Anyone else super fucking depressed?
>pic unrelated
Anyone else super fucking depressed?
Just take 2 100mg sertraline tablets, worked for me
I'm supposed to be on meds but cant really afford them.
no, I never get temporary negative feeling states and over think them.
Ah, I see.
Very. Been off work since 11th December. Doctor currently has me signed off until end of February. She doesn't want me to go on meds yet, wants me to try counselling first, but there's a long waitin glist for a counsellor. So, here I am, sat at home all day on my own.
Being away from work helps, but the solutide doesn't. It's not great being alone with my thoughts right now.
Damn that sucks, this is why we need universal healthcare. To bad there is people that like to get scammed by Insurance companies.
I feel you brother, my depression got worse because shit hit the fan yesterday making my normal depressed self even worse.
I just cope with alchol.
I'm currently talking to a girl who is super fucking depressed, she jokes about killing herself all the time and I'm genuinely worried that it will actually fucking happen one day. She's pretty great and we hit it off pretty much immediately but she doesn't seem to want to let her walls down, meanwhile I've been overthinking this for about a month now and it's been absolutely fucking me up.
I can stop when I want, I just want this to last.
In my experience all it takes is one little thing in your life to tip you over the edge and you'll try and kill yourself.
alcohol is bad man. i'm doing dry january and my mood has lifted. i'm still smoking weed a little. so i'm pretty sure alcohol is a lot wose for depression than weed is.
I think about ending it all
every day
I'd go into details
but none of you would
survive reading it
Expect I can't stop drinking because my withdrawals will give me a seizure. I need a type of meds that stop it.
Yeah, Depression + PTSD. Life sucks a little less every day and I'm working again. Baby steps Sup Forumsro.
Weed helps
not a lot, but some
That's grim man, I hope you can get through it one day, It's not a good way to live
Yep. Been going in and out of fugue depressive states. Punched an atm over and over until the screen broke and my knuckles got all cut up, went through random cars in a parking lot to tear up the insides, took a butcher knife to my wrist. In between these I'm drinking to help alleviate the ever growing urge to turn the knife to my throat.
Dont know how much longer ill make it bros.
I know man, I've been ridiculously close myself before and I know how utterly crushing it feels. It really doesn't help because I know that it could just happen one day, especially because she doesn't like talking about her feelings that much and refuses to speak to a therapist.
I know alchol is bad, it pretty much ruined my whole fucking life my family fucking hates me because I get drunk everyday then while drunk I get super depressed and my dad who I live with has to rip a loaded gun out of my hands.
When my dad found me the doc told my dad that I was minutes from death.
Shit man, how are you feeling these days?
Also you're really not helping to reassure me here, I genuinely don't know what I'd do if she does it. First person I've opened up to since me and my ex parted ways like 2 years ago.
Also what was the little thing if you don't mind me asking my dude?
Still fucking depressed as shit but, fighting to find good things about life also, my advice would be not to stalk her but keep a very close eye on her if you can
don't u get fat?
The first time was because we were going to get kicked out of our place and couldn't stand the thought of being homeless again.
I did experience some Weight gain at first ,mainly because you want to eat more.but when the shit starts to work and you feel like 80% of your self before you were depressed, you can start being more Active and do shit again.
That's fucking awful man, depression is a really brutal condition, it just keeps you down and its really hard to claw your way back up. Hope you end up finding something to keep you going.
As for her, I've made it clear that I'd be glad to listen if she ever needs it, and we talk a lot, it's a bit of a weird situation, we are not really officially a thing but we have gotten pretty close but I think she doesn't really know if she wants to try anything due to her state rn.
That's a pretty serious reason I suppose, I'm sorry to hear man, hope you're doing better on that front?
Boys come join this discord for some top tier nudes and vids
I was for a couple of years at the same place but I fucked it all up yesterday and now have 2 months to find a new place.
Tbh I feel like talking to a Therapist is a waste of money if you’re this far down low depressed. You really need to get meds at a therapeutic level first.
Great job faggot
Maybe but part of a therapists job is determining if you need anti-depressants and prescribing them if so
Because stupid me got drunk and wanted to kill myself and my family whos property I live on over heard the camosion and I guess there finally fed up.
It can help in some cases to talk to one but, you have to be super compadable
I'm sorry man
This sounds fucking awful. Do you have anyones place you could crash at for a while if you can't find somewhere?
I have one friend but rules are you can't stay for more a few days.
My family are a bunch of tyrants and only care that I pay rent in the years I lived here they have never gave a single fuck about me or my depression.
What autist compiled this stupid list?
Oldfag here.
I just got diagnosed with a brain condition that is destroying my eyesight; causing migraines and producing a constant loud wooshing sound. The doctors say that I could go blind at anytime so it looks like things will only get worse.
I feel like my life is over and I am so fucking scared and depressed.
That sucks to hear.
Thanks Sup Forumsro everyone in my family is freaking out about it and so I have to constantly downplay how bad things are, so it's just nice to be able to tell someone.
Thats the thing about sites like this and the internet ingenral you can always find someone to talk to.
I guess I'll be heading out thanks for talking to me OP out.
I'm also fucking depressed. Then I realized that looking at things from very up close and really soaking in all the little details felt quite good. Also, I'm a nigger