Thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
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Might be cool. What's the setting cyberpunk, near future, something else?
Printed text is completely obsolete so the story wouldnt' translate well into the modern era
You could have squads burning tablets but I imagine those burn at a different temperature. So you'd need to change the title
>starring Michael B. Jordan as a book
So Equilibrium 2: Electric Boogaloo?
I would really be more interested in a modern approach to the argument.
The problem is that, knowing the industry, it would actually translate in a computer virus that delete internet or some shit like that, so no thanks.
The Irony in all this of course is where black people once were, Oh, about 150 years ago. They were free to do whatever but then they didn't have a place in the world. NO one knew or understood Africa so that was out. So a great many blacks decided the best way forward was to imitate their white counterparts. Some Doctors, and so on and so forth. A few even became scientist. And you know what they got for all their attempts. Threats, ostracizing, attacks, and they were shunned. The only jobs any of them could have gotten was harsh labor jobs, lack luster, back breaking work that barely put food on the table to say nothing of empowering any of them. So it's not like they didn't try to be more than they were. Malcolm X in his book said of how he wanted to be an Accountant and studied accordingly but was told by his teacher that as a nigger, no one would hire him and he'd be better off as a janitor. You and yours literally created the Nigger problem, and now you get butt hurt when one or two of them seek greater things for themselves?
I was never particularly fond of the book. That said, I have no issues in them adapting it for the screen.
One of the potential actors involved is black so of course, Sup Forums is offended. A black guy in 2017.... wow, what are the odds of that?
Wonder if they'll show the city getting bombed in this one
Why didn't they just conquer South America like we did with North America and start their own thriving nation?
putting my life savings on the table that the president will be an evil white guy with funny hair and orange skin
ok poorfag,
3 to 5
Because they thought they'd be treated better once they became intellectuals. Poor things. They actually thought that Imitating the white man would some how endear them to the white man. surely the white man won't act like a bunch of uncivilized monkeys if we imitated him both in dress, grooming and intelligence and professionalism.
We all know how that turned out. American Solider came home from war, World War 1, is immediately attacked for wearing An American Uniform. 14 year old boy who loved reading and adventure is captured by the local Sheriff, branded a murderer, and gets executed. Yeah he confessed but only after he was beaten severely.
Then they forced them into ghettos and Urban areas and told them that this is their hole now. If they left, they'd be killed. Then they stood back and laughed at the self destruction the trapped exhibited.
Why is Michael B. Jordan in every fucking movie!? I hate his fucking smug idiot face, he's so Chad it makes me physically unconfortable to watch.
just make it about data censorship on the internet
Entire black population of the US is 13%~, so 7% of the population is black males at best...
And it's not a black actor being cast but a black actor being cast as the protagonist who rebels against his evil white bosses because of his interactions with a little white girl.
So yeah those are some odds.
We tried that in the imperialism age but that didn't work either.
>Michael B Jordan
this nigger is in everything and can't even act
I wonder if they'll remove the Bible.
why did you use that word? that was uncalled for.
What word? Nice trips but check mine.
>year the matrix came out
>the matrix is getting a reboot
>starring michael b jordan
The hound better be cool
Now you're just being silly. They had the opportunity when the blacks started acting civilized, for lack of a better world. But they didn't want these disgusting looking things immitating them. They wanted them out of sight. It would have been like Every day innocent Jews begging the Nazis to respect them because they're not at all the run of the mill, Jew. They were intellectuals. When the Germans only cared about genocide. White America behaved so much like today's Niggers, that The President of the United States, had to assign An Army to protect a little ole' black girl who simply wanted to go to school to learn.
White America, literally created the nigger problem.
but then the pun with "Fahrenheit 451" goes out the window.
Is this a remake of the Michael Moore classic?
Check your white privilege shitlords
Unless they name the virus that. That's so stupid it'll be exactly what they end up doing.
Neat i guess? Idk if it has an adaptation before and both are good actors.
Its been a long time since I saw it now, but I always had the impression that the maincharacter / fireman was an olderperson who had been through some shit.
Now a young, energetic, handsome black dude.
That's a better argument for the degradation that happened from after abolition to after Jim Crow laws than it is for the progression from the jazz era to modern black culture.
Maybe it's just a story about people who still think books are relevant in the digital age. It may speak against Wikipedia and pretend the internet is purely for cheap entertainment and nothing more.
But that's literally badBraveNewWorld???
Maybe it would be a tyrannical government rounding up electronic devices from everyone who's not authorized to have them. Just say the data storage is totally and irrevocably destroyed at 451 Fahrenheit, no one besides five or six autists will care that it's actually a different temperature or whatever
>gasoline fires can't melt solid states
Bradbury is at his best when writing short stories with little to no socio-political commentary. He has a great sense of nostalgia for the small town childhood he grew up with and explorations of that are pretty solid Americana literature.
He writes somewhat sappy romance stories but many of them, particularly the ones that end poorly (The Swan stands out), are pretty good.
Any time he tries any sort of commentary it's horribly unsubtle. Books are always burned, the 'villains' are always trying to get people to stop imagining things, fiction or stories are conceptually dangerous, etc etc etc... His sci-fi stories are a mixed bag, the ones that are preachy are pretty terrible, but the ones that are just capturing the excitement and imagination of space and the exploration thereof are solid.
To make it relevant for the modern age, make it about the douchebags throughout Europe whose job is arresting their fellow countrymen for "offensive" and "hate speech" social media posts.
I always pictured Guy Montag as older and just a completely average man. Michael B. Jordan is too young and too cool. Plus it opens up a race angle and subtext that I'm not interested in exploring.
I also pictured the setting as retro futuristic. So everything looked like the 50's and all the gadgets and tvs and headphones look like weird 50's version of that stuff. They'll probably just go with a generic future world where everything looks like it was made by Apple though.
>first idea was how manny niggers will put in this.
>2 seconds latter I read the tittle
top kek
Same here, I agree.
Are we sure that's Michael B. Jordan's character and not Michael Shannon though?
>inb4 they completely miss the point and make it about government censorship and fascism
Everyone is reporting that Michael b. Jordan is playing Guy. And Michael Shannon is Beatty.
Well, if you tell a people they ain't shit, and you give them shitty jobs, and the only way they can survive is to literally become bottom feeders and then one day, In comes LBJ who in cahoots with the Jews, for any number of reasons, decides to implement state funded food and board, well, the die thereafter was set and the shit began.
Adams said, "You give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, You teach him how to fish, you feed him for a life time"
Well, I blame white America too because allowed the blacks to get freebies all the while they could have said, "Hey, we're willing to drop this segregation nonsense and hire all these black guys in our secular work places to you know, make them responsible." No, White America was all like, "Great, so as long as I don't have to see or intereact with those subhuman scum then that's just great." Until of course the Jews, who began controlling all media, slowly corrupted not only the music black people produced but also the message. Yup, White America literally, created the nigger problem. The Jews dabbled of course but the good goys enabled it all.