The Cloak & Dagger trailer just dropped..
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger Official Trailer
Marvel shows keep getting worse
Looks like some lame teenage drama shit instead of cool superhero stuff.
Gonna pass
Looks fairly interesting
Hard to get a good idea of what exactly their powers entail from just the trailer though
how is she so fucking beautiful
Goyim Cinematic Universe continues.
"I'm afraid if even if you do everything perfectly, I'm going to lose you"
"Don't shoot!"
Wooow BLM shilling hard in just the trailer
no one called it KEKED and BLACKEDer yet?
>interracial relationship series
>not porn
why watch?
Looks good. Hyped.
Im sure there will be some softcore stuff, dont worry
i hope they're gonna have hot steamy sex and olivia is gonna get stabbed with his black dagger ;)
It's like The Runaways, except now Cloak and Dagger are the Runaways.
I've liked those two since I was a kid reading comics, but this looks bland as hell. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
Pure coincidence, arent you sleepy? Lets go to sleep.
people see a marvel logo an immediately get hyped for no fucking reason, if that logo wasn't on the trailer no one would give a shit, it would just be dismissed as another bullshit love story
>And his name was?
Olivia holt is damn cute!
Well it is on Freeform so that's exactly what it's going to be.
Let's see how many white boys get angry when Tandy gets blacked
Let's not jump to conclusions here
Anyone who still pretends that comic books aren't infantile propaganda just got blown the fuck out.
That gif is stupid a shit. Delete it
fucking KYS you beta cuck
Jesus christ, Sup Forums really has stooped to an all time low. Marvelcucks getting triggered makes me happy.
I'll trigger my semen in your butthole!
>not being a tinfoil means youre triggered
who's really triggered here?
>calling childish cartoons childish means you're tinfoil
Yeah, no. Cartoons are for kids. If you masturbate to that shit then that's up to you. I'll call you a pathetic loser for even caring about that shit and i'm right.
But that looks like shit OP
This was inevitable. I remember reading cloak and dagger and thinking it was a cool concept as a kid.
Unfortunately they just had to release it at peak shill levels so I have to suffer through endless prolonged BMWF sex scenes instead of a substantial plot or some decent character development.
are you sure youre replying to the right person?
Looks nice, shame it's almost a year out. I'll watch it for Liv
I don't need to tell you what a faggot you are. You already know.
>being so triggered you dont even know who you sperg out to
youre as bad as the alt-right cucks
>cloak and dagger
more like cuck and nigger
You keep repeating the word triggered. Do you think that saying something over and over again means it's somehow true? Laughable.
Tyrone is going to be gay.
This looks fucking shit. Lame teenage drama.
That fails on so many levels.
Dagger is the white girl.
And who is the cuck.
hahaha no
marvelcucks BTFO
I for one can't wait for the endless cuck threads
Its not an original property marvel is making up for a tv series, dipshit. No matter the production company there would be roughly the same level of interest there is now because people love capeshit even if they dont read it
Aren't black women pissed they pair black men with whites all the time?
>getting some real SJW vibes
>think Cloak was probably a white superhero in the comics
>comic was made in 2016 so it's an original black superhero
Eh. I guess it's still influenced by SJW stuff but at least they're not changing existing comics and made some new entirely. Show looks pretty crap though.
Threads by morons. Who the fuck is being cucked?
She's a runaway that turns to prostitution. She doesn't have a boyfriend or husband. So I repeat... who's being cucked?
are you serious? is it worth a read?
It's you, user. You're the cuck.
Yep, but it's the jews that make the rules and they just can't stop shoving BMWF down our throats. Fun fact, this comic is written by a jew. Pure coincidence.
The Comic was not made in 2016. It was created in 1982.
Cloak was ALWAYS black male. Dagger was ALWAYS white female. They never started as a love interest, hell that didn't happen until the late 90's.
>comic was made in 2016
>comic was made in 2016 so it's an original black superhero
factually incorrect
>Cloak and Dagger first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (March 1982).
I'm not dating her, so no I'm not.
>his name is unironically Tyrone Johnson
t. marvelcuck
Oh my bad. It was created in 1982. I misread the wiki.
t. moron.
and his power is literally darkness
post qt olivia and her feet or pusy
you shut the fuck up, Olivia is pure
So Iron Fist bombed hard and probably tanked Defenders as a whole, now they want to try the CW route since those shows are way more popular. Shame this shit looks unwatchable
Can't wait for black people to pick up on this and start mentioning it in social media.
