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Other urls found in this thread:

He's just into murdering Democracy.

No he’s just into making America Russia’s bitch

wat? lol


Russia? That's a funny way to pronounce Israel.

Posting this just in case anyone is compelled to do so...

Attached: Saying Libtard.jpg (600x450, 60K)

over 80% of Americans are overweight, with 33% being obese. Americans on both sides of the fence are killing their kids with shit diets and shit education.

But that doesn't stop Americans being paranoid with each other, to the point they think they are patriots to the US but yet shit on the 1st Amendment by attacking those who voted for the other party.

Also the fact Americans are brainwashed into voting either Republicans or Democrats because they think they can't vote for anyone else.

They cry all the time about corporations in control etc, but wont vote for 2 new parties in the final run up to the POTUS being elected, which means 2 years later new Senate and new Congress.

But hurr durr dum dum yanks don't understand shit.

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in his defence, he isn’t, and also democracy IS flawed.

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OP, if you Reich-wingers got your way and people didn't ever have children if they couldn't afford to raise them, two things would happen:

>not only would the populations of the slums & barrios decrease, but white trash trailer park populations would decrease as well
>with the disproportionate distribution of wealth we currently "enjoy" in America, eventually the human race would die out. Pic related.

The first point is rendered moot by religion. Not only the bullshit argument that "muh fetuses R ppl 2" (protip: they're not), but all the social mores and guilt religion heaps on everyone* compels people to do things "because it's the right thing to do" even though they may very well KNOW they can't afford it, don't really want to do it & are only doing it to keep from being ostracized by family/friends.

*I'm not a Christian, but I'll be damned if I don't feel like I'm being subjected to Christian values every fuckin' day just by walkin' around & talking to people. This is more pronounced at the end of the year with Christians and their one-sided "war on Christmas".

The second point is rendered moot thanks to "muh capit'lism" and the retarded idea those on the right are too stupid to appreciate: that socialism = / = communism.

Attached: If US land mass were distributed like US wealth.png (500x442, 78K)

Found the Jew

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You mean an overpopulated planet would start producing less people, especially one that likely won't make significant contributions to it?

are you
faggot yanks
always crying
about your
shitty cuntry
thinking you
are rich
cant afford
health care
cant afford
decent food
always snowflaking
in these
threads your
cuntry is
fucking shite
nobody cares
about trump
nobody cares
about clinton
nobody cares
when faggots
shoot american
kids less
faggots on
this planet

Found the cunt.

I'm not liberal but I'd like to see A LOT more, all of them in fact, black and brown babies aborted

Thads why i like him

Attached: trump 1.jpg (600x400, 30K)

>People believe this

Damn, wool over eyes here guys.

Oh thats good op, that a great come back. Keep making leftist defend baby murder.

Some of them might grow up to be hot.

Trump's honest?

Pic related: the only honest statement involving Trump anybody in America should care about. The fact that they don't is astounding.

>posted here
>couldn't agree with you more

Attached: Trump & sons.jpg (564x579, 60K)

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Found the fascist.

BTW, nothing in the post I wrote above has ANYTHING to do with Jews. For you to make that kind of a connection, that's really reaching, Sup Forumsro.

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Take it to pol you faggot


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Trump is alright for a jew lover.

But let's not pretend we don't know what the real root of all America's problems: non-whites (excluding certain Asians).

• In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12
times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of
another race.
• In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved
blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black
person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was
eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
• In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than
a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
• If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
• In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and
robbery by 90 percent.

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That's a lot of words just to tell us you're a moron and also a piece of shit.

Remember that it was white people who brought black people here.

I’m right leaning, but seriously fuck unborn kids. The world is crowded enough and motherfuckers on the right like to bitch and moan about people not being raised in the traditional sense with two parents. Like ok, so you want to make sure that doesn’t happen?

I find it funny that the board with the most porn and the highest amount of coomers is also the board with the most democrats, commies, socialists, anti-whites and people who condone degeneracy in general.

You all deserve to be cleansed. 1488.

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Jews don't count as white people bud.

hahahaha facts making you cry nigger boy?

Hes a corrupt liar just like his "opposition."

Wake from your slumber
45 will put us under
Can't you hear the distant thunder?
I am sure.

Are you fucking retarded or something lmfao you're loony as fuck, dude.

He’s admitted to paying fir an abortion for one of the women he fucked while married to his current wife. By your logic he has killed more babies than most liberals.

Abortion doesnt stop the growth of single parent or foster/adoption kids.
Slash welfare, disincentivize single motherhood, the rates will fall.

yes. reverting to insults because you have no argument against that guy's case. just the way i like it hahahahha. why can't you admit that niggers like you are a detriment to society?

Who cares, asshole?


Honestly abortion is one of the only good views liberals hold.
Have you seen how many abortions black women get? I don't know how we'd cope with any more little niggers running around.

Pretty sure trying to start a war is as close murdering babies as it gets

Bro Jews were the ones who brought slaves to America, not white people.

>calls someone a nigger
>proceeds to bitch about being insulted

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im not bitching lol he can insult me all he wants. all im saying is that by doing so he shows that he has no argument and is low iq. what are you gonna do about it nigger?

Abortion has helped.
Slashing welfare would help more I think.

This. It baffles me how so many whites believe that blacks should have the right to live around us. All they do is swallow welfare and decrease the national IQ average, not to mention the violence they cause daily. The world should be focusing on the rapid overpopulation of Africa first and foremost compared to any other problematic event. Nuke the whole continent.

I'm sure you have a much better argument and higher IQ throwing around ignorant ass words like nigger at people you don't even know, my guy.

