Hey Millennials-

The Clintons say you are at fault

Other urls found in this thread:


"Hitler says jews at fault" "Jews say Hitler at fault"

We're collective scum, but we have good reasons not to like Hillary.

lmao victim blaming



This, this isn't the 90's all it takes to find out how evil the clintons are is a quick internet search, plus all the anti white shit her and her party spouts doesn't help. Plus she shills for hostile shitskins.

Bill Clinton is senile old fuck.

>grew up with the consequences and aftermath of this faggot
>we are the problem that we dont want 2.0

its the clinton way

Baby Boomers blame Millennials


Good. Spread this around and remind any millennial that votes Democrat is a cuck.

well he's got a point

Bill is trying to save us from her by being unlikable. Slick Willy would never say this shit.

>the eternal boomer

Don't you need to be over 18 to vote?

>need us to elect his bitch wife

Typical boomer scum.


>Millennials have only worked for 5 Years max
>Baby boomer thinks ita their fault

No, Bill really doesn't.

We are here because of Baby Boomers. How can we do anything with no assets to our names?

yeah, of course we're at fault.
never the boomers fault. their parents and children fucked them over with retirement plans that is better than what we'll ever see. after fucking over their parents with shit elderly care they fucked us over with immigrants fucking us over in every way.
to hell with boomers, age war when

They were president for 8 years in the recent past, not us, so I'd say that they are at fault, not us. But in a sense, they're right. Millennials are more likely be be minority, illegal immigrants, unemployed, and socialistic liberal then people over 40. So while I don't think its our fault, I think its true we suck.


yeah fuck you! you created an unsustainable government welfare state while simultaneously gutting our industrial base in the name of short term profits.

Sounds like a great way to get the Millennials to vote for you.