>not even 5 minutes in and he's already a cuck
Not even 5 minutes in and he's already a cuck
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey crabman
>Watching Scientologist propaganda.
>divorces her doesn't raise the kid and gets a qt latina gf
not a cuck
Pretty sure that he fucked his ex after she started living with that nigger and it turned out little nigger was actually his son. Does that make him reverse cuck?
Both him and Crabman were cucked
Crabman did nothing wrong.
Crabman did everything wrong
>That part where crabman is revealed to be some secret agent and the show becomes the dumbest shit ever
Hey Earl!
Not really. If anything crabman got cucked when everyone found out that earl was the father of one kid and crabman wasn't.
I just pretend that didn't happen 2bh
>"Our Cops is On!"
One of the GOAT comedy episodes of all times.
"That was me, I hit that!"
is this show any good?
it's on my 'to watch' pile
I dropped this show after Earl gets out of coma cause I was just rolling my eyes the whole time. But when the show was good it was really damn good
It was really good. Mostly because it was comfy as hell.
Good cast, good storylines most of the time(the Coma storyline was pretty crappy I have to admit) and it was fun watching him try to improve himself despite being pretty stupid most of the time.
96 Episodes.
Someone cucked them out of a syndication deal.
Earl is fucking Based
>We'll never know if he ended up going back to the college professor after he made it up to karma.
This really disappoints me.
how does syndication work anyway? i never understood it
It's one of those GOAT until specific season when it goes to crap. In this case the coma arc kills it
>You've got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn't ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with lists and that he's finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.
Basically, if you make enough episodes of a show you get to sell them as a collected package to networks, cable channels, local affiliates and other markets after the show ends(or while it is still running if you get past a certain threshold).
This almost guarantees a good residual market for your show for decades to come, popular shows like The Simpsons, Modern Family, M*A*S*H, the Big Bang Theory, NCIS, CSI and Murder She Wrote air dozens of times a day around the world in practically eternal repeats.
Usually you have to make between 88 and 100 episodes, usually the higher the better. It is why almost no show ever gets cancelled in season 4(usually you make about 21 episodes a season, so you have only got 84 episodes done by the end of season 4) because the producers of the show will accept practically any deal from the broadcaster to ensure that they air the minimum number of episodes to clear that magical 88 number.
This is also why so many shows have short 6-10 episode "wrap-up" seasons where they solve everything in a few episodes and conclude the shows major plotlines, usually to reach that number.
With the rise of Netflix and other streaming services you now also have an added incentive to make a concluding season because streaming services encourage binge-watching and not having a satisfying ending(or an ending at all) will alienate audiences and make Netflix and co reluctant to purchase the streaming rights to your show.
So basically the reason that so many shows are now getting actual endings instead of leaving everyone on a cliffhanger is Netflix and Syndication basically incentivise getting over that line no matter the cost.
I'm Raising Hope there's a joke that Earl did finish his list in the end
Back than I Was too young to notice cucks
You know what's a good idea?
Putting the main character in a coma and focus on the side characters that don't work without the main character
Crabman was just a funny stoner, but they needed to make him smart, strong, super strong agent because it's a Hollywood trope to "apologize" to black people for slavery or something.
I don't know why so many people are whining about the 3rd season. It was perfectly fine.
The 4th season was much more boring and by the numbers.
The characters became tropes of themselves and the good feeling at the end of the episodes was gone.
>it's a "Sup Forums retroactively ruins a show you like and you'll never be able to watch it again without thinking of some autist screeching KEKKEKKEK" episode
>"Oh no, I'm not stealing anything. I'm just cleaning out my garage, cause this is where I live."
>"Boy, Earl, I sure do love stealing."
>"Turn up the radio! Find some Wu Tang Clan!"
>"Since when do you listen to rap?"
>"I'm an American. My FUCKIN Grandadd fought for my FUCKIN right to be naked on my FUCKIN lawn."
>"Hey Officer, is this better? I've got on my snake pants."
>"I skinned mah pecker!"
>Not even 10 seconds in and he's already a cuck.
>it's a the normal black guy is actually a supergenius episode
Wtf happened. I remember starting this show, thinking it was comfy after school show. Then I miss out, come back and see Earl in jail or niggerman being an agent or some shit
Creator gave us a what if ending. I liked it. Doesnt feel like a cop out or "he finally won da mega bucks" or some shit. Search for it desu
>crab man
to be interpreted as a black man who behaves like a normal person
Crabman was fucking her that entire time though.
its like 100 deeds for eddie macaw