Post your kik
Oral fixation sissy cuck, pretty useless, come bully me or worship huge cocks together
Pic related is what i wish i looked like
Post your kik
Oral fixation sissy cuck, pretty useless, come bully me or worship huge cocks together
Pic related is what i wish i looked like
That's a child you sick fuck.
She doesn't fuck like one.
Yeah your a fucking paedo go get help before you ruin some child's life for real you sick fucker
Kids love to cum, you're denying them a basic pleasure you arsehole!
I'm the arsehole? Beats being a sick fuck like yourself bye I'm not even gonna entertain you no more. Paedo bear.
I know, what an asshole!
You're not entertaining me, stealing a child's fun is abhorrent!
it's "pedo" you fucking inbred.
Finally someone with some class!
Paedophile is how it's spelt you fucking retard haha
fucking retards should have to take a spelling test before being allowed to use the internet.
Yeah but the correct truncated form is "pedo".
she's like 17
That's not a child
Russians r cool
She is now legal u sick fuck...
Na, simple spelling mistakes sort the wheat from the chaff. I know I am wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a basic grasp of the language they grew up with.
Yeah because a pedo would know how to spell it right. Spot on paedo
Really? What is her name?
you do realize you posted a kik, and that's linked to your phone, so we can find out where you live pretty easy. not that hard to ping a phone. have fun in hell.
A perfectly good Kik thread got ruined for no good reason at all...
Spelt is a type of German wheat. You're just fuckin retarded.
Technically a person attracted to a girl who is between 11-14 is a hebephile.
I hate nonces like you, what makes you feel this way paedo?
Well fuck me I will go get me some spelt to munch on while I sit here laughing in the corner
Trolling moralfags is a perfectly good reason to derail a thread
dc gg/bbGYzd
They're britfails. Superfluous vowels are kind of their thing.I think airplane has like 30 of them.
>Pic related is what i wish i looked like
dunno, she looks like shes a kid, OP
Whoa he’s gonna backtrack you. Consequences will never be the same again
saw someone look just like her in a kik group. #r.apevideos or #r.apeclips or something like that
get help
I went to add you OP but your kik doesn’t work.