Pic related was actually pretty good.
Unpopular opinions thread:
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I just had a flashback to school.
>bring the Simpsons movie in for my year to watch since it was the end of term before we go on our holiday
>I get given the projector remote
>every five minutes I would pause the movie and try to explain the scene whilst my classmates would be shouting at me to keep playing it
>kept doing this until the teacher took it off me
haha classic simpsons
why would you do that user
I don't know.
They were smart enough to do a movie when the Simpsons started getting good again.
A shame they didn't do it within the Golden Era though.
>when the Simpsons started getting good again.
this never happened
Don't be bitter user, it got better after 20
haha le spiderpig xD
it did sort of happen, their were a few diamonds in the rough
season of the witch was fucking kino.
Friends was shit
I thought TFA was an awesome sequel.
it may have gotten better, but it sure as hell didn't get "good" again
Fuck you useless piece of shit kill yourself fucking asshole mouthbreather
wtf I feel better about my autism now, thanks.
it was very cool
Baneposting is reddit-tier and needs to be retired
Jesus christ absolute shit taste
i actually hated it, i got you lol
Is this really an unpopular opinion? I've never seen any actual hate for this movie outside of Sup Forums.
Me personally, I loved this film
i get this reference
Four Finger Discount, a major simpsons podcast, rail on it whenever it gets mentioned
This is what started all the fucking shadows and over design on the characters. It makes Simpsons look ugly and I will forever hate it for that.
I don't know if I ever laughed at this movie once.
The only thing I remember is people were starting to talk about spider pig or schwarzenegger as president.
It was a cheesy and stupid movie, just like all else the simpsons did post-season 9
It got less horrible. There were seriously episode there in the early to mid 00's where there were no jokes and the entire episodes were completely flat. But to say that the movie was 'good' is just objectionably wrong.
Pure fucking kino 2bh
Season 20 was really good.
This isn't unpopular here
And barts dick
Pacific Rim and Kong: Skull Island are better than 99% percent of all japanese kaiju movies
What do they say about it?
What would you try to explain?
What was exactly going on in the scene.
*Angry lizard noises*
Sometimes I think I just don't fit in with all the autists here
I need to go back to r*ddit
You cant possible be serious. Like in the intro you were like "see? Here they are making a extended episode intro"?
Yes. I am so fucking ashamed.
Did you assume your class wasn't good at english?
You really should.
there are better film and tv discussions on reddit
I thought everyone considers it "ok".
Thanks ps regards
I hope your trips help you overcome your shame and also your autism user
I think Sup Forums is better than any subreddit.
Season 20 was the last good season
No it wasn't. I liked it when I was 13, buthe rewatching it now I realize how shit it was.