Gf told me that her best friend is her ex, dump her or am I overreacting?

Gf told me that her best friend is her ex, dump her or am I overreacting?

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If you even have to ask this question then you deserve what’s coming. Have fun, dumbass.

If they're "best friends" eventually something will happen between them again.

gillbert fish funny

If you stay in the relationship for one second longer, you're a complete moron and deserve what's coming.

I don’t really know what to do here, she writes me big long paragraphs about how much she loves me but I don’t know if it’s true or not and I been down the friend road before. what’s the best course of action to dump her without being an asshole

Fuck her good and then dump her

No, shes an idiot and emotionally unavailable. Dump her. Ignore this advice and all similar advice at your own peril.

It really comes down to your own insecurities and the dynamic of your relationship. Would she be worried, insecure, mad, or uncomfortable if your ex was your bestfriend? Are you insecure because you think they still have attraction beyond friendship? Are you insecure being around someone who she fucked? Do you distrust her around him? Maybe they realized they were better as friends and are strictly platonic at this point, in which case you have nothing to worry about other than your own insecurities. You've gotta think about, and answer those questions. If you cant trust her, cant overcome your insecurities, or you wont be able to handle it, you may need to think about leaving her. Get her nudes and share them with us.

Sorry to say man, I have been there, get rid of her it will save you the pain, user

If you're dead set on dumping her then grow some fucking balls, be a man, and tell her why. Tell her that her relationship with her ex makes you uncomfortable. It's really that simple. No one needs a reason to leave a relationship. If one person doesnt want to, or cant be with someone anymore, they arent obligated to give a reason. Just break up with her. I mean, do you really want to tell her you're too insecure and cant handle their relationship? That you dont trust her? It sounds like you dont, so just break up with her.

Ask her how hung he was. If bigger than you then bail

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Do it over a text and post here

Post pics?

if you're just finding out that means she's been hiding it from you. if she's hiding it it's cuz she feels guilty about it. if she feels guilty there's prolly something going on.

dump her ass moron

I’m not deadset on dumping her yet, I very much do have the balls to end a relationship when bs arises and I very much learned my lesson from my last relationship but I don’t know everything about the whole situation, I’m probably a fool for keeping her around after hearing about this but there’s no better teacher than failure and I can always find someone better if I dump her

>mfw my best friend is my hottest ex gf
My advice is don’t break up with her unless you really mean it kek. I’m the one my ex wants to run to, cry on, vent to, and get drunk with when she believes her relationships are ending. It’s ended in a really hot pity bang more than once.

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I still say at least drop a few pics for us here.

checked and this is absolutely true . been there too. even if you do love her. this shit is a clusterfuck of mistrust, betrayel and sorrow that WILL at least emotionally cripple you forever if not even worse. not worth it. end it now. itll be better that way.

Dump her 100%, without question. No need for an explanation. She knows what she's doing. She'll be angry about it. You'll be better off for it.
Even if they never have sex again, think about it. She did have sex with him. She kissed him. She shared a bed with him. She gave up her deepest secrets to him. And she's keeping him around. Even IF(and this is a major if because it probably will) their relationship never evolves into sex again, their relationship will be a hindrance to yours by its very nature. You'll be doing everyone involved a favor by cutting all ties. Respect yourself, for God's sake.

Is she fucking him too?

Smash it while you can, all girls have mileage on them, jump ship if you find something better, end it the second any rumors of her infidelity (true or not) are likely to reach anyone.

Basically, it's easier to get a job when you have a job, and easier to get a gf when you have a gf, it's double bad to not have a gf + be the guy who got played.

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This thread needs more tits, op drop some

Come on, post a pic of this cum dump? Or is it some ham planet?

I’m just keeping her around for sex anyways at this point

Is it a slam piggy?

So what kinda shit does she keep a male best friend around for?

Not a fat bitch but a healthy enough amount of cushion for pushin and yes op is a fag once again I don’t have any pictures but it’s a seen one seen all kind of deal, only thing I can say is go to a chubby thread

No pics? Gay. How chubby is she?

It's a shit test. Fuck her harder and longer.

Fuck the best friend. Establish dominance.

What does she do? Does she work with her ex or what?

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How long did they date? And what's the care that she's best friends with him?

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I'm guessing op is gone?

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Pretty much. More important signs are, does she mostly have guys friends? and what is her general attitude towards other women?

No user you aren't allowed to talk sense on this board.... tits or gtfo

I say do a three way. Fuck them both at the same time.

I think the last line is the most important.

Take a shit on her chest and rape them both.


You know he makes sense. Do this if dubs.

Fuck reroll!

Seriously why does a woman need a man for a best friend? They're probably still fucking while you're out.

Break it off.

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I'm serious op. A woman doesn't need a man for a best friend. They fucking.

Rape them both op! Don't be beta! Unless if you enjoy getting cucked.

If dubs op getting cucked.




I'm waiting to hear the answer to this.


Hey OP, had this scenario happen to me. Yes she did cheat on me with the dude and lied so hard I had solid weeks of content to think about, and how she lied in each scenario. Not worth it imo, and I still have some trust issues to this day when it comes to my now girlfriend. Good luck


I think op is dead.

cucked to death