We'll be good boy witches!

>we'll be good boy witches!

Other urls found in this thread:


just leave capekino to me

This episode was a 10/10. It feels like a Fox episode.

so many memories
... 2 memories

who wore it better?

Time to HUNT.


Huh, so that's where her MCU design took cues from.

I wonder whose blood he drew for Machado.
Maybe he didn't just move drugs, but also removed peruvian witches.

She does technically, but you must admit he's rocking that variant of her costume.

Last Fox season and early TBS seasons are the best.

> those char acter designs

Good show animators good show


American Fung is within those

Really bad episode. Felt like it was written by someone that never worked on the show before.

>and then there's this asshole
Every thread. Every board. So unique.

I love the show, but this one was just off. The magic, the whole town being effected by the magic and just going with it, that's Simpsons stuff. Then there was the b story that was half assed and sloppy for a b story. It also really reminded me of the witch episode Bobs Burgers did just a few weeks ago. It's like some disney kids show writer is selling the same storied to adult cartoons.

reddit show

I really wish TBS would stop with the opening joke then intro schtick.

It ruins the flow.

Dubs of truth

Anyone else think Toshi looks really cute in OP's pic?
n-no homo

What is the best episode and why is it the Vietnam one?

Will they ever release an album of all the songs from the show?

You sure have some terrible taste.

Season 3 through 7 are prime AD, rest is far too hit or miss. And I mean actual 3 through 7, with 3 being Spring Breakup and Red October Sky and 7 being Hot Water and Hurricane. Certain sites have the seasons fucked up.

It's Rapture's Delight narrowly followed by the Vietnam episode

The Telethon and Tearjerker episodes are probably my personal favorites.

That's not Joint Custody

Cheetah! Cheetos! There's so much beauty in the world

>I will never help you!
>It's Black Villain.
>I will help you.

>Making things even...

How to know if you're under the influence of illegal substances:
>Cotton Mouth
>Life seems pretty good
>You genuinely enjoy Night Ranger

>The bomb is disarmed! That's what I'm gonna say when I disarm the bomb.
>The arm is disbombed.
>Damn it.

The music in that scene is perfect.

>What is the best episode and why is it the Vietnam one?
I agreed with you until I was reminded by I'd say "In Country Club" is the funniest and Rapture's Delight is the best, overall

I liked that one

That was the worst episode by a mile. Almost as bad as the musical episodes or the episode where they make a deliberately shitty play (I guess the joke is that it's not funny, but to keep that going for 20, minutes...).

>Almost as bad as the musical episodes or the episode where they make a deliberately shitty play
Those are all great episodes though. And it wasn't deliberately shitty, it was an Osage County homage.

>It's a Steve jerks off to Hailey's nude without know it's her episode

One of the most kino episodes of recent date.

>toshi will never give you a blowjob

They've hinted at wincest a bunch of times

When will they take the plunge and go full on?

>hinted at wincest

Steve makes out with Haley
Stan grinds on his own son
Francine watches porn with Steve

And there's a whole episode devoted to Haley dating a man who looks exactly like Stan. Also if you count Roger as part of the family, he's raped at least two of them.

>It's a Francine hallucinates a group of women who tell her to fuck Steve episode

And Stan bathed with his mum.

There's an episode where Stan is literally trying to have sex with Steve through a robot he is controlling

>not a single example of family members actually having sex
Good job proving him right, moron.

>you genuinely enjoy Night Ranger

Who is the best Roger alter ego?

Ricky Spanish

Reaganomics Lamborghini

Also just hearing the name Mahmoud Thickbooty makes me laugh


Didn't Francine grab Steve's dick one ep?

Super positive asian Roland Chang of course!

Yup, Spelling Bee-My Baby.

She grabbed it, hard.

Whoa. I should watch this show.

You dumb son of a bitch. No, that's not Roland Chang

Roy Rogers McFreely.
>I apologize for the lack of drama in this exit

Also, McFarlane voices Stan/Stan's body double and his sister voices Hayley. So they basically did a whole episode where they acted out being lovers. There's some weird shit going on with this show.

