ITT: Actors who would make great first contact with aliens
ITT: Actors who would make great first contact with aliens
we made first contact in the 50's you bum
I have to unironically agree with you
>would be nonjudgmental
>cool asf
He should be earths ambassador in all honesty
Most other actors have some type of front they always put up
Runner ups:
Matthew McConaughey - only if he acts like those Lincoln commercials but that wouldn't be genuine
Viggo Mortenson - mumbles too much
The Rock - too swole
Bottom of the barrel place:
George Clooney
Any female actress
Amy Schumer
Mel Gibson
Keanu Reeves
Nah he promotes homosexuality too much
That makes him a pervert.
Capt. Kirk is better
keanu reeves is too shy
mel would try fighting them or try to get their help in the war vs the jews
but what if the alien is Galactic Overlord Xenu?
if i were an alien looking to make contact with Earth i would so cosplay Xenu, just to shit up the Scientologists.
>you will never see Tom unlock his true power level and one shot Xenu with a single punch
Aliens are already here
Gary Fuckin' Busey.
Aliens would make Earth off limits for the next 2000 years or so.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum how bout picking an actor who hasn't been slaughtering aliens in a ton of movies??
That'd be like sending the guy who played crocodile dundee to greet visitors from the planet of crocodiles. What if they've picked up movie waves and think the movies are real?
Justin Roiland pls stop posting.
Tom is our first contact with aliens.
>What if they've picked up movie waves and think the movies are real?
if they did they'd know Dundee can't be killed and steer clear
Probably, but it's extremely difficult to prove that testimony, because it's almost entirely based on first hand, eyewitness accounts of such events.
Much of modern history is written on the basis of a bunch of people saying "I saw this and I saw that," but time has proven that you just can't trust unilateral word of mouth. You need the aliens to be sitting there, too, freely saying "yea, this happened." Just like the holocaust. You can't just trust a bunch of people saying "they had a giant machine that masturbated people to death." You have to have the nazis there, too, freely saying "yea, that happened"
but what if they intended to bring us gifts like cancer medicine and pizza coupons?
Re-read that in Poopybutthole's voice.
This is supposed to be a compliment on the men's longevity or physical performance. But in his context it sadly becomes a cruel joke on Scientology.
Scientology is a cruel joke on humanity.
>pizza coupons
For where?
Unless the aliens would be from an alien race ruled by Xenu, then he'd be fucked