There's a girl that is really into me but idk if i wanna be with her in a relationship...

there's a girl that is really into me but idk if i wanna be with her in a relationship. she's cute except for the fact that she has a fivehead that bothers the fuck out of me. what do i do. pic is similar in terms of size (hers is just ever so slightly smaller)

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You're upset because she's smart?

He's still only a boy.

she is smart and I like her soft girl style except the fivehead pisses me off for some reason.

I want to see a picture of you, since you're so hot.

dude, this is 100% a dude, are you blind?

She can probably give you a handjob with telekinetic abilities so I say go for it

Seriously? I am dude. I didn't wanna say because I'm insecure and differences online can lead to conflict. Thanks though. Good to know this random pic is a dude.

I'm not a dude. Get your eyes checked kid.

yeah i mean i asked my sister what she thought of her and she thought the girl looked "alright". just that damn five head. and her nose is not the type of nose i'm into. i actually met her at a frat party because she tagged along with some friends and she was the best looking one in her friend group minus the fivehead.

i've never had a gf before and she really gets cuddly with me. like yesterday we watched the sun go down on top of a parking garage. and the day before we got frozen yogurt and walked around town near my campus.

>i actually met her at a frat party

oh fuck. i thought you were like 12 or something. you are so sad. i'll date her. you're a loser.

and making fun of her forehead just shows you're an awkward, insecure young man.

Id be shooting sticky nerf darts at her forehead all day

I’d be careful. I hear those woman with huge foreheads have Increased intelligence.i also heard they can access parts of their brains normal people can’t. What I’m saying is you piss her off and you might get your dick ripped off by her thoughts alone.

that's true. i am an awkward insecure college freshman. but the thing is im rushing frats this week and if i do get in a frat i could have a larger dating pool and find some rich attractive sorority girl who has a smaller forehead.

bangs. idiot.

Then do that retard. You just answered your own question

This, start fucking her and at some point bring up that she would look cute with bangs.

bigger forehead means bigger brain duh

yeah but she is so attached to me now. always initiates text conversations, talks to me about her favorite movies, shares pics of sunsets she took

Tell her that she'd look cute in bangs/certain hats.

Maybe get a haircut day together, the stylist will know what to do.

I bet she can move things whit her mind

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Make her wear bangs

What the fuck? she looks like a watermelon with blonde hair

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girl im talkin about is like 3/4 of a watermelon

she is an alien from another planet

Hey OP! Has Tranos there got a plan to make half the Universe gay by any chance?

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Dat fukn fivehead tho.
>bonor is kil

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