>Also if you count Roger as part of the family, he's raped at least two of them.

Technically he only raped Stan. He's roofied Steve, but they leave it there.

>There's some weird shit going on with this show.
Probably just McFarlane and/or one of the other showrunners acting out their incest fetish. Same thing with Star vs the Forces of Evil and cuckqueaning.

I still don't understand. How does he do this?

>Vietnam episode
>It ain't me literally starts playing


I love American Dad but I have always hated Roger as a character. He's not funny annoying or funny insane, he is just annoying.

Get out

How can you love American Dad but hate Roger? He drives the plot in basically every episode starting around season 3 or so (not coincidentally, around the time the show got really good).

this makes no sense

No. You think he was good when in reality its the episode and the context of the plot that makes Sidney a good character. He's shit otherwise

>Loves American Dad
>Hates Roger

This episode wasn't that good.
The episodes where Barry counts cards for Lewis or where Steve tries to interview Stan via the phone are way better

So does Roger have penis or does he just improvise?

On an unrelated note Roger's thickness makes me uncomfortable.

>Steve makes out with Haley

>Francine watches porn with Steve

When Rodger tricks Steve into thinking he's adopted. 2:27


Why is American Dad so much better than Family Guy

Roger having an actual reason to be so inconsistent allows the rest of the characters to stay consistent
Whereas in family guy, all the characters are constantly changing personalities for what the story requires

Less involvement by McFarlane. When he was heavily involved at the beginning he just used it as his political mouthpiece and it sucked. But then Family Guy really took off, and he devoted all his attention to that. All he does with American Dad is voiceover work now.

Principal Lewis is still the best thing in AD. Roger would top him but he sees so much more use than Lewis that his stuff just doesn't have the kick of Lewis. I love the fat black bastard.

Is American Dad actually good?

Exactly this "taking turns being the idiot" annoys me a lot.. it's always sunny does it just as bad, if not worse, than family guy

It can vary from episode to episode. I generally like it, though.

Out of all the Fox Sunday cartoons it's the best one still running, even though it's not on Fox anymore. It's on track to have more better episodes than the Simpsons

Is roger the best character/comedic story telling device ever conceived of? I never get tired of his antics.

>MCU took scarlet witch's design cues from MCU's scarlet witch
What did he mean by this?

Yes. Very good. It's the only Mcfarlane show I still enjoy and its on season 14. Some of the absolutee best, rolling, hysterical laughs have occurred from this show, even in the later seasons.

It's a dumb gag, but when Roger actually floats away when he lets go of the bag of kitty litter it kills me.

That looks like X-Men: Evolution

>it's a Francine is a massive whore episode

It is,

Never seen any other design for Scarlet Witch have ya? And what said, ya ding dong.

Franny is a SLUT, a cute slut

>that whole episode that revolved around her cucking Stan

which episode

He's definitely the memiest character

Roger with Steve>>>>>>>>>>Roger

Rodger might be. He is just perfect. I had thought he would be a huge turn off but he is such a good character who is so consistent in his sort of inconsistency.

I actually enjoy Rodger and Stan more. It is a very close call though, he has a good back and forth with Steve though.

Why is Jeff tolerated? Like I understand Hayley, as an adult, being allowed to sit on her ass and do nothing because she's Stan's daughter, but why on earth do Stan and Francine let this random unemployed stoner stay there too?

>Stan grinds on his own son

When does this happen exactly?

>Who is the best Roger alter ego?
Ricky Spanish

Herschel Herschbaum

>And who shot Gianni Versace, was it a jew? I don't know it was in Miami...

Principle Lewis is underrated. Always delivers with the little show time he gets.

This episode was pretty bad.
I enjoyed it, but it felt weak, especially the shoehorned Stan plotline.

>I wanna drive the truck! Vroom vroom!