Does anyone even like Vision? Everyone I've talked to either dislike him or have no feelings on him either way.
Does anyone even like Vision? Everyone I've talked to either dislike him or have no feelings on him either way
i still call him Jarvis.
>Everyone I've talked to
So no one?
Vast majority of people are indifferent because he's had, what, 20-25 minutes of interaction across 2 movies?
He's just another "Tony is always right" because Tony created him. Mind gem or not, he's a know it all cunt.
Biggest waste of potential in MCU. Not that it had much potential anyway.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Paul Bettany use his Age of Ultron money to fund an expensive muslim cuck film?
Maybe it has to do with the fact he made the only real point of the ENTIRE pro-registration side....that isn't coming from Tony.
Vision: In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, a number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate.
Steve Rogers: Are you saying it's our fault?
Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.
Yes. He was the most interesting thing about Ultron.
I'm surprised your parents even know him.
Didn't he paralyze the black guy or something?
Fucking savage
hes going to die anyways who cares.
There are Infinity War set photos of him as a human making out with Scarlet Witch.
Could be him morphing himself or a dream sequence. Unknown if he will die straight up after getting the gem stolen
>put magic lemon in head
>now sapient being
What did Disney mean by this?
I liked his recent comic,
where he invented a family and moved to the suburbs.
It was excellent.
that exchange makes the whole franchise seem more interesting than it actually is
the entire problem of that movie is dumb as fuck
>Cap, we need a bunch of paper pushers and bean counters to tell us when we should step in to stop doomsday events
>...but tony all they will do is waste time waiting to strike, either way they will either tell me to punch them good or it's fucked and no one can stop doomsday event. so I might as well just go punch things from the get go and try my best to save the day
>....yea but cap come on we can't just like, free hand save the world... there's like forms we need to fill out and permission to get from accountants and stuff. what if we hurt a small handful of people trying to save billions again? that's unforgivable
fuck those nigs from the black panther lands. they aren't more important than all those people in the market. Cap was utterly right and tony is a dumb ass faggot who apparently forget Hydra completely infected the US government (and probably all other governments) at some of the highest levels. yet he wants burricrates to control the averages. got it, good idea Mr. Guinness Inventor.
Probably a 'happily ever after' scene where Vision magically transforms into a human and has a hundred babies with Scarlet Witch
The ideological debate wasn't explored that well. We get a couple of token exchanges, then "Let's go beat shit up!" scenes ensue.
In fairness, Captain America wasn't exactly a stellar debater when it came to countering Tony's arguments.
>Does anyone even like Vision?
Plenty do, perfectly casted, perfect design.
Gave us the best moment in AOU & one of the best moments in the Mcu with his final confrontation with Ultron.
>happily ever after' scene
>hundreds of babies
what song will they all sing and dance to at the end?
To be fair, a good chunk of the audience would have no idea what those characters are saying
No, he created a Cap style Super Solider who intentionally hid his degrading physical & mental state in order to gain the power of the Hulk.
true. Cap went full retard for muh bucky and that fucked up his position to debate.
this shit too.
>okay Tony, I'll agree to oversight. who's in charge?
>well Cap it's this guy here. you may have heard of this guy, he's the dude with a massive hulk heat boner, created god knows how many failed super humans, put more people in harms way than you can imagine all so he can gain exclusive access to world breaking powers, and currently has a strong dislike for all of us super powered individuals. surely this will work out great for us. oh and our new base is always a super-duper max prison in the middle of the ocean. well, under the middle of the ocean to be precise.
gee tony, you really are brains of this group
>we have to have oversight
>the whole movie Tony goes out of his way to break the rules of the oversight committee so he can stop people breaking the rules of the oversight committee
>>Cap I know you have proof of all the stuff you were saying before, but that doesn't matter now. that guy was brain washed by commies to kill my daddy, so now imma fuck him up good
>sorry tony I can't let you just do whatever you want because your feefees are hurt. we need oversight remember?
truly a cluster fuck of character development
He was the one thing that gave me shivers in the whole movie, and his too-short conversation with Ultron before killing him is super interesting imo.
He is supposed to die in the next movie, right?
I doubt they will do it, but even so no one will give a shit
If they'd taken time to allow "Jarvis" to express anything like child-like awe at the world, he could have been endearing. As written, he comes across as "The Maguffin that Walks," and I couldn't give less of a shit about him.
