Anybody have interesting stories you can share from 2000-2008 about limewire/kazaa ect

Anybody have interesting stories you can share from 2000-2008 about limewire/kazaa ect

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I asked my friend to download Resident Evil movie... As we sat down to watch it, it turned out to be porn of course.

I was playing with my older cousin, until I stopped and she asked me to continue, I didn't; she got angry

lol what does this mean

>Ride my bike to the internet cafe two towns over each Saturday morning
>$5 gets me an hour of music downloading goodness
>Used Bearshare, Kazaa, and Limewire depending on which computer they put me at
>Usually left alone, sometimes people around me would play Rainbow 6 on LAN
>There is a sign that says "No Torrenting Under Any Conditions" and it's a rule, so I had to be sneaky
>Watched people get kicked out over it before
>I'd let a few downloads start, then goof off on Runescape or something
>One day, get the idea to search for music libraries
>Get a few started
>Employee walks by, sees me minimize the torrent program
>He throws a fit, says their ISP has been on their case and they cant allow it
>Starts yelling at me in front of everyone else
>Apologize, exit
>He throws me out and says he is putting my name on the banned list

A week later, I went to visit again hoping a different employee would be there. Big sign out front that said "closed permanently."

Turns out one of the employees was downloading CP and the place got nailed and shut down.

In the Morpheus days I tried downloading the movie Seabiscuit... It took nearly two days to dl, and when I opened the file it was just a crying slut getting fucked by a horse.

Also, vividly remember the accidental 'r@ygold' download(s) that fucked me up for life.

I kinda miss the P2P days from the early 00's.

No fucking way.. and it was confirmed what he was downloading ?

Holy fuck was it that bad on those streaming services ? A horse fucking her ? And yesterday there was a thread talking about this and user mention the name “r@ygold” but didn’t elaborate on who that was .. who or what was that? Please tell

It was a small town, and it was the talk of the town. I doubt there are any searchable articles on it but it made the local newspaper.

The owner reopened about 5 years later but had very strict rules and the place lost popularity.


My interviewer at the FBI about shit himself when I truthfully answered how many songs I illegally downloaded

OP here
I ask for these stories because I find them fascinating. As around that year I was only 12 and wasn’t tech savy at all or owned a computer so now hearing about all this I feel like a whole era went over my head

And you're complaining?

Dem dubs but still don't believe.

I just got viruses from limewire, then never bothered using limewire. Now it's so easy and everything is virus-free. It's great

First source for mp3s, I used WinMX a lot before Kazaa. Used to do it at school because nobody really even knew what p2p was.

Later on Kazaa got so much viruses and fake movies in their content that I stopped, seeing how torrents were not only more reliable but faster too.

Everything was available, from movies to games to music to books to porn to CP. VERY illegal content was a nuisance, it was everywhere, even if you didn't look for it.

t. 33yo

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Something similar happened to someone at the internet cafe I posted about.

I was in the middle of an R6 match when everyone started making sounds of disgust. Someone off in the corner got the ol switcheroo and unfortunately for him the volume was maxed.

You could usually tell if something was a trap because of filesize. 700mb for a movie was probably ok. 40mb, not likely ok.

I remember music having embedded ads in it too. Soilwork Stabbing the Drama bad one in it, and even to this day when I hear the song in full, I get flashbacks...

>Holy fuck was it that bad on those streaming services ? A horse fucking her ? And yesterday there was a thread talking about this and user mention the name “r@ygold” but didn’t elaborate on who that was .. who or what was that? Please tell

R@ygold = pizza videos

No, Mr. FBI, I don't have any

It was a 'cast of the die' sort of thing 20 years ago. Fun times, really...

Just Google 'r@ygold' because I'd rather not explain it.

Anyone used imesh? Was good at the time too, circa 2004/05. Actually i remember downloading some rurouni kenshin ovas and instead it was a gore video lmao

Wow I see Internet cafes was the place to go and download a bunch of music, I’ve never been to one unfortunately I hear they’re cool spots to just chill and game

That’s insane

Bro, you're speaking my language... Fun days, but sort of frightening in retrospect.

