So boys, what do we think of reddit?

So boys, what do we think of reddit?

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Fun but massively skewed politically.

You need to go back.

were on reddit already

I like how r/Witcher was rational before the show but now that the netflixfags have overtaken it, they just basically silence the original users.
And that is reddit, once an opinion reaches 51% others cease to exist.

Sup Forums makes fun of Reddit but in reality they both suck ass

I think reddit is supposed to allow us a break from here
All we are doing is for Sup Forums to return anyway. Just sit there and take their shit until they come back.

At least Sup Forums is updated daily

I know nobody will believe this, but I've honestly never been.

Decent news aggregator. Insufferable community.

fucking shit and people who come here breaks rule 10

I go there for LoL and NBA but jesus fuck every fucking comment plays out the same. Same stupid fucking puns, dad jokes, shitty fucking pastas non-stop, day in day out. Also can't forget the mandatory 30 Trump orange man bad comments on topics that have nowhere near anything to do with him. Literal braindead subhumans.

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And every Sup Forums thread devolves into racism or sexism, what's your point?

I go on /r/realdubstep to keep an eye on the latest releases but I’m not on the rest of the site much so don’t really have much an opinion

When I fuck apussy I like to beat it up til that roastie is a rosy pink and dripping in cum. I usually slam raw because I hate condoms and I don’t clap hoes.

You know from the outside looking in, someone whose every comment has to be something about politics must be such a terrible existence.

didn't that shit died in 2012 tho?

They fucking suck and its users need to got the fuck back and stay there along with the tumblr nigger loving cucks

And for good reason too. That shit is insufferable

No it’s still going
Some old names like Kromestar and Cluekid still kicking it

I just realised this year marks the 20th anniversary of tempa (first dubstep label)
Strange times we live in

I don’t like it.
Tried it for the first time the other day while banned for a few days.
Pretty weird to navigate. Gave up on it after 15min or so. Pretty mainstream shit though.
I prefer the 1% of actual quality that finds its way in here occasionally.

i used to check it occasionally for memes but a lot of it is pretty insufferable

Having said that, I’m not going to rag on people for going there - each to their own. At least it’s not overflowing with fb/ig and shit tier porn re posts. And loli shit.
There’s sites for that shit. Keep random random.

You should take advantage of the post filters.

I feel like Sup Forums tries to hard when it comes to hating reddit. Nothing great ever comes out of it besides it pretty much being a meme. For example I found a thread the other day asking "why do we hate reddit?" and not one person gave a valid or the obvious answer? You guys who hate reddit are just as pathetic since day one. Reminds me when Family Guy was popular and people would say the quotes but have no idea what the reference is from. One thing I do hate reddit for is every time I open the comment section it's just a shitty pun or some sarcastic shit.

it's a place where the effeminate and retarded came come together as one big effeminate retard

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