Ricky Gervais

Is there a cooler Athiest Comedian? He's up there with Rick Sanchez and to an extent Richard Dawkins for me, truly truly brilliant.

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>literally the lowest hanging belief
>hurrr we're so smart
How did that meme spread? Don't need to do shit to be an atheist, I was one at 13 before I found god and stopped being a fag.

Ricky Gervais proves that there is a difference between a non-believer and an atheist.

the whole athiesm thing was necessary for a brief period in time. now it's nauseating.

this picture is pretty old though.

Once i realized life was a test and this world's degeneracy was a result of sin... then i stopped being a fag.

I miss old Ricky

>not God

Clearly, you don't take your religion very seriously. It's near blasphemous to say god vs God.

>How did that meme spread? Don't need to do shit to be an christian, I was one at 13 before I found out there is no god and stopped being a fag.
This is exactly how atheist started a few years ago. Choosing something just out of contrarianism makes you a retard, whatever the choice is.

Woah Ricky looks like THAT?

Was he serious about this shoot? I feel he's trying to show off since being a fat fuck his entire life, but it's just comes off as sad and pathetic.


>the whole athiesm thing was necessary for a brief period in time

really? a brief period in time?

so the fundamental christians have no reasonable voice anymore on the media in the US?

the muslims are not really a power anymore in the middle east?

I think he's a good writer and performer, but when he speaks his mind, or tries to be spontaneously funny, he fails miserably. And I'm not even a christian, or a conservative or even American, but he just comes off as a very smug idiot.

Militant Athiesm is stupid, to say God and Science cannot co-exist is also stupid. To think that Humans who have been around for 200,000 years know anything about how the universe works is also stupid. Therefore live your life by not putting all your eggs in one basket.

just about the worst picture of all time

Never said I'm Christian though, I have my own set of beliefs like any grown adult should.

Atheism /=Secularism

We can live in a secular society without being atheist. I'm catholic but fully support the separation of church and state, hate any form of theocracy, and even religious institutions getting tax breaks. We don't need atheism to do that.

epic simply epic

>grown adult should
>posting on an anime image board.

>Religion = What someone has written in a book

You can come up with your own beliefs, not everyone who believes in a God is religious. This is what athiest dont understand.

Personally I think God is love.

You still sound like a total fag.

This desu. I was catholic and I personally despise Pope Francis for a related reason. He recently said if you can't be a "good catholic" you might as well be an atheist. It's completely absurd because one does not need to be attached to a Church to believe in God. So I fall in line with your approach, militant religious people and atheists don't get it at all.

God and science can't really exist together. If you really think about, or even think about it a little bit you'll see that they're not compatible. I don't have to be militant or smug to tell you that.

>Personally I think God is love.

Then why use the word God?

you are full of shit, but I guess you don't even realize it

whenever you use the word God you automatically insert some kind of devine person into the picture - you don't do that with love, do you?

Always had an issue with Popes, the ceremony of it all seems a bit too occultish for me, though I'm sure all those people praying for him has some beneficial effects, maybe.

Well, maybe I should've said *insert religion here*, since you seem to be able to read only on a literal level.

Similar to the guys above I just believe God is Good, i.e. Love, and inherently good thing

And since there is Good there must be an opposite of it Evil, which is essentially the 7 deadly sins.

The idea is to be as close to God (Good) as possible. And which religion or path is the most effective at it

How can they not? The universe could easily have been made by God working through natural forces leaving no fingerprints.

You can come up with any old toss to believe if you want to. Believing God is love is no different to believing satan works in Walmart or that eating shit makes you invincible.

God technically is love.

still sound like a teenager though.

you missed something

*tips fedora
Checkmate Athiests

>saying Lord's name at all
Exodus 20:7, you shitter

How the fuck does your analogy work with my own personal system of beliefs? You do need to do shit to have your own personal beliefs, you're not born into them, unlike organised religion.