Yeah I just googled it the guy looked creepy and off, why would anyone allow him to babysit, blows my mind. Anons another thread mentioned how bazaar some of the video were I couldn’t believe it. And this was all being openly downloaded. My question was why they would stream it on to a music platform what’s the purpose besides shock factor

They were. I still have a stack of CDs that I burned each time I went. They didnt have rules at all when they first opened. $5, and you had full freedom. It wasnt until people started abusing things that rules were instituted

>Computer hogging, going over your hour
>People spilled drinks on keyboards
>People stole keyboards and mice
>Someone slapped a keylogger on a few PCs and took credit card data from people who were shopping online

I’m 24, so I was kinda young when all this was going down and probably missed out on the golden age

But I remember there was a popular band a lot of people in my school liked, I think it was some sort of like nu metal or screamo. But when you would search there names one of the top results was a song not by them, incorrectly labeled as their song. So like 30% of the school had this weird bop of a song that was good, but no where near what we were looking for. No one could ever find the original artist either
It was like some small town mystery

How bizarre were they? Describe

>be me
>12 years old at the time
>use limewire on grand mothers comp (the only comp in the house)
>downloading music off the lime
>sampling a bunch of songs
>see babyj - [jibberish]
>downlaod it and not realise it's a .mov
>it plays right in front of my dad
i got lucky and he saw that i was just randomly clicking, he fully wiped that computer later that day
>yes it was disgusting

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That’s so cool man.

I used several over the years including limewire, and imesh.

My favorite was mp3rocket though because it was the only one that I didn’t have virus trouble with.

Can anyone please tell how do you cover your tracks if your torrenting stuff these days?

That’s fucking crazy if it’s what I think it was judging by the title

use mcdonalds and a hat

what funny is i still have music i downloaded from it to this day, good ol shit tier mp3's

R@ygold was just cp, if you searched it in kazaa or whatever you'd get a bunch of cp vids

Use a vpn
Don’t seed

Well no shit haha no seriously like covering your IPs so they don’t send you a warning email from your provider tell you your going to get sued.

Someone was telling me that doesn’t help either or they where deterring me.

>not being a chad and downloading with your firewall open and bare IP

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>be young me
>download limewire for free
>use that to download limewirepro
>take forever to download song I want
>open file
“My fellow Americans, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, I did however go to free iPod dot com...”
God damn you bill.

>what’s the purpose besides shock factor
ability to share kinda openly(use of keywords), i would assume, as generally that's what the p2p programs were for.

Idk what moron told you that but a vpn is gonna hide your IP address plain and simple. If you’re torrenting you should use one.

>be me
>over a decade ago
>download south park on limewire
>watch south park

Well shit... darn goof

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It was on tor/ and this person was all like it’s not a guarantee to hide ip. Like what the fuck what else do you use.

I was the guy with the 20,000 files sharing. And you was the fgt with 600 files sharing. I still look down on you losers.


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Sounds about right

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largely used kazaa, limewire and ares.
In the early days (2001/02/03) i had shit internet (i was 14/15 at the time). But one of my friends had an amazing download speed for back then, sure he was the first of my group of friends to upgrade from DSL.
I just used to go over and download a fuckton of movies/music, whatever, burn them to disc's without even checking.

I'd get home, or maybe check them the next, CP, chicks getting fucked by horses...i even remember when gore stuff started popping up. i'd be lucky if i actually got 1 movie and maybe 3 albums that i ACTUALLY wanted. I'd just snap the rest of the discs.

it was like NSFW hook-a-duck, you just didn't know what you were going to get!

limewire showed me >ideepthroat

Man that’s so funny but nasty at the same time what a time

I used kazaa a little but, but stuck with usenet routed through stunnel .. until that became a spammed out nightmare.

Is torrenting supposed to be slow as dirt? It took over 2 days to download a 1.5gb video

in all my years of torrenting i've never once had to use a VPN, i've never had a single letter or email. Heck, a flat mate of mines got raided once and they took everyone's stuff. Police asked me what was on my PC, i said "mostly games movies and music that i've downloaded. I was actually just about to watch *insert movie that was just released in cinema's the previous day*". Cop's didn't give a shit, got my PC and external drives back a month or so later with all my torrented games, movies and music still on em.

Searched my wife by the who on LimeWire first result: "my wife having sex with a donkey"

the amount of bullshit in this post will not fit in a pic.

Was fucking obsessed with star wars prequels back then. I managed to get a copy of revenge of the Sith 2 months before it hit theatres in 2005. So I naturally burned a couple dozen of them and started handing them out at school. Teachers realized what was going on and I got ratted out. Parents gave literally no fucks and laughed at the principal when she said it was a serious matter

'Fond' memories here of using WinMX and EMule, before I discovered torrent clients around 2004ish. Even so, it was kinda early days, so half of what I wanted still had to be found through p2p. Yep I remember the russian roulette of the file being gore or porn. I also remember showing my little brother and

Fuck, I do not miss waiting 12 hours for a 3 min mp3 (or wma) at some double digit kbps. I still have a bunch, but these days it's a matter of swapping them out for flacs whenever I want to listen to an old song.

Nice try.
But I learned the alphabet a looooong time ago.


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Again idk what moron would tell you otherwise. Tbh I’ve never used one, but I never did a large amount of torrenting. I also never seeded. And the one time I did was the one time I got one of those “hey fucker, knock it off or we’ll cut off your internet” letters. All because I didn’t have a vpn.

