What happened to her career?

What happened to her career?

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She's a gypsy. They never stay in one place for too long.

Never had one

i believe Hollywood set the eyes on her too late on her twenties.

her 'tits'

Ugly tits

>"All that exercising was totally worth it, now I'll get more roles."

Truthfully, she's difficult to cast because of her unusual looks.

Rupture youtube.com/watch?v=e6w_WzpNBmo

with Noomi Rapace

Unlocked youtube.com/watch?v=6tJgcKKD2uw

with Noomi Rapace

Bright youtube.com/watch?v=2SRM1WpVEY4

with Noomi Rapace and Will Smith


She's a Ring Wraith now?

Weird sort of tranny face + a very "unmarketable" name + being past whatever her prime was.

Space axes

Intergalactic interspecies rape-birth

Looks like b-movie trash, to be quite honest famalam.


Dont know but still a qt.

What tits?

>pr-prometheus 2 is coming out, right ridley?

so why not have her in covenant? i mean, what's the canon? she just died?

ignore prometheus because it's shit. Half the movie was either cut out or existed solely online and you needed to do cryptic research for anything to make sense.

This movie is very clearly an attempted to re-do Prometheus and keep the franchise rolling. Kinda like how terminator salvation was shit and no one liked it so they made a soft reboot prequel sequel in genisys

Gorilla tits.

grabs your cock and starts jerking, what do?


cum in her hands

Axed from roles.

start crying and hope it's not a dream

god i can only imagine cumming while she sqeezes my dick in her vice like grip

Too old and not white enough.

literally who?

let her finish