he old 'n stuff
He old 'n stuff
Movie sets are boring as fuck. Don't blame him for napping.
I bet Star-Lord is going to have a big reddit moment where he flips out over his dad being Kurt Russell, because that alien did like Contact and picked out a comforting image from his mom's head.
Probably not.
Is that... Kurt Russell?
>tfw have the same hair and beard meme combo as kurt
time to remove it all now that its upvote groupthink approved
Wow so insightful and deep
Let the man sleep.
You're bald.
I bet he can still fit in his Snake Plissken outfit
>tfw some guy looks like you and you see your style from a different perspective, get embarrassed and realize how shit you look
Pratt's shirt looks like it's 3 sizes too small for him
one of the fucking worse
Do you think they painted her feet green also ?
Asking for myself ofc
I doubt it.
When you see behind the scenes on movie sets you suddenly become aware of how stupid and ridiculous the industry is.
He must have an ego the size of a planet
He's old so he sleeps on sets.
He said in the interview when it came to working on Tarantino's film; Tarantino does not allow people to sleep on his sets, so if anyone starts taking a nap, they put a giant purple dildo next to them and start taking pictures.
Tarankino is an autist.
any debicki pics? asking for a friend.
Saldana is very sexy.
That said, Im never giving money to disney.
I'd kill for Kurt's hair and beard genetics. They're top tier.
Don't waste that shit user.