What's another term for single mom?

What's another term for single mom?

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Democrat voter

Nigger banger

In her case, “terrorist cell leader”


>Left alone breeder
>Self offspring checker
>Moms daycare
>I like rapists
>Wild Fantasy with Religion-sprinkles

Bullshit stereotype

Bad mother

Mud shark
Coal burner

Enemy of the people
Concentration camp fodder
Gas chamber tenant

Goblin factory
Used uterus

First you and your family would need put in the oven.

Runaway slave detected

The only thing that would make your assertions accurate would be if you were looking in the mirror when you assert them.

Better than some slut producing freckled face, blue eyed, fat bastards.

Frances Weetman in da house

>the whore
>the revolving door
>the daddy issue daughter
>the useless uterus
>the unholy hole
>the zebra rancher
>the divorcing abortion
>the nut bucket

But seriously though, why does our society tolerate this? Being a single parent should be the greatest shame unless you're widowed

Someone show me, at least once, a pic with a coal-burner mom who has NO CRAZY EYES, God dame it.


Blacked Dumbass Ho

Tax burden


soon to be victim of domestic abuse

Your mother

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that is the future that liberals want

Based and rrdpilled.

a whore

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