I'm still not over them letting him wield Mjolnir as a cynically transparent shortcut to tell the audience, "OMG GUYZ! LOOK HOW NOBLE AND WORTHY HE IS!"
Fuck. That.
Which shows that IM and Cap's stance on the matter isn't the correct one and they continually break it to support it. It's a simple theme, too simple to catch sometimes.
He's supposed to be like Dr. Manhattan with a logical and analytical couple brain right?
Which is basically where they both commit hypocrisy.
Tony says "Fuck oversight, he killed a member of my family!". And Captain America basically covers up what his friend did, like a bureaucrat would.
"Don't you shit me Rogers! Did you know?!"
Captain America: "My going unilateral, creating special rules for my BFF, and fucking up German policemen totally proves we shouldn't have oversight Tony!"
Tony: "What? Are you high? This totally proves we should have oversight!"
Man, I fuckin love vision.
He's easily my 2nd favorite avenger.
He's not well-written enough(or at least had enough time and thought devoted to him) to make that call. He should have the same emotional range as Ultron, which means that no, he's not just a creature of cold logic. Only his least interesting depictions present him in that light.
>Creature of cold logic
He clearly cares about Wanda on an emotional level.
Third user chiming in, I thought it was just a shoehorn romantic relationship. Because Bethany has to show some range in capeshit.
post it
>is shown to be incredibly overpowered as far as the mcu goes
>has an infinity stone in his head
>Thanos is collecting all the stones
I don't care about vision because he was destined to be a jobber the second he showed up in age of ultron.
it's fucking dumb
they can create a fully functioning AI with 100% realistic body but they can't give him a normal face?
If they got rid of the makeup the character would be 200% more interesting
Isn't the point ultimately that Cap has a valid point based on experiences in the Winter Soldier, where Authority has no face and nobody realised what was going on until it was too late. Tony's entire point is a more emotional one, where he started out as a weapons dealer that saw first hand that the fruits of his labour were being used by warlords to kill innocents. Him being Iron Man is entirely trying to atone for this, and when more people die (while more are saved), he see's it as not good enough. That's why Tony always throws his toys out of the pram when Cap says "soldiers die". It's not stellar writing, but it's a bit more nuanced than you're giving it credit for. Both are thinking with their hearts. Tony is just a bit too self-centred.
He's a small side character. I dont have any feeling about War Machine, Falcon or Scarlet Witch either. If she wasnt played by titty Olsen, neither of you would care aswell.
I really wanted to like him but they have nerfed him so much it's now just "token generic superpowers guy n° x"
I miss Jarvis
When they introduced him he was cool, and they did it in a way that looked like he was going to be epic, and then they just like didn't know what to do with him and he just became an annoying background character.
i like him, cant wait for him to become human when he loses the infinity stone
Me too, user
Didn't Tim Roth do that shit to himself?
He seemed somewhat reasonable. All the Avengers do anymore is fuck peoples lives up, and they probably should be in prison for nuking that airport.
Can't wait to see if this is him cloaked in his human disguise or if he gets turned truly human
I love Lizfu
all of ultrons charaters suck. ultron, vision, casting girl. stupid charactars of stupid movie
fucking kys urselv
But the other side of things, with regulation completely wiped away isn't great either:
>we got superpowers based on random circumstances, so this mean we are now the judges of who should be punished/avoid punishment, and so the general public has no say about it muahaha
Great, so a superhero-run dictatorship?
i wish he stayed as jarvis. he was already OP as fuck but now he's basically robot superman wtf
I don't think the writers are allowing him to live up to his potential or even the barest fraction of his potential.
He's the only interesting character merely because of the potential. However, it will never get used and rarely dangled. Just like how the comics dropped the ball when Thanos gets the Cosmic Cube and the Infinity Gems (twice at least.)
I think you are correct.
Or maybe, I don't know, it was because Vision and Scarlet Witch actually has a relationship in the comics?
Victor Shade.
In Edinburgh isn't it? This is probably before Thanos's dudes show up.
It's a disguise, Vision is secretly meeting Wanda, and he no longer gives any fucks about the Accords.
I think Wanda and Viz have both pretty much quit Avengering.
I want Vision and Wanda to be eerie powerful technomancer and scary demon-powered witch.