How frequently do you think he raped her when she was in the 10-13 age range?

How frequently do you think he raped her when she was in the 10-13 age range?

Like, once a day, once a week, only on birthdays?

Attached: 7371623E-6684-4565-8B3E-A8B0CFD56052.jpg (1378x1083, 861K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Several times a week

Everyday baby

This is a picture of Ivanka in 2040. Enjoy your fap.

Attached: Ivanka 2040.jpg (750x563, 82K)

none she wanted it the filthy little whore

The butthurt samefagging is strong with shareblue

How embarrassing

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me in the screenshot

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How frequently do you do you got raped in the 10-13 age range by your dady

How embarrassing

Maybe once every never.

is it summer already?

Judging from the tears, he must have just raped her

probably didn't need to. Epstein supplied his regular supply.

His last name isn't Clinton, so probably not at all.

Most liberals have terrible families growing up, they have no idea what a close, functioning family looks like.

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2-3 times a week. I’d bet she had to have an abortion in there somewhere too.

I’d fuck that still.

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Your right it’s trump so everyday

Found the libtard. There's court documents showing of a flimsy friendship that lasted only 2 years before Trump kicked Epstein out of his home for harassing his own assistant. You won't even see Trump on a single flight with epstein. Meanwhile, democrats just passed allowed 11 year old girls to walk in public shirtless in one state. Looks like you're just rooting for pedophiles.

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never, which is considerably less than you sir.

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Wasn't even good looking when she was young. He could do better.

fake news. did you make that up yourself or do you have a script in front of you?

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Most cuntseratives have terrible families growing up they have no idea what a family is dumbass

Look it up. I'm not going to supply you with shit, sheep. You're going to have to do your own research instead of eating out of CNN's puckered asshole.

Liar. We have photos going back to the late 80s and early 90s of them together and with Ivanka present. Trumptards are such idiots.

go to bed Boris

Attached: trump_shills.jpg (687x434, 47K)

Keep spreading right wing cuntservative garbage lies for your lying racist molester leader u fuckin scum of a human

Man she has a LONG NECK
no i don't hahaha
that's NO triple goddess hahaha

That's why statistically Cubans have stronger family values that lead into healthier children. Oops, that's right, they're majority conservative.

citation needed

how old are those photos? why aren't there any new ones like with the clintons/weinstein/k-pax?

pot calling the kettle black, how childish

Yeah, and we have photos of literally every celebrity and politician from the 90s with Epstein. He attended parties. Photos =/= friendship. Good luck this 2020, tool. Can't wait to hear the crying again.

Because NO ONE gives a SHIT

Read the comment below. This'll teach you all to actually research instead of being spoonfed propaganda.

Stop eating out of fake ass Fox News well used puckered asshole scumbag then eat shit and kill urself

Tell me about it. He's on Sup Forums for christ sake.

I don't even watch the news, fag.

Pull your head out of trumps ass and see what’s really going on the child is the scum u elected how childish republicunt

come and climb aboard my FREEDOM ship

they broke up

Attached: trump_and_friend0.jpg (500x723, 156K)

Cuba fuckin halarious yeah they have a awesome country don’t they are u retarted it’s what ur scumbag leader calls a shithole ur a joke

>Read the comment below.


Stop eating out of fake ass Fox News well used puckered asshole scumbag then eat shit and kill urself

I see your point

Attached: fox_nooz.jpg (699x699, 56K)

So r u idiot

Me either FAG


yeah but with all the clips of him and jeff epstein he probly did

women raped by their fathers are broken people unable to lead companies or work in politics.

raped women behave more like the leftist trolls in this thread lying and sowing dissent. you're broken people and will not enjoy the next 4 years

I did what you said genius

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lol typical trumptard picking and choosing what they deem to be fact or not

Political affiliation aside, you're still wrong. The world is more complicated than black and white. Sorry about your indoctrination.

True. These faggots love throwing around wild accusations but can't even look at themselves in the mirror. The won't accomplish anything.

The liars and rapists are called republicunts fuckface then they accuse the other side of it typical play in the trump book lie deny accuse then repeat over and over you and your republicunt party should be put in prison until your last stinking breath

Yes that’s usually what trump supporters look like brain dead retards

Yes the truth is kryptonite to republicunts they can’t stand truth

False u r the faggot minority ur scum leader lost the popular vote by 3 million votes bitch got in on bullshit electoral college crap the people of America voted for Clinton that’s a fact he lost to a woman u stupid ass republicunt

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Won’t accomplish anything that’s why republicunts lost the House of Representatives in midterms right stupid ass

Maybe once you figure out how presidents are elected in America, you might be able to win an election some day.

Love it

And how has your life changed as a result?

I didn’t run for president dumbass

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The only reason for electoral college is so republicunts can rip off an election and wipe out the popular vote of the people I thought it was we the people not we the republicunt electoral college it’s a republicunt scam

trump got impeached you silly dick

Attached: impeached_still.jpg (500x555, 48K)

And yet.. still the president. Keep crying

can't rape the willing

Well anything thing that defeats the lying racist all white old man republicunt party makes me happy so it made me happy

Havent defeated anything, cuck

Not my president ever he’s a criminal lying racist molester of women complete garbage human scum

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Took back House of Representatives CUCK

Yes these pictures should make republicunts throw up it’s disgusting he’s a molester

Wait until he’s out of office and the president is a democrat first stop for trump the scum is prison for the rest of his life it’s gonna be great

is that why she's always smiling?

Posing in a photo with your daughter's legs over your lap at an inappropriate age while sitting on the bed... but it's ok because he's on the phone?

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Maybe she's a psycho like him and knew it would give her power of the leeching coomer.

nice virtue signalling... are you aware of where you are right now, cunt?

As usual nothing about defending your lying racist molester leader just joking and name calling typical response from republicunts

it's a picture, who are you arguing with? The picture?

Are u aware of where u are CUNT unlike republicunts I have a brain and eyes and ears so yes I know where I’m at at all times unlike republicunts that have their heads up trump scums ass

So great he is going to WIN AGAIN poor Libtard LOSERS

you sound really educated and calm lol

Yeah so do u fuckin scum lol

That's assuming he will ever leave office.


not the guy you're screeching at autistically lol

as many times as you got butt raped you pedo faggot.

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Hilarious come back to reality trump scum we both know that’s fantasy just a matter of time until he’s in prison

Trump 2020 motherfuckers

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Nobody in the Trump camp cares what he does. Instead they're a bunch of poorfags hoping to "keep winning". It helps to not know what "winning" looks like except on TV and social media then you just think people are crazy when they try to tell you the entire system is designed to favour corporations and corruption so it can fuck you in the ass more effectively. You people never cease to amaze to think "your side" is the "correct side".

Consider that both is false in being correct. Only side worth being in is "no side" since we'll never stop this dog show of old faggots getting Presidency. Your blind loyalty to party is probably the most stupid shit I've seen young people do these days.

Well gotta go republicunts nice that u all showed me once again how blind deaf and dumb u truly are it’s sad that there are Americans that truly fuckin brain dead they are called republicunts