What is Sup Forums‘s favourite drug?

What is Sup Forumsā€˜s favourite drug?

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Cocaine Chloride 87% purity


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Coke or weed

Weed and a cigarette

Hashish master race



My nigga. The numbing effect is on point

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Tears of the civilised

blood of little girls... :3
*yummy yum yum*

Hell of a drug! Iron grip of addiction


weed but I have no friends so cant get much in ausfag land

Used to be MDMA. I don't do anything anymore though. Probably because I got over my depression.



Austria or australia

Ketamine and MDMA

Alcohol. I used to like lsd and weed but then I had a bad time and get mad anxiety when I use either

Yes yes

eurofags say eurofags

weed, 2cb, mdma

The 2CB I got wasn't very good but the vendor was supposedly solid. I am on some medication but it doesn't affect my STP/DOM trips. Which, by the way, is far better than LSD in my opinion.

I may just be over acid though.

based, fellow /fit/ user

Get as high as you've ever been. Wait for anxiety. Get higher. Repeat.
I used to get paranoid and anxious as fuck until i had to smoke way more than i could handle at a party. Every time the anxiety started coming on i got higher. Haven't been paranoid or anxious since.


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Lately kratom weed caffeine and nicotine all day long

Caffeine is the only correct answer, everything else is being a wannabe tryhard edgy faggot


used to be meth then heroin
now coke + alcohol combo and weed at home

meth sketches me out too much i just sit for 10+ hours wanking in my room and heroin i get too addicted to whenever i use it

coke is more functional at parties and weed or hash at home

In my lifetime I've had a problem with meth, xanax, coke, and at times a few other pills mostly opiates. My favorite was xanax. I bought a bottle of 90 green totem poles from a lady at work who had been stockpiling her prescriptions for years without taking them. I intended to sell them. I sold 2 pills and within a few months was taking 90 of them every 4 days or so. I don't consider weed a "drug" so I didn't list it but it'll always be my first love.



>Coke and alcohol.
Best combo. This is for people that know how to party

Single malt, scotch.

i agree with you

based /fit/izen

When I was 16 and therefore legally allowed to drink I really liked alcohol.
But with time being hung over after a wild weekend wasn't really manageable anymore. So I switched to the green gold.

Oh yeah, actually since I met my subissive I think my new favorite drug actually is power/hurting people.

two pussies in one bed

caffeine and nicotine




how did you get over that shit, maaaan

big black cock.

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Well, I am Irish/Native American, so booze is way up on the list for me, but I also like me some weed and mushrooms