Why are atheists so bent into trying o provoke anyone that isn't atheist?

>God and science can't really exist together. If you really think about, or even think about it a little bit you'll see that they're not compatible.

That's false though, they're both providing different explanations for life and its role in the universe. But that does not mean they're incompatible, Since Science can provide us with evidence to current understanding of the universe, The belief in God is based on faith. It's not like they're two competing hypothesis, because they coudln't be measured the same way. plenty of non-believers live with faith every day (like faith in your fellow man) and plenty of religious people live with science (like accepting our current understanding of fossil records and anatomy).

And yes there are non-believers that are vehemently untrustworthy of anything and anyone and religious people that deny evolution, but neither are the rule.

The only reason he does this shit is because Yanks give him so much attention for it. In England where people are atheist by default he gets no response for saying obvious facts, as soon as he moves across to the US suddenly it's a selling point he can exploit.

Rick Sanchez is Rick in Rick and Morty right?

Well that's the god of the gaps argument. Considering that we have source material for god in various religious texts, comparing what those texts say about the world to what we can test and observe shows them to be inaccurate. Therefore when you apply science to theology it is disproved, and while you can believe in a personal god the very concept of a personal deity means it's personal to you, this also cannot be tested using science because it's entirely subjective.
Science and god are therefore incompatible.

People use the word God when talking about a higher force that guides us through life, in case you haven't noticed.

to get them to think for a change

Science was the language God left behind for us to understand what all this shit is about.

>t. In England where people are atheist by default

source? Because I think that's inaccurate. I expect the muslim population to upset that statistic quite a bit. I know that British people are culturally secular though.

egoism and self-preservation?

They don't have arguments that aren't vapid as fuck and they try to fill in the gap with aggression.

Militant atheists probably have some kind of personal grudge against religion. There's no way you get to be as obnoxious or loud about something unless they touched your penis or plowed your chocolate valley as a child.


But I haven't said his name at all

Do you seriously not understand that some things are beyond your control? If your house blows up in 2 minutes, it's not your egoism that made you die, it's a force you had no control over.

Sup Forums really is the most christian of all boards

I guess that's the result of education by television.

>Science and god are therefore incompatible.

You're making it sound like Science is based on absolute truths, which is not. Science is about doubt and gathering new knowledge.

You can most definitely live with the belief in god and not deny science. My friend that works at CERN is a catholic and he's not the only one there that believes in God. It's a fallacy that they're both incompatible.

The very nature of faith is that it's not proof. You have to believe without proof in order to have faith at all. In fact having faith in something is the same as saying that you could be proved wrong about it. So it's an admission that your belief is unscientific and could be proved wrong, even though you would presumably ignore that proof if it was presented to you because you have faith.

Only 30% of surveyed people in the UK are religious, and yes that's including Islam driving the numbers up. Anecdotally I would say I've met around 10 people in my life who are Christian, I don't get out much though.

Jseus chirst, such lazy bait

Why do you pricks keep falling for it?


what makes you think that there is some kind of personal agent behind this?

also: what makes you think we can know something about the wishes of this agent by reading something that some sheppards wrote down 2000 years ago?

You're arguing with a teenager buddy.

Nah, it's just an easy way to signal unearned intellectualism. Most of these atheists assume that they 'pwn' silly religious arguments, while actually making asses of themselves. Majority of internet atheists never read The Bible, or any apologias

>personal agent
Who says anything about personal agent. Personally, I believe that universe itself is god. I believe that the isolation of each individual living being is an illusion created by each individual brain and in fact we are all one, we're the god, all together. And this god is directing the world the best way he can to help me out. He helped me out through evolution, when he formed the planet, when he created the laws of physics. It's not a person, it's just everything. But the everything doesn't act randomly, it has a pattern a goal and one of the goal of the universe is to make sure we living being are taken care of. So thanks, god.

Very interesting, thanks for the reply user. Funnily enough the only British person I know is a Christian, but he's the exception then.

