Rate my boyfriend

rate my boyfriend
dubs gets nudes

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am i too good for him?

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Just looks like an average guy. Nice hairstyle


Depends on your tit

hes really nice but other guys are saying i can do better

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They probably suck each other’s dicks

i have no tits :(
he says he doesnt wanna do anal with me yet and im considering breaking up

Lets see

Show benis

show frontal with no bra but a shirt if you want. you gotta work with us here

no nudes yet i want some better replies
this is as close as you get for now x

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>no tits

Benis! Benis! Benis!

You can do better

How desperate for attention are you

You can do better


get dubs and rate/10 and you can see his
its really big which is why he doesnt wanna do anal hes scared of hurting me

should i cheat on him, dump him or wait

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if you cheat at any point in your life then you're a confirmed slut


Cool larp faggot

Cheat... send him a pic of the dick going in you ass

you are too good for him, he's a 4 and you are like a 7 at the least. dump his ass and post your nudes

i love attention almost as much as i love dick
rate us i wanna know how much better i am than him

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that blunt was smokable for two puffs guaranteed. What a faggot

His appearance is just as disgusting as your personality. I'd say you two are great for each other.

Why he so sweaty? Anxiety?

>bases worthiness of relationship based on other peoples perception

You seem to be a shit human who will probably kill herself by 35 when she realizes she ruined her own life by being a stupid whore

truth in these words

>i wanna know how much better i am than him
nah, you head looks like a square fucking minecraft looking ass bitch

Now show ur asshole pls

Nah man, she'll probably just skate by in life using her body to get what she wants/needs. But we can dream

why is it that girls with heart shaped faces are often the most blatantly obvious narcissists? you and your little face are beyond boring to look at and id say you already know that. but if you chose to go for a better looking bf you wouldnt be as proficient at controlling him. know your worth, know your place.

australia isnt kind
he lives like 40 mins away and its annoying catching the train everytime i wanna visit him

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Tits or leave

He's very effeminate. Probably gay.

>really big
Post kik and I'll show you something really big

Are u tetarded? This is pure larp bro

you're hotter than him. not hotter than me, but we havent seen you naked yet so who knows if you should cheat.

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He can do better. Chola eyebrows

can confirm he is not gay lol but he does look kinda effeminate
he bashed a guy for trying to get with him after telling him he already has me

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we are finally getting somewhere with this thread but we still need to see your tits hoe


Show your asshole


give me some /10s thnx

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finger on trigger/10

you seem hot but he seems gay and like he barely knows what sex is

if you have been cheated on at any point in your life then you're a onfirmed cuck

hahahah i rarely cheat but when i do he forgives me everytime because he LOVES me
he hates it so much but hes so addicted to me i can get away with it as long as its occasional

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lets see you cheating

enough of this larping thread, titties or we out

Looks like a fucking creep tbh, look at those beedy ass eyes, christ

>beedy = creepy
confirmed eyelet

Legit, break up, for both of you.
You can probably do better than this pizza-faced lad.
He can probably find someone who doesn't hurt him and cheat.

Your relationship is inherently dysfunctional. Nope out and be happy on your own.

hate quoting myself but
>if you chose to go for a better looking bf you wouldnt be as proficient at controlling him.
like clockwork. pathetic narcs.

well I'm out, fuck this larping thread

I don't think these needs to be said but: never settle for these shit. NEVER. These type of people is made for pumping n' dumping, gentlemen. Please don't be like like these guy. Focus on yourself and your goals, chiefs. These tits are ephimerous and will wear out in less than 10 years, but the achievements you obtain are forever.

May he find happiness and peace soon.

Right? Poor guy

anther pic pls? i need to jerk off to get some sleep, extra points if its a facial

I know you're a larping faggot, but even if you weren't, why would degrading yourself by taking a strange, possibly std infested dick be funny to you.

I never understood this mentality from women. Theres nothing to be proud of, a woman could literally get dick by walking into the nearest gas station and loudly announcing 'anyone want to fuck?'. I GUARANTEE someone would say yes.

So basically sluts are proud of mistreating the one commodity they have that is worth less the more they use it/as time goes by. Women are so dumb they think they were helped by feminism and this behavior.

