Can somebody polease explain to me how running against a sitting president for election isnt treason?

can somebody polease explain to me how running against a sitting president for election isnt treason?
By running against trump, the presidential candidates are interfering in the execution of our military commander's duties to the nation. if he must spend some amount of energy defending himself against non legitimate, partisan attacks by the scummy dems then that isnt timeand energy invested in keeping our troops safe and nation secure.
Like its literal treason by interfering in the commander's operations

Attached: glorioussavior.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

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>being this retarded
Neck yourself faggot. Everybody knows trump is controlled by niggers and kikes.
>inb4 "n-n-no goyim, trump is p-playing 4d chess"
Kill yourself.

If you believe this, you do not believe in democracy or know how a Republic works.
The US is built for the person in power to be challenged by any eligible person. The founders also were against political parties but knew it couldn’t be avoided. By your logic, you want a dictator

As long as he is White Nationalist, I would support that.


At least you are honest about being a piece of shit who should have there scrotum sliced open slowly and pulled over their head.

I feel like America right now is a dumb baby doing what you tell it not to. Just gotta let it burn itself and hope it doesn't die.

>can somebody polease explain to me how running against a sitting president for election isnt treason?
Do you just mean running during potential war time? It's just because that's how the system it set up. You could make the same argument against anyone who runs against a president when they're conducting military actions
Dumb redditor.

It’s definitely on fire, caused by leadership

The leadership that didn't fit with your political views, right? All I'm saying is I think Trump is bad.