my name jeff
My name jeff
Other urls found in this thread:
God he looks so autistic
Is he retarded?
He looks like he's half-downie
he's a downey junior
me llamo jeff
Me neem hef
meu nome jeff
these movies were pretty funny
Funnier than they had any right to be. The drug trip scene in the second movie had me dying.
I like that they got Depp and DeLouise to do uncredited cameos.
These movies also changed my attitude towards Tatum. He's not a good actor, but he gives it his all and he doesn't take himself too seriously.
It helps that his character is a dumb jock, which is basically who he is in real life.
haha :D
Jonah nailing Ice Cube's daughter and his reactions were the best IMO
Ice Cube is a pretty funny actor, as well as a pretty cool rapper.
Stop striking out
>as well as a pretty cool rapper.
no he's not
Yeah he is. His albums are awesome.
my name reply to this post or you will die alone
I like Ice Cube as an actor
fuck you
If you like him so much then why don't you marry him?
fugg :DDDD
Jokes on you! I already knew that!
maybe I will then you faggot
Jokes on you, me and my waifu will always be together.
This is dumb, there's a ton of posts that said "reply to this or your mom dies today", I didn't reply and my mom is okay.
his comedic delivery is fucking ace, jonah hill is unfunny to begin with, next to tatum it's just embarassing
Are you saying that because he's black? That's racism, which isn't allowed outside of Sup Forums.
>tfw you liked 21 and 22 Jump Street
Am I a pleb?
maybe you're adopted and you just repeatedly killed your real mom
nope, it just means you like movies you like
Pretty sure I won't die alone if i shoot up a school on weekdays.
>22 Jump Street
Yes ur a pleb
oh yeah? then i hope you two live happily ever after
no they were both hilarious
they were both funny
Not kino but not bad either.
Is this the normie version of Baneposting? It's been a thing since like 2014.
Oh fuck
baneposting is the normie version of baneposting
Channing Tatum actually went full retard, never go full retard
Hello, My Name Is Jeff.
fuck off
Cuck yourself
Fucuk :(
The first one was kino, though.
Actually kind of amazed that Sup Forums likes some shitty 9gag meme.
hey now, baneposting isn't that bad
The line in-context is pretty funny, though.
I have no idea how it became a meme though, wtf.
>tfw women would rather be with someone with down syndrome rather than you
kill me
I actually forgot how good Jonah and Cube were in the scene.
Thanks user.
Why do people pretend that he's handsome?
wut I thought this movie would be awful, this was pretty good
I don't think it's that people actually think he's handsome, I think it's that he's so likeable and has such a good energy that people consider him honorary handsome, because usually you have to be handsome to be as charming as he is
Plus he's burly, that makes up for a lot
nama jeff
my name is Mr Burns, I believe you have a package for me
my neme heff
This movie has made it miserable to be a Jeff. I can't go one day without some mouthbreather saying this shit to me...fuck off.
your nama jeff
you think that's bad? my name is Borat
To be fair, that would be a reasonable reaction if Jonah Hill was banging your daughter, regardless of context.
the story Tatum triggering the fuck out of Emma Watson on the set of 'this is the end' is what won him over for me
The names jeff
Post it
I want this!
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>indroduce myself to someone
>"hahaha my name is jeff"
every time