Hey Sup Forums, I want to know how to destroy a man's life, without getting caught of course, to where he loses all hope
I want him to suffer
I dont want him dead but if he couldnt take it I wouldnt feel bad
What do?
Hey Sup Forums, I want to know how to destroy a man's life, without getting caught of course, to where he loses all hope
Frame him for a crime or something?
Also I want it to happen as quickly as possible
For what reason? Works best if there's an irony to the method
Fuck his girl/drug him so he loses a job/cause an accident so he would lose an important limb
He got with my girl at a party, I have the way I will get back at her since I know all of her identity info and logins and that will be a slow burn
How would one cause an accident and not get caught?
summon demons and command them to fuck with him
find a better girl, and cut the other one the fuck out of your life. As far as him, let it go, start doing martial arts or boxing or something or lifting
I know but we were dating for 6 years and I have been friends with the dude for 8ish years. The betrayal I feel is incomprehensible since it was by 2 people I trusted
If you have the account of your gf, send the guy a message that says she's pregnant.
Here is what you do.
> Download a massive set from a younger looking cam girl. Make sure there are regular looking selfies included in the set.
> Use the photos in conjunction with a new identity you have concocted to convince him via text or dm that you are a girl.
> Start sending him nudes and receive dick pics
> Drop hints that you are underage but along the way but keep it up for a while.
> Eventually tell him you are 15 or 16, whatever is not too young off the bat but still illegal in your area.
> Get him to keep sexting after he already thinks you are underage.
This is where you get a payout:
> Collect all of the good messages and pics into a single image, blurring out the nudity, and drop it on his friends and family.
There you go. The man is ruined.
Doesnt quite have the punch I want it to have
Do something big, like rig an election against his favor
That's pretty good +1
I like that just might be slow
Then you are just bawposting and not actually looking for revenge.
that's the reason why she fucked your buddy. Because you are a pathetic incel. Get over it, learn from it, do something constructive with your energy
I'm thinking catfish or planting drugs then calling cops
creampie her on video and send it to him, ultimate revenge.
Being bitter only feels good in the short term.
You can either let this shape your world view of what people are like, or you can rise above those assholes and find better people to associate yourself with.
I'm not saying don't get revenge (especially if you were with her a long time), but I am saying make it quick so you can move on. The long game ultimately only hurts you.
(Also I hope you know the guy well. If its just some asshole who fucked your girl, then it isn't really his fault. If she was truly loyal she wouldn't have fucked him.
I bet he fucked ur mom OP
>everybody point and laugh at this faggot
Fuck his dad
Send to a friend or family member, "I need to reach out anonymously as someone who used to be close to (insert name here). They have always been interested in younger partners, but now I have reason to believe that they have done something reprehensible for which I can not forgive them. I have cut all ties with (name here). I know how close you are to them, so could you confront them about this. I have tried for some time but I feel that any advice I give them is unappreciated. Thank you for anything you can do."
id vote for this!
It's always better to walk away and move on to something better. Realize this what ever you do out of revenge if you get caught. While you are going through arrest / being sued or court or jail depending on how severe they'll still be fucking and laughing at you in jail. Revenge only really burns you in the end. The best revenge is showing they mean so little to you that you don't need them in your life
Sorry for late response I was driving but I think I will make it short and sweet just to make him suffer a bit then do the same with her then walk away. I wasnt trying to bedpost but I got my answers guys. Yall some good Sup Forumsamily
dont do anything that makes u go to prison.
It's called gang stalking. Look it up.
He got with your girl? So what? Thats not illegal. It kind of sounds like she's not your girl. Your not enough. Accept that and move on.
Make him look like a pedo
Fuck off back to shitted