It's a shame spirituality and science can't go hand in hand because scientists are blinded by their egos.

I've pretty much realized that most people know bait threads are bait but they don't care because they want the discussion.

Science is based on evidence, doubt and research are it's tools but proofs and evidence are it's core. God is not a scientific concept and neither is faith. Science can disprove religious texts. But it cannot be applied to your inner beliefs because your beliefs are not rational. Your CERN buddy may have no problem having a part of his life dedicated to science and a part dedicated to Jesus but that's not a rational behaviour. He didn't end up with those opinions based on calculations or evidence.

Hello fellow Pandeist, patrician belief.

I'm 35 actually.

It really is. I wish we had churches and hats and all that shit, it's no fun without them.

>Your CERN buddy may have no problem having a part of his life dedicated to science and a part dedicated to Jesus but that's not a rational behaviour. He didn't end up with those opinions based on calculations or evidence.

Guess how many people bully him for his beliefs or bring it up at the workplace? none, because scientists don't think that way, they may have beliefs or lack of beliefs in a higher power. But they ultimately understand that all the evidence they gather is not absolute. They have no qualms about it, people like you really misinterpret science.

>people like you really misinterpret science.
It's the problem the modern era has due to pop science. People don't think on their own anymore.

>Atheist Comedian
"Look at me, look how hip and against the system I am!"
Any time someone refers to someone else's religion as a "fairy tale," I cringe a bit. Though it may be telling that it's more out of the defense of fairy tales.

I do that with a person I love, but that just sort of highlights for me how incredibly creepy Christians are about their deity. Like, do we need to leave them alone with their god for a bit while they get off to the thought of him?

>You can most definitely live with the belief in god and not deny science

but not logic and rationality

>the muslims are not really a power anymore in the middle east?

Yeah but Islam is the lefts Holy Cow, I literally have gay friends that will in one breath complain about those evil fundamentalist Christians not baking a wedding cake for a gay couple and ignore the atrocities of Islam.

>It's the problem the modern era has due to pop science

exactly, it's fucking retarded. Science in popular culture has been disastrous.

But what makes you think this? Because in fairness it sounds like you pulled it out of your arse. I'm not saying you can't believe it or that it doesn't help you get through the day but it's not real. You don't just get to make shit up and expect anyone to take you seriously.

I'm an atheist and that picture is embarrassing.

He already said that he's agnostic. He got smarter.

If you think your life is based on logic and rationality, you're fucking retarded. Sort yourself.

>but not logic and rationality

You spewing this has no value, you know that right? If you were rational you wouldn't be arguing with someone on a Taiwanese laundromat forum. It makes zero sense to spew shit like that.

They don't bully him because they're probably just nice people. And smashing particles together and thinking about what's gonna happen and believing in God are not particularly related. I'm sure he and his colleagues can discuss their science without god ever coming up. And I'll bet you another thing. I bet when the results do come in and he writes up his hypothesis it doesn't just say "god did it".

Well if you don't think that your retarded.

That picture is cringey as fuck and really depicts gervais for what he is. A childish edgy cunt

You have a very simple idea of God,

>They don't bully him because they're probably just nice people.

Your taking it up on faith they do that to help your argument. Ironic.

>And smashing particles together and thinking about what's gonna happen and believing in God are not particularly related. I'm sure he and his colleagues can discuss their science without god ever coming up. And I'll bet you another thing. I bet when the results do come in and he writes up his hypothesis it doesn't just say "god did it".

Never did I say that his work is related to God, never. He and everyone that works there understands that they work there on scientific research, separate from any belief.

better get rid of any wants then .

Well that's fine since I'm an atheist and i don't care about god. You however have a big complicated idea of god, which is just your idea. You made it up in your mind and now your trying to sell it to me likes it's some kind of evidence. Well you don't get to do that, if someone believes they're Jesus you don't have to take their word for it now do you?

