Can we cut the memes out and say that he will be a horrible president? And no, I don't support Hillary either...

Can we cut the memes out and say that he will be a horrible president? And no, I don't support Hillary either. This election is a fucking joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree user

>inb4 shitstorm

Saging another gay republican thread
Suck on Jeb's cock in hell

You're 100% correct, but people here are delusional. The jews successfully infiltrated and brainwashed pol

I'm with you OP.

I feel like I woke up in bizarro america.


Trump hijacked the GOP for KEKs and it backfired.

Only the dollar meal Duck Hunter crowd is going for this shit.

well Im glad Australia isn't the only country with 2 awful election candidates now.

This is a really good time to introduce an independent party in to the picture, to maybe offset the duopoly in you government.

Wtf I hate trump now
I'm now a #clintoris

Trump will really fuck up the US, but, hey, he's hilarious and will make international geopolitics interesting again. This is actually better than the time Bush got elected.

But, hey
>trump fucks up

t. alberto barbosa

Also enjoy having this thread slid by the controllers too much momentum here for them to lose

The man will be a disgrace to the office of the presidency.

if you really were opting out you wouldnt be stating a opinion on the election. your a shill. go back to tumblr your BLM buddies need your help

Hilary will be worse overall, and Gary Johnson being a third party he has a snowball's chance in hell. So I'm going with Trump. Fuck off.

fucking retard, what is the point of opting out when others are opting in? The guy is pretty clearly trying to convince others to do the same as he is

faggot sheep, stop supporting the jewish control system

This is what happens when you take a joke too far, first with the pony faggotry, now with trump.

Tbh his tax plan is pretty decent and he is definitely better than Hillary but I'll just vote for him for the liberal tears

wtf I am now a #HillBilly

No, we won't do that, OP.

Please go fuck off.

Gary Johnson is who all self respecting Americans should be voting for.

me too lads

the shilling is too hard for him

> le joos r brainwashing you meme
> would rather vote Hillary who took millions from sandniggers in the middle east

I love it when people complain about "Muh jewish control" while failing to see how much influence the sandniggers have.


Even though Trump is a wild card, we can already guarantee nothing good out of Hillary.

Plus there will probably be a racewar.

You're literally wasting your vote if you're going to support Gary Johnson. That faggot isn't even going to get 5%

Ha, the election is a joke. Bernie should be winning.

yeah, probably in all honesty

the opening of the thread clearly states that all the viable candidates were terrible from the begining, your point is to choose the lesser of two evils, which is what everyone will do, but the point still stands

@13% right now tho

Honestly I feel like he'll be pretty good. Good tax plan, hires the right people, will create jobs, and will be way more entertaining than any previous president. Hence why I support him.

If he can do 10% of what he says he'll do, we'll be doing 100% better than we're doing today. At least he says "I can work with the Russians." Where as Hillary will for sure get us all killed in WWIII. And like he says, the federal gov employment numbers are bull.

Ameritards will one day have a Trudeau of their own

>Can we cut the memes out and say that he will be a horrible president?
I think Trump will be either a great president, or an all out disaster. He's very much a wild card and someone we haven't seen before.

This election is something that will either take America into one of 2 very different futures.

I can't trust him anymore, and up until a few months ago I was all in for Trump. Still going to vote for him in the general, but this was all a mistake. I was hype to see a candidate with a sense of nationalism, I love the idea of a Muslim ban. Oh well, I guess we can live through 4 years.

Aside from the memes, in no way do I "like" Trump. I just absolutely cannot stand Hillary... and voting for anyone else would be a vote for Hillary.

i'm right there with u OP

today you are not a gaffot

He won't be any worse than any of the other presidents the US has had.

>elected leaders

> 13%
> implying he even has a chance

This is significantly more than what the independent party has gotten in the past, but there's no way they're going to make it to even 25%.

I never said Trump is the lesser of the evils, I said he has unpredictability. I agree with what he states, he doesn't explain how he will do it. And he takes a massive shit on political correctness and Islam, which is what we need.