To end my rant, here's a PSA for any "real" woman reading this. Your value declines as you age, be a good faithful wife and find a good man that will treat you right before you're too old to attract the type of man you want because they have settled down. Fucking your 20's away and being a liberal career focused woman sounds great, but when you hit 35 and have a few kids out of wedlock and your freshman 50 lbs is nice and settled and you wonder why you cant find a good man, its because feminism failed you.

t.happily married man for over 20 years seeing a lot of women in this situation

Women start going rotten at 27

Let me tell you OP, he looks like a smelly, pot smoking looser. And not the smartest. As far as I can see you could do much much better than this. Only issue could be your personality. But just for the outside, you look great. Now please show full body nude.

he got mad at me cause all my followers on insta are guys. idk how to get female followers and he was being mean so i fucked someone else

also when a guy fucks lots of girls you act like hes a champion but i cant fuck a lot of guys?
thanks xoxo

he would never cheat back on me hehe

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Has to be some sort of bait

>also when a guy fucks lots of girls you act like hes a champion but i cant fuck a lot of guys?
Women have something to lose from being rampant whores thats why its looked down upon you stupid smelly bitch


OP's bf detected

pls be my cuckoldress gf

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8/10 cute, I like his lipstick and choker.

Think for half a second about the dynamic, if you fuck lots of dudes you have faced no barriers to your goal, taken almost no initiative, you just say yes and be degenerate whenever it suits you. If a guy wants to be the same level of degenerate, he has to be MAGNITUDES more valueable and he has to be very good at creating the entire situation. Hardly any guy just gets to show up and say yea and fuck. I dont encourage dudes sleeping around but ITS SO MUCH HARDER it makes it an achievement that gets recognition even if you dont agree with the behavior.

10/10 nice penis. i want to suck him of and let him cooom on me

you get one nip for being funny x
what do i lose

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So your revenge is to degrade yourself with meaningless sex?
>also when a guy fucks lots of girls you act like hes a champion but i cant fuck a lot of guys?
I know feminism tells you these situations are equal. It's not and never will be, and no sjw pandering will ever make it so. If I offered you a handfull of dirt or a handfull of gold, which would you take? Gold is mostly useless, but its worth MUCH more because its MUCH more rare. Remember that gas station story? Reverse those roles and the man gets arrested or at least looked at like an incel creeper. Its HARD for a guy to get laid, so the act is more of an accomplishment. It's EASY for a woman to get laid, so the only thing whoring yourself out is championing is being a dumb whore. Its just the reality of the situation and the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. 50 years of feminism cant change it anymore than it can make women suddenly as strong as men.

Its funny because feminism was supposed to help women but all it did was force them to work, made divorce easier and more socially acceptable(which usually benefits the man, because women still raise the kids most of the time), and made women more likely to put out before marriage.
How is this helping them again? Oh, right they're independent.... except their ex is now fucking a 20 year old while youre raising 3 bastard children.

>no timestamp


cause you got ill let you see another
he would be sooo mad if he knew i was sharing his nudes lol

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Wat we gotta do for some vids

Yeah its some fat dude in his moms basement ranting about the guy he hates because he's smashing his crush.

Somehow I deleted this post the first time.

i dont know how to make webm and it wont let me post vids from my phone :(
got 69**

screw him. he have so nice balls to, did not see them soo good at the first picture. i really want to ride his cock now. wow

You not too good for my dick tho.

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Got kik post vids there

>what do i lose
Self respect, dignity, market value, a potential mate if he finds out and/or gets tired of your shit. Youre also risking pregnancy, STD's, rape and to a far lesser extent other violence like kidnapping/murder, getting a new stalker, etc.

As previously mentioned though, the biggest thing you're losing is time. You wont look like that forever. Every girl thinks they will and then reality sets in and 99% don't. Pregnancy will cause stretch marks and your tits to sag, if natural aging and weight gain doesn't do it first. Your best fertile years are from 18-25, with birth defects increasing significantly after 35. Good men are settling down daily and getting off the market.
I have friends still dating in their 30's and 40's. The stories of baggage and bullshit, headcases crazies, druggies and whatever is left after every eligible person finds someone compatible is not pretty.

Exactly why i said this bitch kills herself by 35 lul

these people are being mean but i’d love to see your ass if at all possible

A nip did it for me. I change my rating to 10/10 for him. His breasts are beautiful.



Agree with

let me get these dubs for yall right quick


too good is dumb we know nothing about you or him.
is he good to you?
do you love him?
do you want a future with him?
for the breaking up thing if you dont like him go for it if its bc hes an average guy dont dump him because of looks thats just petty


He urrrrrghly