out and make it seem more like the LOTR in tone.

Bravo! Bravo!

the all female remake will be 9 episodes long

Imagine my buttmad when going to see the hobbit.
>I did not know it was going to be three movies
>I kinda knew I was going to be disappointed because Tom wasn't going to be in it {I heard}

3 movies, still no TOM

>Immersion completely broken
also, the effects were horrible

So mad, I still haven't watched the seccond and don't even know, as of now, if the third is out yet.
>Not even going to buy it in budget bluray sale
>maybe pirate it someday


Why didn't Galadriel also riverdance in the Hobbit?


>Gandalf looking through a telescope

Not to mention it was originally supposed to be 2 films, but midway through filming the second((they)) decided that 3 films would grant them more shekkls

>black knights


Tom Bombadil wasn't in the book either.

Ayuuuh we wuz knightz n shit hollaaa

Wooow, oh shit you're right!
I thought Tom bombadil was the shapeshifting bear/man bilbo and gandalf chilled at after the (I believe the goblins).
Well, judging by the first movie, I'm just going to buy the hobbit again and reread it.

Thanks buddy, since 1999 (reading the hobbit/FotR/2T ) I've been thinking that.

That's Beorn.

Is he in the movies?

Yeah he's in the second one. Your instincts are right though. The movies mostly suck and you're better off just reading the book again.

Have a rare /lit/ one

How come they never expanded on the universe like Marvel and Star Wars. Don't tell me you wouldn't have loved an Aragorn Origins movie. Or a movie about the dwarves and the War of Moria.

Now it's too late because all teh actors are too old and dead

JJ Abrams presents The Lord of the Rings

> lens flare
> explosions
> Gondor collapses
> army rappels down a cliff face shouting hut hut hut hut