Should I become gay bottom?
Should I become gay bottom?
Too late, faggot. Get on all fours
U were born to bottom boi
mate is this supposed to be a question? like why would you post this if you are gay already?
I'd like to have hetero sex but my dick is too tiny and my body too weak
Make it hard
or kys
Yes, I think you owe it to society to do so
show boipussy pls
Yes sir
Dont have much srry
>be me
>dick seems moderately average
>tfw no interest in using it
At this point I figure it's either be a bottom for men or getting pegged by women.
..doesn't look that tiny
cute cock, would reach around/10
I have phimosis so its painful to use it. :(
Its the angle, its 13 cm hard
ill fuck you wya
You should definitely be a gay bottom, I'd have a lot of fun with that sexy butt. But I have a feeling you are already set on the idea..
far too much of a distance, unfortunately
Any tips on how to be smooth and avoid stubble when shaving?
I dont do anything special, just make sure everything is clean.
I don't understand this, which one is fucking the other in the ass? The top or the bottom?
Top is fucking bottom in ass
If I could I'd be on the next flight to the Netherlands to fill you up
>13 cm
Thats...still not tiny. That's basically average..
don't be a pussy, get steroid cream and stretch it every day.
in weeks you could become functional and pain free.
take it in the ass if you want, but fix your cock.
needs a little cage around it too I think
>steroid cream
>on dick
I'm really inclined to advise against that. Thats not a good place to absorb steroids. If you are having issues, see a doctor right away. If he says steroids, use accordingly. Do not use for longer than the recommended 2 weeks. They usually give you a large supply. Long enough to last a couple months. This is too much and your body will develop an addiction.
Question is OP a faggot?
Thanks for advice. This is retracted btw
Put on panties faggot
Srry dont have
christianity (TM)
That's such a nice ass, tb you live in Netherlands.
Depends on if you enjoy anal. I mean I like to top and bottom both depending on my partner. Do you prefer one over the other? You are cute btw. Here's a pic of me ;-)
Sexy feet
nice ass bro
what's that in real measurement?
Either way, if you ever go gay and like daddies, I'm your man
Thank you!
Thank you
Lol..nice tummy
Not true..if u dont succeed try..try can happen..u just have to want it bad enough
Not nearly as tiny as u presented in the beginning
Oo fuck you have a nice body. Nice cock too
I think u just like taking pictures..its just fun..
Use a silicone ring for ear gauges to stretch it wider
Thanks so much!
Now u just wanna have
Everyone cant be big or long..or fat..u just gotta work with what u have..
you're welcome
Someone's giving an invitation..
nice hips
Switch here. Would love to meet, let you try various things ;)
Lol..not great choices unless u just want to be poked..
Nice bellybutton
U have kik?
Lol..enjoy your fetish
Yes. I’d fuck your ass all day
Was it that obvious?
Hmm yes plz
God I want you so bad
Yummy would suck.
are you on HRT?
That's a nice one.
Love your foreskin
Geez that ass is amazing too fuck man I'm at work stop teasing me
No, I've always had a feminine frame..hated as a kid but im totally fine with it now.
What's the matter daddy? Are you getting hard?
Yeah I am, wish I was there to fill you up right about now
got Twitter? you could easily get 10k followers
Me too
So smooth fuck I need it ughh
I wanna see how you look in thigh highs :)
Both views for you;)
I don't CD, although Ive been told I should several times
Jesus Christ you're perfect. How old are you?
What would you guess me at?
Why, wearing your foreskin off to the side like that is rather jaunty, sir.
add me on kik? Dirk.Funk
You're turning me on so fucking much. ;)
Mid 20s I'd say
Fuck...I wish, try 30's
You have a body that would be attractive to a guy or a girl. As a bisexual guy, you are super cute and id love to cum in you... but dont give up on girls because you think you cant get a girlfriend, my guess is you are in highschool or freshly out of it and maybe youre frustrated at not getting the female attention you want, wait until college really hits then make that decision. or do both like me!
Damn you look amazing still
I really appreciate that!!
You're very welcome ;)
Listen to this guy user, he is totally right!! Once I got into college my life really changed. more open minded people..both guys and girls and less b.s.
where is OP with the pics
still here op?