This. He can be great or poor, but looking at his business success and what people who know him say, he's much better than Hillary.

Yeah it's insane supporting any other president causes tons of people to label you a shill yet it's totally ok for this one guy to have a 24/7 general.

The main risk I'd see with Trump is if he were to pull a Bush Jr or Obama first term and surround himself by people who took advantage of his ignorance on subjects outside of his purview.

However he's shown himself to both value loyalty but also fire incompetence and follow his gut, so I don't see it being an issue. Also the fact that he dislikes appeasement more than fighting and getting dirty (The fired campaign manager said as much,said it before himself, shown it before on the apprentice) means he'd not be at risk of surrounding himself with yes men - someone who doesn't have a backbone against him is liable to get fired too.

Maybe there's the risk of what hitler had where Hitler liked and encouraged competition and conflict among his senior officials and that led to the left hand not knowing what the right wa sdoing.

He's certainly not the stereotype boogeyman of going to war over some flippant reason like the Hillary shills claim.

>actively wanting hillary motherfucking clinton to nominate two (2) motherfucking supreme court justices at a time when the left is openly and actively coming for the 1st and 2nd amendments

seriously how the fuck these 2 are the best our country can offer to be our next president, i just can't fucking fathom that fact

> Trump will fuck up America by not making it Browner
> more brown people and more of the politics that brown people support is what America needs

This is every anti-Trump shill.

Not worse than your red headed cunt prime minister.

It's a trap version there.

Who cares if either of them are going to be horrible presidents. The only thing people should care about is who will be less worse, and if one is better than Obama than that's great. We haven't had many good presidents at all you ignorant liberal tard.

lol this is the best formulated bait i've ever seen.
Good job redtits.

>confusing country for two essentially privately run political parties while simultaneously ignoring a millenia's worth of data showing how corrupt politicians can be

She's been gone for years, dude. Clinton would definitely be worse than her.

Agreed user, worst election evar

>Be happy for your two piles of shit user

No thanks, my vote is for revolution. A noose for every politician that sided against American citizens.

He's an arrogant narcissist, but the guy has built shit, and created more jobs than Hillary in her wildest dreams.


He's not ever going to be president, so we don't have to worry about it.

Agreed user, we have a shit system if it spits out these turds as viable candidates

We do. He is in the Research and Development phase at American Apparel until he is ready to Make America Gay Again™.

>Actively wanting Actively Hillary Actively Clinton Actively to Actively Actively


I sort of think it doesn't matter who you elect though... the decline has begun and there's no turning back

You're retarded. More votes = more money and visibility. Both parties are weakish now, this is the time for a 3rd party to make gains.

>thinking that the president actually matters or makes a difference ever

it's all just theatre to appease the general population and make them feel like they actually have a choice. the real agenda will remain the same either way and things will only continue down the path that they already have planned

it's actually sad that most of Sup Forums still don't understand this

This tbph. I do like some of his plans for domestic and foreign policy though (Mudslime ban and 'wall' be it a literal wall or simply much stronger borders).

Then go start it retard. Oh wait you can't you're a fat 300 lb neet who wants communism faggot.

ok george carlin

That's a lot of butthurt over an unfounded assertion.

>everyone who doesn't suck trumps dick is a shill

I genuinely believe trump isn't the mastermind most of you think he is, he's just a celebrity who wants to create a legacy for himself. At this point he is our only choice if we want to keep hillary out of the White House so I will begrudgingly vote for him.

Very astute.

Ironic that the one non-shitpost in this thread is Australian.



He lost the second he made a white literal who his VP.

Nothing wrong with being white, or being a literal who, but not making his VP black or a woman fucking destroyed all chances for Trump to win.

Holy shit this thread is the first ray of light on Sup Forums that I've seen in a year.

