Bernie positivity thread.
Say something nice about Bernie.
Bernie positivity thread.
Say something nice about Bernie.
he bowed to hillary, he doesn't look like he'll bow to warren
You can still win the 2016 election, Bernie, I believe in you.
He can shoot hoops
Every day is the weekend at...
The only honest candidate in the bunch
He’s better than Hillary. Better than shit
He only has a 20% chance of dying today
#CNNisTrash is trending on Twitter and the left is starting to finally wake up that Trump supporters aren't their enemy; the media is.
He will die soon.
Hes not literally any other democrat. If you're gonna be a retard at least don't half ass it.
The way CNN conducted themselves in that debate was appalling. They didn't even try to hide their bias. What they tried to do will end up hurting Warren more than Bernie.
Honestly this. I won't vote for him and disagree on most things with him. But he's more honest than any Republican we have unfortunately.
hope the kike dies
I hope so. I hope bernie gets the nomination and that forces the Republicans to run someone that can speak in full sentences.
Berine your ideas are not bad but your too old to run for president
He's healthier than President Lardass McFastfood.
I’d rather have Pete as president
he's not hillary
Only retards would vote for him
I cant wait for him to get screwed out of the nomination again.
Then he can run 3rd party, ensuring Trump victory
(if Bernies heart holds out that long)
You're fucking stupid
He represents Vermont and I fucking love it there.
according to sanders, white people don't know what it means to be poor
I white, im poor according to sanders i am don't exist so whatever he do against poverty will have little to no effect on me
So Fuck him
I hope Bernie wins so he can put more funding into public schools so I don't have to read incoherent comments like this anymore.
"The left" have always known this
The right need to wake up and realise the rich arent their friends, other workers are
He's not Drumpf
Jesus user you didn’t have to tell us how poor you are we would have figured it out after reading your illiterate ass post you inbred piece of shit
I hope he wins.
Hence the heart attack. Fucking retarded socialists.
They've spent 150+ billion more on schools and results have gone down
Ok comrade
Trump's already got one foot in the grave.
OK, Boomer
Is this comment supposed to be ironic or something
Can somebody give me a tldr of what CNN did?
He's the world's only hope
he'll lose with dignity
Cückiest grandpa I ever had
this is actually kinda cool. shilly as fuck but still cool
Top Zozzle ®
>1992- Attack of the Clones
>could not help but insert Hillary's picture
She lost. Get over it
Im sure he'll read this
Framing questions to make comrade sanders look bad.
I’m actually on his side on this one.
Asked him something along the lines of “yo why did you say a woman couldn’t be president” to which he replied “I never said that” and pointed to proof.
The moderator then asked warren “what did you think when Bernie told you a woman couldn’t be president”
USA's only hope.*
Developed nations upgraded to democratic socialism decades ago.
He always has sugarless candy
He owns a Ferrari.
Poor fag just like u n me
Damn, they're not even trying to hide it at this point. Please tell me the libcucks aren't actually defending this fuckery
fuck the old commie cunt
Remember when his own party flew in the face of democracy and conspired against him? That alone should get him major points
He gets around OK for an old bag of shit!
I think everyone is in mutual agreement that CNN and the media is fucking trash.
What party? He's an independent.
pic related
Wasn't he saying just a few years ago how America should be more like Venezuela? You know, before the socialists there began disarming and murdering their own civilians? But oh wait, that isn't real socialism anymore, real socialism is a fairy kingdom where everything is free and no one gets sick or arrested and nobody has to work or do chores.
I feel like Bernie would let the purge happen. He's such a pushover
So we should vote him in because we feel sorry for him?
The libertarian left are useful fools who are always the first to be killed and arrested by the authoritarian left immediately after the revolution. That's literally how it happened in every socialist revolution in the past 150 years.
Nice Dick
So many questions needed to unpack that sentence. Please answer these, accurately and without memeing or trying to deflect:
>'They' who?
>Over what time period?
>Does that represent an increase or decrease in per-student funding?
>By which metric have which results gone down?
Name a socialist revolution.
This person obviously knows nothing about good and bad ideas
He'll die sooner than later.