>He didn't end up with those opinions based on calculations or evidence.

Literally 0 modern day gaytheists ever come to their conclusion because of "calculations" or "evidence". Extensive studies have shown strong correlations between militant atheism and daddy issues, growing up in a fatherless home etc. It's just old fashioned rebellion against authority that people don't grow out of, because we're now infantilized to the point people in their mid 30's still have the mentality of teenagers.

>But what makes you think this?
Logic mostly. Why do you consider yourself to be you? Because your brain told you so? Well have you tried hooking yourself up to another brain to see what happens? Will you still be you? If we copy your brain molecule after molecule, will that be your experience or will that be someone else? When you start really thinking about it, you realise that the concept of "self" is entirely made up. I don't believe living beings are different from non-living beings, I don't believe in free will and I don't believe in souls. The molecules in my brain are no different from the molecules right next to it. That's just logic. There's nothing special about your brain that makes it an isolated "unit" of the world.

You seem really upset when someone mentions God, did a priest touch you?

Tell me more about the wisdom you've gained from 22 years of life

>God is love

Baby don't hurt me

Fuck up idiot

> He and everyone that works there understands that they work there on scientific research, separate from any belief.
And that would be because everyone there understands that God and science are incompatible and that God has no place in CERN.
Also I'm not taking it on faith that they're all nice people I'm drawing on my life's experience to make the supposition that most people working on one of the top scientific projects of our age would be professional enough to not bully their co-workers.
Now i may be wrong there but i doubt it since you already told me they don't bully him.

The idea of God is scarier to me than the whole "dying alone in an uncaring universe" thing. Atleast then you're just dead. Obviously horrifying in its own way, but not as much as the alternative.

>old testament
>being a kike
off fuck kike

>Now certainly the thought of God is not gained by an instinctive association of His presence with any sensible phenomena; but the office which the senses directly fulfil as regards creation that devolves indirectly on certain of our mental phenomena as regards the Creator. Those phenomena are found in the sense of moral obligation. As from a multitude of instinctive perceptions, acting in particular instances, of something beyond the senses, we generalize the notion of an external world, and then picture that world in and according to those particular phenomena from which we started, so from the perceptive power which identifies the intimations of conscience with the reverberations or echoes (so to say) of an external admonition, we proceed on to the notion of a Supreme Ruler and Judge, and then again we image Him and His attributes in those recurring intimations, out of which, as mental phenomena, our recognition of His existence was originally gained. And, if the impressions which His creatures make on us through our senses oblige us to regard those creatures as sui generis respectively, it is not wonderful that the notices, which He indirectly gives us through our conscience, of His own nature are such as to make us understand that He is like Himself and like nothing else.

>Conscience has a legitimate place among our mental acts; as really so, as the action of memory, of reasoning, of imagination, or as the sense of the beautiful; that, as there are objects which, when presented to the mind, cause it to feel grief, regret, joy, or desire, so there are things which excite in us approbation or blame, and which we in consequence call right or wrong; and which, experienced in ourselves, kindle in us that specific sense of pleasure or pain, which goes by the name of a good or bad conscience. In this special feeling, which follows on the commission of what we call right or wrong, lie the materials for the real apprehension of a Divine Sovereign and Judge.

Why is Karl so much nicer than Ricky?

Your projecting a lot of emotion onto me that's not at all accurate. I'm actually just quietly sat on a train wasting an hour while i head home from work. I'm not visibly shaking or even mildly irked. This is actually kinda fun to me.

He's not, he picks on Steve all the time

Citation needed.

> It's just old fashioned rebellion against authority
>growing up in a fatherless home

does not compute

We're at the point where the Christians on Sup Forums are just as obnoxious as the Reddit atheists.

Well that's pretty logical, I'll give you that, but then you jump to the idea that the universe is trying to help people and is aware of itself. That's not logical or rational or scientific.

>implying there's any christians here
