But wouldn't God know you just decided to believe in him to hedge your bets, not because of true faith, and toss you in hell regardless?
>implying true faith can come from fear of an afterlife alone
>implying those are the only combination of possibilities
Post the entire table and then we can talk.
i am a man o science sorry
The wager assigns equal probability to all outcomes.
>believing something out of fear instead of facts
Dude, it's not the middle ages anymore.
>not posting the full version
But if you apply this to every religion at once your odds are still shit
>simply believing is enough to dodge eternal hellfire
Well I guess I'll rape some children now since it's all good!
There should be a /roll for the mythos in this image so you can pick one just in case
In jesus' teachings, yes. You have to actually have the desire to be a good person in actual christian teachings. This is why a repentant murderer is closer to the kingdom of heaven than a man who chose not to kill only out of fear of punishment. In gods eyes, the second man is an unrepentant killer
What a b*burp*unch of bullshit.
Yep. You can only be saved through faith, according to the Bible.
Do you have an ethical responsibility to follow the teachings of a God who doesn't reward good deeds and moral behavior but instead rewards people based off of more specific, arbitrary rules? Wouldn't a just God reward an overall acceptance of the teachings of the Bible rather than a full practicing of even the most esoteric rules?
Common misconception among westerners that don't understand Buddhism:
We don't believe in reincarnation -- we believe i rebirth. It's not the same thing. In Buhddism there is no immortal soul or continuity of experience.
When you die, what "you" cease to exist as a subjective and independent being and return to being an undifferentiated part of the universe.
If and when "you" are reborn, it isn't "you" in the way that westerners assume.
>implying being a christian amounts just to believing
you gotta earn that grace, you proddies.
An atheist life is qualitatively different.
If God were real, he would still send you to hell for using this kind of logic.
Pascal's Wager also implies a 50 50 probability of God existing or not. IMO, there's less than a 0.1% chance "he" exists, so I'm willing to risk it.
People with true faith are idiots. Pascal's Wagerers are cowards.
I wager Pascal my own tables and we'll see what he thinks about that desu
So you speak for all Buddhists?
That's funny because I'm an atheist who grew up in a Christian family but if you compare my values and life to theirs I'm much closer to living as a Christian than they are. I just don't bore myself to death every week with sermons about bullshit.
Honestly thanks for the clarification. I didn't know this. What exactly of "you" is it that is reborn then, if it isn't your soul or your consciousness?
Also I'd argue it hardly takes away from the main point of the pic.
I'm not trying to tip my fedora here but because there are different beliefs which all say you'll go to hell if you believe something else, you cannot live your life according to this.
If I am a good person who doesn't believe shouldn't I technically go to Heaven or Purgatory at worst?
Jesus loved everyone, even non believers.
>eternal suffering
Why would a God that is loving and good and just, stand for such a thing? The worst part is that allegedly the only condition to avoid that punishment is to worship him. What about the people who were born in times or places where Christianity isn't a thing? God puts those people there, so by extension he is condenming them to hell just by being born. It's like police entrapment on a metaphysical scale.
If there is really a God and he loves us, then logic dictates that hells is bullshit and he'd accept everybody with open arms in the afterlife.
All major Buddhist schools are rebirth, not reincarnation. Reincarnation is Hinduism.
Purgatory only exists for Catholics, and that's only for Christians who have made mistakes they need to atone for.
yeah but you can't just believe in something just because it's pragmatic. either you believe or you don't and the consequences of the belief don't really tie into it.
So what's the case for somebody who lives by the morals and ethics taught in the bible but doesn't go to church, has never been to confession, etc? It doesn't make sense that they would go to hell, right?
It makes no sense and never has.
Jesus said he is the only way to heaven, so according to the Bible you're just out of luck.
>believing because you fear hell
>result: hell
I believe in god, but heaven and hell are impossible. What would we be doing after thousands of years. After millions of years, eternal joy and eternal suffering would feel pretty much the same. Unless you leave heaven/hell eventually, in which case you still die.
>What about the people who were born in times or places where Christianity isn't a thing? God puts those people there, so by extension he is condenming them to hell just by being born. It's like police entrapment on a metaphysical scale.
Most Christians believe those who have never been exposed to the Word go to the place good Jews went before Jesus was born. I don't remember the name of the place, but basically like a limbo.
They're not impossible, they're incomprehensible.
According to the Bible you shouldn't wear mixed fabrics
>but some vague reason that part doesn't count
Whole book is sillypants
I don't see Jesus in any church, just likenesses of him.
>the place good Jews went before Jesus was born
That would be "hell."
Old testament rules for rabbis doesn't apply to Christians.
Through letting him in your heart, dummy.
Jesus guys. I don't give a shit about religion but if you're going to criticize a religion, know enough about it's beliefs to do it accurately.
Not according to most theology.
Reported, get this shit off Sup Forums
Oh cool! So "Thou Shalt Not Kill" doesn't apply to Christians. Good to know.
>I'm off to kill some peeps later!
That was my point though. The building you happen to be in seems like a far less important part of that.
pretty much all of leviticus debunks the entirety or at least most of the bible and the bullshit "faith"
>it says here if you wear clothing of different fabrics, you're going to hell
That's just kike gobbledygook
>it says here if you eat shellfish, you're going to hell
That's just kike gobbledygook
>it says here if you teh buttsecks with another man you're going to hell
It's not like they believe the rest of it anyway. Jesus literally said rich men can't get into heaven. But they don't like that part even though it is crystal fucking clear so they come up with a bunch of excuses why it doesn't count yet still focus on the Leviticus buttsex part because they don't like teh gays.
most theology was written after the new testament to justify the contradictions in the old and new testaments.
but he never said it meant you were going to hell. hell as a concept didn't even really exist back then
all jesus and christians really meant by that was that jesus was opening up heaven and the realm of god to humanity, before jesus only the most saintly jews even stood a chance of entering heaven.
Okay but what if the future they invent time travel but they only use it to travel back in time to put people into a virtual reality heaven?
They obviously can't do this to religious people.
I mean that is unlikely but now you are just arguing which is more likely
I win Pascal you french piece of shit.
WTF i'm a singularitarianist now!
that still applies obviously. christians only sloughed off the old testament as a book of tradition in a general sense, because they hated jews and didn't want to associate with them. you still hear preachers quote the old testament in regards to shit like masturbation because we still are meant to follow the laws presented by it.
Killing breaks the "love thy neighbor" commandment Jesus gave.
If that's your level of analysis of the bibble then you'll stay a nigger for the rest of your life
Same thing as reincarnation. Same person doesn't get reincarnated.
It's called Sheol, educate yourself
Not true. Paul concludes in no uncertain terms that only the commandments Christians need to live by are "love thy God" and "Love thy neighbor". The only old testament commandments that still stand are those that fall under those commandments, I.e. don't kill.
aka: hell