Take it to pol, faggot
Old commie should die soon
And that's why he will never have my vote.
He would have beat Trump last election but he's spineless so unfit to be commander and chief.
>Yes I know communism was a dumpster fire for the past 100 years but this isn't communism, it's alternative communism! It's exactly the same except the bad stuff won't happen because we say it won't. Trust us.
Bernie is adopting policies from Norway, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia ect. What you just said is completely off the mark.
Google democratic socialism before you reply to me with something retarded
The libertarian left were not the first to be arrested nor killed. So the post is objectively incorrect.
Shit, as in an actual turd. Doesn't even have to be solid.
Is better than a Clinton
Define socialism, from a dictionary or encyclopedia or, better still, an academic journal of politics.
Bernie is opposed to free market capitalism. Norway and Sweden are some of the most free market capitalist countries in the world. Bernie wants a system like Venezuela, with a centrally planned economy and a forced redistribution of land and wealth.
As with Rick and Morty - I like him, but the fans are creeeeeepy.
A system of economics wherein the government controls the means of production and enterprise, and runs vast welfare programs so most people are completely dependent on the government for survival.
Take it to pol faggot
I know exactly what socialism and communism is. So does out comrade from Vermont
They definitely didn't imprison and kill the libertarian left first. Mostly they imprisoned the right wing and murdered right wing political groups until they fucked up with the genocide. So again, the post in is wrong.
Bernie doesn't want a system like Venezuela, stop spreading this shit.
Even back in the 90s - the Republicans were painting Bill as a dyed in the wool screaming liberal, which is something he never was. He was a moderate-to-conservative neoliberalist; read up on the "Third Way" for more background. I voted against Hillary in the primaries because she still mostly espouses that nonsense.
No dictionary defines socialism as that. Nor any encyclopedia. Try again.
So pretty much the exact thing liberals pretend to be fighting, corporate controlled government.
What I'm saying, you pedantic bitch, is that before those socialist revolutions you also had starry eyed academics who were convinced they could avoid the excesses of soviet style communism. Then after the revolution those academics and activists were some of the first to be targeted by the secret police, because they were in the best position to criticize the state.
No. You don't. Nobody has ever copied the actual definition in these threads. You fuckers always deflect or make up what you think is the right definition on the spot, almost always something like , which is incorrect.
He looks great for a guy about to lose the primary & keel over and die
Except that isn't what happened in either of the cases cited so far. Name another socialist revolution. We'll take a look at who they targeted first.
I was born in the USSR.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Communism is shit.
The American neo-liberal is an ironic fascist. Vying for global socialism instead of national socialism
PS. Che Guevara executed faggots.
In order for me to accept your statement that goes against my beliefs, I will need you to provide evidence of your claims
I will accept no less than:
>A video taped confession by the leaders of each group that they targeted the libertarian left
>The tape most be verified by CNN
>The exact dna sequence of each victim
Any less than that and I will reject your argument and tell you to try again
many Germans dont wana gas peopel and war , we know wat happend
Alright, I'll bite. You go ahead and tell me what your preferred definition is. I would also appreciate some examples. I don't understand how Norway can be listed on an example of successful socialism when they're rabidly capitalist, and the PM of Norway has specifically asked bernie bros to stop calling his country socialist.
There is no such thing a democratic socialism. Those places are free market economies with insane tax rates to support welfare.
Ask any economist and they will tell you that democratic socilaism is only a theory stay on the drawing board, and never be implemented. The reason is that all human activity is economic, so to control an economy, you must control every aspect of people. That is why planned economies always lead to tyranny. there is no way around it. The more you would try to implement democratic socialism, the more it would fail.
Bernie does not want norway's policies. part of his 100 day plan is to nationalize banks, transportation, energy, etc. there is nothing democratic about that
ps fuck you
He didn't have any control over that though. The DNC chose Hillary and that was it
berny staffer say diffrent
Yes! You can live in a capitalist country and still adopt certain democratic socialist polices like the countries I mentioned thats why they are thriving and ahead of the US.
If you want more welfare, just say that. A welfare state with free market capitalism and personal liberty is not socialism.