Isn't winter break supposed to be over? It's 7AM, you have to start getting ready for a long day of high school.


lol nigger just refute that guy's argument or shut up. it's that simple.

killing terrorists is WRONG it will get us into WAR and soldiers will DIE

but if u kill ur baby to become an actor in hollywood its ok :)

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He's murdering babies in Iraq, Syria and next Iran.

blaming "war on Christmas" on Christians is a very Jewish talking point
you're looking to confuse some kids but they see Trump and they enjoy his banter
go eat some pizza while you can schlomo

Black elites enslaved lesser blacks, sold them to Arabs & Jews, who then sold them to Europeans/White Americans.
Is this not common knowledge?
Even MLK talked about this...
How old are you?

and this is meant to be a bad thing?

What argument does he have? Made up crime statistics? I guarantee you he (probably actually you samefagging) doesn't hazive a single citation aside from

And? What's your point? White people still brought them here as slaves and then have the nerve to bitch about black people being here.

Whiteness is equivalent to IQ
So Jews have higher IQ
So Jews are whiter than white people.

This is what liberals actually believe.

> Fuck Trump what a dictator!
How do you mean?
> You know! The awful stuff he does!
Like what?
> Like all his CRIMES
What crimes, exactly?
> you know, his crimes! The ones they're always talking about on TV!
Yeah but can you name one? Why is he a dictator?
> omg what are you a racism?

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made up crime statistics? nigger even blacks and white liberals like you acknowledge those statistics? they just excuse it as a product of 'white supremacy'.
these statistics come straight from the fbi? you gonna accuse them of lying?


I would be my life savings this guy has had more than one of his spawn aborted in the last 15 years.

My point is that Jews brought them to America and THEN sold them to white people you idiot.
Am I misunderstanding what you're saying or are you one of those retards who think Jews are white?

This just in: crimes aren't really crimes.

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Donski trump is our first nigger president.

All I'm saying is that I notice a distinct, convenient lack of citation on his end.

This just in: people who hate Trump don't have any specific issues against him, they just don't like his vibe which has a lot to do with the fact that every media outlet in the world other than Fox ridicules and condemns him literally 24/7

I guess I was misunderstanding what you were saying, as you included Arabs in that statement so I assumed you meant in between Africa and America they were shuffled towards the Middle East.

Go back to Sup Forums faggot.

Go back to r e d d i t, literal faggot.

literally googled "fbi crime statistics by race"

what are you gonna say now?

Either talk about the subject or piss off.

Nobody wants to watch one asshole telling another asshole where to go.

we're not overweight, the rest of y'all are just malnourished

Good. Now we can agree that it is vital to American society that all blacks should be deported back to Africa where they belong.

That was bill you moron

>40% own Texas' mexican encrusted penis

Sup Forums ... go there faggots

Back to Sup Forums with you homo

> newfags telling me anything
niggerfaggot I've been shitposting on this imageboard since i was a teen NEET and now I'm a god damned divorcee boomer. KYS you are self/ make me/ commit sudoku immediately

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I think you'd find that there are plenty of specific issues they have against him, if you were willing to listen.

Are all of those reasons intellectually valid? Not really, a lot of it indeed just comes down to them being angry that the president doesn't kiss SJW ass. But just as with any president, there's as many valid reasons to not like him as there are reasons to like him.

I'll admit this Trump Derangement Syndrome is pathetic and getting out of hand, however.

He supplied Saudi’s weapons to kill 30 kids on school bus so that’s a months worth

Nobody wants to see 90 threads about retards discussing shit they can't change 90 times a day either cocksuck

> I think you'd find that there are plenty of specific issues they have against him, if you were willing to listen.
Hey look at all those specific reasons you just listed, just like how everyone who says this about him is always specific!

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The b in Sup Forums stands for random you imbeciles. Mad cause this is taking up one of your precious trap porn threads? Boo hoo. Coom somewhere else faggot.

Let people kill the unborn I don’t give a fuck. This place is overpopulated anyway.
Also, the rich aren’t your enemy. Stop being a jealous faggot


Porn threads are just as annoying as Sup Forums posters, random isnt90 of the same shit everyday.
>butthurt cus no one cares

Sorry it’s not a thread with pictures of dudes tucking their dicks between their legs and other dudes fawning over them and pretending not to be gay.

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Apology accepted, now back to Sup Forums with (you)

>Sup Forums ... go there faggots
I can't go back, I was banned for 3 days for posting pic related

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That's gay bro

> 50% of this thread is gb2/pol > no > yes > no u

I wasn't trying to list examples, to be fair. That's not my job and I'm not a Trump hater. I was merely suggesting that you pay attention instead of assuming nobody has valid reasons to dislike someone that you personally like.

Not all of them are valid and most of it is batshit insane snowflakery. But you cannot possibly reasonably say that there are zero reasons to dislike him as a president.

That was the point
Trump isnt random, hes gotan entire board just for him, go there

Only babies?

According to people who oppose the 1st A, the 2nd A, the Electoral College, and who employ Impeachment as a political weapon.

Attached: EOU6fOwWAAATboF.png (559x768, 461K)

There is 0 reason to dislike him as a president
>said it

> doesn't like this thread
> so he posts 40 posts telling it to go away
kek get a load of this faggot

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Do you tell off all the porn threads with this much samefag complaining? They all have specific boards too.

Sounds like you have your fingers in your ears just as much as anyone who dislikes him does.

>Lalalala I can't hear youuuu MAGA 2020

is just as willfully ignorant as


So at least you and liberals have that in common.

State one good reason to dislike President Donald Trump, without:
> being vague
> attacking his demeanour, appearance, speaking style
> generalizing
> character attacking his supporters