>This election is a fucking joke.


sad state of affairs, let's just resolve that there is no difference between either candidate, if there was a difference that would be quickly remedied,

Hillary will not grab your guns and Donald will not build a wall or make America anything but the same

you can damn well guarantee that the war in Iran they're both talking about will happen for sure and that Obama will reschedule marijuana, let a lot more people out of jail than he already has and that those people will be jobless just in time to be drafted for the upcoming war in Iran

I wish you guys would have went for Bush now just because his face on the whole thing would have somehow been more palatable

>The man will be a disgrace to the office of the presidency.

like none of the other 40+ homosexual pedophiles weren't already a disgrace?

>senseless murder

You should've been aborted.

man that edge is really sharp I almost cut myself on it.

You should go outside.

The only good reason to vote for him is because he will provide us with 4 years of god level entertainment

Oh look another "trump sucks because that's the popular thing to say" shill

This, I'm going to throw my vote away for johnson. I can't stand either hill or trump.


It's just a prank bro. There are no problems
>It's just a prank bro. >There are no problems
It's just a prank bro. There are no problems
>It's just a prank bro. >There are no problems
It's just a prank bro. There are no problems
>It's just a prank bro. >There are no problems
It's just a prank bro. There are no problems
>It's just a prank bro. >There are no problems

Nothing will change, business will still thrive, GDP will increase, and America will still lead the world in every relevant industry (Hollywood, Silicon Valley)

And in four years will be doing this all over again.

whats weird is even our parents feel that way, literally people who grew up in the turmoil of the 1960s, and they're dead serious that this is the worst it's ever been

Get out of this thread it was pure before you showed up. Go back to Trump General.

>you don't make any money

Have fun working as a gardener because all the immigrants are gone! Maybe you'll earn enough for medium-speed internet.

I think he does it on purpose to get free media advertising. He's spent a fraction that of what Bernie and Hillary spent on advertisements simply because of the things he says and how well they trigger the Liberal media, which I think he does on purpose. The fact that he's showing everyone that he's arrogant and shits on just about everything that deserves shitting on goes to show that he's a strong leader.

The reason the independent party has failed is mainly because of how little money they have, and they definitely don't have much more of it now. Are you genuinely convinced that the independent party stands a chance while calling me an idiot? Seems a bit ironic.

If members of either political party abandoned said party and voted independent then it only allows for the opposition to win. Unity is what matters, and the Bernie/Hillary split is only helping Trump.

Try putting on your glasses and reading where I wrote "nothing good out of Hillary Clinton" fucking geezer.

> be hilldog
> try to fit in with "memes aside guys"

no the memes don't go aside, you pathetic turbocuck

Oh I just love bizarro Sup Forums threads. Umm. Fuck trump!... Haha

jeb is actually who i supported in the first place because autism


All I really care about is marijuana because it's the only issue that we as the civilian peons can make happen. Everything else is just pissing into the wind.

If you think that Hillary has higher chance to cause a race war instead of Trump, who literally needed biker gangs at his convention for protection, you're a fucking idiot.

if Trump gets elected, college campuses will be a fucking blood bath.

wtf i hate trump now!!!

If he builds the wall and bans all Muslims he's automatically the best President since Eisenhower.

> cut the memes out

The memes are all I have, don't take them from me.

Didn't know Austrians could vote in our elections. Your opinion is worth less than nothing.

>you can damn well guarantee that the war in Iran they're both talking about will happen for sure
I though you were already at war there.

Well, who can take count anymore. Honestly.

atleast with trump you know you wont be voting for 4 more years of shit.

I'm from San Diego, Bernie. Get a fucking job.

Yeah, you'll be getting 4 more years of confusion, degeneracy, rampant hatred and anger and murder.

But I'm sure it'll just be like your favorite epic disaster movies, and you'll be safe in the comfort of your home while people are shot to shit, so it's fine voting for him right?

I meant that there will be a racewar with Trump, not with Hillary. The wording in that comment didn't make it clear enough. I want Trump to become president so that when nothing happens, Liberals will be on suicide watch, and if a literal racewar happens, it'll bring about happenings.