Gun to your mother's head, would you rather marry a whore or a slut? Same body count, same personality & looks

Gun to your mother's head, would you rather marry a whore or a slut? Same body count, same personality & looks.

I think I might have to go with the whore. At least she actually got paid/something out of the exchange, and she probably wouldn't have given her heart to those other men whom were just customers whereas a slut likely would have loved a few of them at least.

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I'd take the slut. Slut implies she does it for free, whore implies she gets paid.

Chosen like a true Janny

odd thread, odd timing.

where oh where did YOU come from, mischievous little thread?

Whore. At least she wasn't dumb enough to fuck around for nothing.

I've always been here. What's odd with the timing.

Sluts do it cuz they like it and some of them are even good at it. Fuck 72 virgins, ill take 72 sluts any day. That's the new martyrdom reward for Sup Forums.

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I can't argue with digits.

I was literally just thinking about something sort of tangentially related to your post.

I'd call it a synchronicity, if I didn't know better.

Perhaps we are two of one soul brother

>I'd call it a synchronicity, if I didn't know better
You should know better than to try and know better. My friend, don't kill meaning when you find it. There are many odd little moments in your life that will communicate before they can be understood, if you will let them.

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Whores are more loyal if you a pimp.
Sluts know they can get it anywhere and anytime.
Whores have Stockholm syndrome in the best way.

Whore probably hates men and sex. You want to live with that forever? Slut likes sex... just saying...

it's called zersetzung, a common police state tactic used in east germany post ww2, by the stasi.

It relies on coordinated group efforts and "street theater" to control the social perspective of the target, and paint them in a negative light, as a social engineering tool for total social isolation, and eventually (through gaslighting tactics) complete mental breakdown, so they can be "Committed" to a "Psychiatric institution", like a "gulag"

fun fact: East germany was controlled by bolsheviks from russia.

source of the movie

My mom is a slut, so I’d choose neither.

A whore trades her pussy for money, but a slut would pay you for it if she had to.
Take the slut, at least there's a chance she might love you, but a whore's affections only last as long as the money.

I initially thought whore because she would probably be more loyal, but if they have the same personality then they likely have equal loyalty.

Knowing that, the slut is better. She likely has, at least, some family/career/life achievements. The whore has no skills besides selling her body. At least the slut might have a college degree

Additionally the slut likely has better genetics, but that stretches the definition of “same body”


the bible says that the slut is worse than the whore, because at least the whore is getting paid

after a few dicks there's very little chance she can pair bond with you anyways
just shoot the nigger with a gun to your mother's head desu

Whore. It’s business not personal.

At least she has a job.

get back to r9k and stay there nigger

I'm not getting married again, and you picked the wrong hostage.
Turn 360 and moonwalk away

Slut. They can be retrained with sufficient force, a whore would be like trying to break a captured marine sniper of saying anything but his name, rank and serial number.

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Personally a whore

A slut

But feel free to pull the triggers

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which one?