>Everything was available, from movies to games to music to books to porn to CP. VERY illegal content was a nuisance, it was everywhere, even if you didn't look for it.

Adding some more - do you ever wonder where the spark for things like Netflix came from?

Indeed. The concept of "use internet to watch movies" didn't appear overnight, nor were the origins legal. Nobody invented Netflix from scratch, it was a combination of things that existed and were well known, just like Facebook simply continued where MSN Messenger left and "saved" you from actually asking your friends what's up (which ironically made people less social IRL in the following years).

Anyway, it was the familiarity of the concept, the safety provided by companies and the lack of searching and using time for it all - all answers to the environment that p2p networks had become, which meant downloading things illegally in a monitored environment, having to find content that ISN'T ridden with viruses or isn't fake and generally speaking having to know what to look for, seeing how foreign TV shows weren't really talked about that much online.

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>flacs dont work on my phone

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Fucking THIS. the greatest dick sucker known to man. Thank you limewire

as other user's have said, over time you learned that ok this keyword means it's a fake file name and probably has CP, or gore etc.
It was around that time to (04/05) that we discovered Sup Forums, and we ended up just constantly downloading gore on limewire.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

What kind of shit internet speeds do you have?

anyone get that eastern European video (Serbian?) of the guy getting beheaded with what looked like a 6-inch knife?

What’s steakandcheese. Com ?

it's just as good as going to meatspin dot com for halo 2 mods

What’s the storie behind that site or person?? Please tell

ain't bull shit.

the cops legit didn't give a shit long as they nailed him. fat fucker got what he deserved

That’s interesting thought I never considered

Fuckin Bill...

would always try downloading mixsets and single mp3's and every time it would be mr hands video. well fuck :(

buncha dudes fuck a chicks asshole outside of her body

it was one of the only shock sites and full of shock porn. also was one of the first gore sites which lcompared to today is pretty tame.

What do you mean out side her body? Was it just random anal

rectal prolapse

I don’t even wanna google that...:/ sounds very disgusting

get an android, not that gay iphone crap

OP here
There’s needs to be a full documentary on this . How cool would it be to have taken a bit of everyone’s experience on here and make it in to a film. Probably one already exists but not that’s ive seen or one that would be genuine about showing how graphic it really was

Husband and wife that made porn back when the internet was young. Chick gave THE best head you’ll ever see. Had a pretty bangin’ body too. Then stopped making videos. You can still find their videos all over the internet. I don’t know if they ever made long ones but everything I’ve ever seen is less than 5 minutes long. You can find her under “heather Harmon” or “heather brooke” -the second name being a misnomer because they did a video with another chick named brooke and you know how the file sharing sites always fucked up the names of things, but for some reason that one stuck.

>implying im an apple fag
i got an android and flac dosen't work unless i download some 3rd party shit.

Ahhh fuckk I googled it and was exactly what I thought it was. Can’t believe people are in to that

God chris rock is fucking insufferable

Anyway. My first downloaded file was napoleon dynamite circa 2004 and upon successful download and configuration it was like stepping into a whole new era for me. I downloaded mine via torrent but I was no stranger to limewire, Napster and deluge. Downloading the limewire premium via limewire was always funny.

I was big into torrenting for years but have found usenet and NZBs to serve my pirating purposes with more consistency.

similar to
fuck, 20 year later I can still picture that image - predator.jpeg or something. It's a biker with his face symmetrically split apart, like predator. That was fuckin rough.

Tons and tons of kiddie porn hidden in there.

Good job on this thread, dude... I'm reliving my highschool days and I fully support your idea.

vlc my dude

Ideepthroat dot com. This ain't news kid.

I remember hearing about rotten dot com in like 7th grade but was to scared to get on there because I was told I’d get in trouble with police (I know but I was young and naive) so never did get on even to this day knowing I won’t actually get in trouble. I did however get on pain Olympics Dot come . I believe that scarred me

Wow interesting but not surprising. Thanks for the info

>i had modded maps on halo 2
>randoms would join and have fun
>"where do you get aimbot"
>send them to pim olympics/meatspin/rotten etc
i miss being edgy

Thanks this is what I wanted to experience and know what I missed as a young kid not knowing anything about the internet

>acting like there wasn't a thousand private forums with these guys openly sharing vids through these platforms

I wanna be as naive as you.

>using a public pc for online shopping

Shiggy diggy

Believe me or not. I’m an average guy I work all day. Go home. Play video games. Sometimes hang with friends. That’s all I don’t openly spend my time on Reddit or any other forums. I genuinely had no clue about any of this

>3rd world country
>have 30/15 fiber service, no caps
>nobody cares about torrenting
>they raise 30/15 to 50/15 at zero cost
>radio ad saying they will raise all call isp, have 200/75
>they still don't care about torrenting

Are you downloading rare torrents?

Did you check it was actually ROTS?