>ey yo my boy Tyrone about to CLOAK yo ass
people are fed up of the same white dude hero
it's refreshing to see a white woman with a black man. it promotes diversity and that is why i love marvel and im not ashamed to be a fan of theirs.
Iron Fist had a bad critical reception, but didn't actually do poorly at all in terms of shit tons of people watching it. Cloak and Dagger also isn't a part of all the netflix shit. It's on "Freeform" whatever the hell that is
Netflix presents Marvels: Blacked
cumming next summer
I know this is bait but get fucked.
>it's a blonde rich white girl saved from a white rapist by a black man from the ghetto named Tyrone who is a good boy but gets shot at by a white cop even though he didn't do anything episode
And that's just the first episode.
>implying this already wasn't already in the pipe line and being filmed before iron fist was released
learn how shit works you idiot
Iron Fist is actually one of the most watched Netflix series ever, it was a huge success. Only critics didn't like it. It was actually their most successful marvel property to date;
Only (((critics))) had a problem with iron fist. It's a shit tv show but the reviews it got was just political nonsense and doesn't reflect what real people who aren't SJW faggots think.
>It's a shit show
>They should have given it good ratings anyway because it has a white lead character and I approve of that
You're the new SJW. Congratulations.
You are really confused.
Oh well enlighten me again on why the reviewers should have given this show good ratings when you yourself said it was shit. Which it was. It was fucking terrible.
I never said that, you're the mentally ill faggot who drew that conclusion.
It's a martial arts show with absolutely awful stunt coordination so it's total garbage. It's shit because of bad martial arts not because of "muh whitewashing" by casting a white character white
olivia is pure and needs to be protected from that strong virile masculine black male
he will break her pusy if he gets the chance!
we aryan warriors must protect our women's tight pink pussies from being stretched out by strong big black penises!
You said "the reviews it got was just political nonsense"
So it was a terrible show that got terrible reviews but somehow those terrible reviews are related to your political opinion?
If your parents could read your posts they would probably wish they aborted you when they still had the chance.
White women belong to African warriors white boi.
Accept it.
No you lobotomized retard. The critics attacked it for the "whitewashing", meaning they hated the show for political reasons instead of hating the show because it was in fact shit. They would have written the same reviews even if the show was actually good because they don't actually care about quality, just politics.
Try again.
>his name is literally Tyrone
Her entire genetic history got cucked.
More nigger bullshit
Why did they pick the most fuccboi looking nigger they could find instead of another Luke Cage?
Not a very convincing bull at all.
They do, they really do.
If you were to rank them from best to worst it would literally be the same as if you listed them from oldest to newest.
But I still doubt Cloak and Dagger can be as bad as Iron Fist
im satirising stormblinas and infering this is the entire sentiment behind their ideological views
fear of black masculinity.
notice how most of them spam "colonised" memes and actually act as if it were a good thing to see WM/BW couples because the opposite is so prevalent!
that just goes to show they arent against race mixing, but care for white male sexual hegemony in all their microdick impotency.
also notice how nothing will rile them up more than showing a BM/WW couple, even though any other instance of a white person race mixing acomplishes the same unwanted effect according to their ideology. why? because they're pathologically obsessed with the concept of black male masculinity and desperately wish they held that status.
It's not about "le penis meme". Europeans have been slaughtered in Africa, enslaved in middle east and our jobs are send to Asia. Meanwhile there is a sistematic population replacement going on in the Mediterrean.
And the media is trying to make us accept that as natural shoving propaganda down our throat.
>interracial propaganda
Fuck off kikes
In the source material he's a friendzoned beta orbiter while Dagger sluts it up with other guys.
So you're outraged by some bloggers who had a different opinion than you, and you believe that they would have given this show bad reviews even if it was good.
You truly live in a world of make believe and this is on par with the dumbest SJW bullshit.
Look at this cuck lmao
People are sick of BMWF couples because it's too stereotypical and it gets old. No one is "afraid" of black masculinity. It's just such a meme at this point that it's comically tragic. You just resort to muh dicking? What a fucking travesty cuckposters like you are.
Literally (You)