I can be soft, nurturing + gentle but also strict, degrading + humiliating...

i can be soft, nurturing + gentle but also strict, degrading + humiliating. i’m looking for someone that wants me to be in control of them + their money. don’t expect anything in return as this is solely for my gain but if i feel generous i might give you a treat or two for being my good little slut.

submit your worthless life over to a superior Goddess. soon enough you'll be my addicted little bitch, obsessing every single one of my sick, depraved commands.

reach me at arsgoetia#8606. $arsgoetia cashapp.

i'm also willing to sell nudes/feet pics.

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You picked a good place to post OP, whether you're her or a gremlin of hers, or just b8

eh, maybe not, none so far. also gremlin hdjndnd

this is high level retarded.

i honestly just thought it would be a good way to make money

lowkey sage this pls

Fuckin subhuman, get a goddamn job.

You're suppose to draw people in like morons first THEN you hit them the money side of things.

i can't atm so im trying to figure out how to make money until i can ::O i misused sage but jus report this so it can get taken down, im not really about it

tits or gtfo
also checked

honestly i have no idea how it works lol, i was just trying it out to get money but i don't think i actually want to interact sexually w degenerates. i'd get money but i'd lose my dignity as well ::/ report the post pls (it wont let me delete)

Im out from sentence one.

my pea brain cant comprehend what checked means

newfag out

yeah i really dont know how mistresses are supposed to speak so i might have come across as a retard. report the post so it gets taken down pls

kys this place isn't for you

Get fucking cursed bitch, let me show you real power of satanisn

This kind of shit is driven and fed by animalistic motivations. I understand that this is a good way to make money for you right now but seriously, be wary of going too far down this rabbit hole. I've been where you're at, the things you're going to do/see are going to really fuck up your view of humanity. It's not worth two years without a job imo. Do u tho, good luck

Do you? Faggot confirmed.


You need to provide samples first.

Also known as Tits or GTFO

ive nvr seen "checked" + have browsed r9k for years •>• i looked it up though + yEAh lmao it just took a couple replies for me to back out but it's whatever because at least now im not whoring myself out for money ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

kek r9k, no wonder you're posting a misress thread on Sup Forums. mad lad

>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
you are wither 60 years old or 10 years old

tits, cunt

We went from trolling HWNDU and hollywood to this
Good job Sup Forums you did well

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idk Sup Forums is full of degenerates. was worth a shot

i changed my mind, i just need money until i can get a ride for work again but i'm just going to find something else. it wont let me delete the post so im sweating

kek, go study + practice it rather than using it to be edgy "iM gOiNG tO cUrSE yOu". glad that someone caught that though, even if your reply was embarrassing.

this must be a troll or some bitch that tries to make money easily, i accept that, the small fry will bite into that stupid shit eventually

what i'm really interested in OP, is your name, are you just a dumb bimbo thinking demons and satan is cool?
because if you (or anyone else in that matter) wants to learn a bit about our reality (i don't know too much but i need someone to pass the info without the birt and demons that haunt my mind) do contact me

this thread is shit anyone so you fuckers can ask me anything here, fuck it divinity thread

also nice ass OP, nice figure, stop painting your hair like a stupid bimbo

hdjdjdn i actually originally saw the concept of paypigs/etc on twitter, b is full of porn + degeneracy now so i figured to try it. however r9k would have been a good fit as well but oh well
i'm sorry for contributing to the cancer. saw it as an opportunity

post face with timestamp

yeah, some bitch trying to make money easily. + i've been studying theistic/luciferian satanism since fifth grade, however it sounds like it was a bad experience for you. would you care to touch on your personal experience+? i apologise in advance if i misinterpreted btw. also fuck it divinity thread

no thanks, i changed my mind + also not the best idea to post your face to Sup Forums. sorry ;;; A ; `

see last numbers in post funny because it is 11166 so its more number in same

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post feet op I'm horni now

jus report this so it gets taken down pls hdjndn

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well, i was grown in jerusalem, have been here most of my life really, people that are from here are a bit, how to say it, diffrent?
jerusalem folks usually arent really stable, its a real looney bin here.

anyway i had my fair share of doing anything i was warned about since a young age (not irl im honestly a pussy in the real life but when it comes to learning shit i can lose myself)
since a young age i couldnt let go of the wanting of indulging myself in those "amazing powers of divinity with a sword to my belt"
that was how i imagined it, not like the voices in the head, not the lack of sleep, not being stuck like that
i'm not sure if what you learnt really is close to the source but i geuss i was hauanted from the start and didnt stay in the lane so i slipped faster

do stay out of "curses and magic" even if they work they usualy make you pay twice on your own meat, forces of nature and divinity balance the scale while we arent even pawns in this game.

your discord doesn't work, i need to be used

jew magic

post your hair cunny


learning ab it shouldnt have affected you, you didnt participate at all irl+? again, sorry if i misinterpreted, but maybe check + make sure you dont have psychosis+?

trips says post your jew holes and fulfil the prophecy

bitch ofc i has psychosis, its a side effect i geuss
wanted to be a prophet so much it hit me and now i get to be one

report the post so it gets deleted pls

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Fuck yeaah

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hope to see you in a rekt thread some day

Demonic art user here and I just wanna say that schizophrenia is a good time it's a bad time but it's a time alright

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I think they just want you to post in there not be rekt yourself.

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ehhh, i dont see where i got rekt. i'd rather back out than be resilient + carry through w something that could harm my dignity. it's not like i got owned
not sure what you mean+! ::O:

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Idk look Ima be straight up you're good looking and I just wanna let you know that I know that you know that I made this for you only.

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