Transgender high school wrestler Mack Beggs is back to defeat girls again

>Mack Beggs is back.

>He's still wrestling, still competing for a state championship and still undefeated.

>And he's still wrestling against the girls.

>It's just been a lot quieter since last year when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him and boos from the crowd when his hand was raised as the victor.

>win everytime
>get to grab girls while doing it


this guy is molesting girls and gets away with it, he's beating the system.

truly a god among men(female)

It's a dyke on steroids. Still a female but has unfair advantage due to steroid abuse.

People only allow her to compete to prove "bigots" a point. If she wrestled against men she would surely lose

worst kind of tranny


Everyone is ignoring the fact that the dyke is on steroids

is this a male to female wrestling women? or a female to male wrestling women?

either way he's got a huge advantage in strength, be it natural or due to hormonal treatments

I approve for the lols, hope we get to see some great supples

the weak should fear the strong

Maybe the dumbasses in this state will finally realize that they have to come up with a better standard than "the gender on the birth certificate".

>Texas law bans steroids use by high school athletes, but the state stopped testing for it after 2015
what the fuck?

It seems men are better at being women than women themselves.

>Texas law bans steroids use by high school athletes, but the state stopped testing for it after 2015
>what the fuck?
doesn't matter, the fella has an exemption for any sex hormonal treatment

Does it have a stache? The poor girl.

Damn that black chick is hot as fuck

I thought they allowed a tranny to compete with women instead of men.

>wants to compete against boys
>rules dont allow that

He doesn't even want to be a woman. He can't escape them.

so brave and beautiful

Absolutely based.

>abuse girls
>touch them everywhere
>leftists don't know what to do

Leftist applaud because a butthurt conservative texan is a Leftist victory.

I'm confused as to what gender this person was or now claims to be

Its right wingers who are fucking it up, hes ftm and wants to wrestle boys. The right as always fucked up and doesn't actually know what to do

Yeah, this one is actually trying to do the right thing and the female wrestlers are getting fucked by the state.

It's a woman turning into a man.


You’ve got it backwards the leftists want her/him to wrestle against boys because he/she is a female to male and Texas won’t let it happen

well that changes things.
this is idiotic to not allow someone to compete against betters.
if 100% real woman that is just good at the sport she's in wanted to compete against men, why shouldn't it be allowed?

kek, even better


Their logic is probably that if they allow it, MTFs will have to be allowed to compete against women due to precedent. The left will see it as discrimination otherwise despite the situation being completely different. I can sympathise a bit.

i don't
this has nothing to do with transitioning.

She is on steroids and growing a beard and calls herself a man. The article literally says a man is going for the female state title again

t. British school lad that chooses wears a skirt

>Beggs went 56-0 on his way to the state championship last season, and he’s 32-0 this year after cruising through the regional finals last weekend.
seems fair!

from the same article
>“Somebody posted they should put Mack in a men’s prison and he should be raped,” McNew said.


>Maybe the dumbasses in this state will finally realize that they have to come up with a better standard than "the gender on the birth certificate".
Might be too 'out of the box' a solution, but I'd go with
-if you were born a man you compete against man
-if you were born a woman you compete against woman
-if you use steroids/other banned performance-enhancing substances, you don't compete against anyone because that's cheating

Of course this will never happen because shemales have rights or something.

Why he is not sued for sexual abuse yet?

>she will never get abused and felt up against the boys
>she will never freeze in panic when she feels her opponents hard cock
A pity


but she's not a man; She's a girl who takes steroids, and thus shouldn't be allowed to compete at all.

Taking performance enhancing drugs doesn't make you a man, it makes you a cheater. Regardless of the actual reason you take them.
Allow her to compete against men is legitimizing these shit, then what happens if some day in the future these drugs can make a girl stronger then men? Or when a men wants to take them by using this as a precedent?

You want to mess up your body because you're mentally ill that's your business, but competitive sport shouldn't have to walk on eggshell and make special rules for you.

Fucking love this.
B-but women are just as strong as men

The leaf is right

>no pants
>any gender
Is this the effect of anime finally starting to kick in?
nekomimi when?

why do they call her 'he'???? ffs ppl its almost 2019!!!!!!!!

>american transgender chockes american mutt mongrel
what a timeline

GOAT picture

>A girl taking testosterone is stronger than girls not taking test.
Really activated my almonds.

The left's mind at work everybody. This is what the Guardian is doing to our kids.

If you're too strong (in this context) for the women's series, you should be in the men's series.

that black grill is qt as fuck. back off?!??

Let it wrestle lads, they'd probably get awkward highschoo boners.

Women are the biggest shillers for this transwhatever the fuck movement.
Why are you lonely virgins trying to stop them from getting a good helping of their own medicine by getting destroyed by these "girls"
After all age is just a social structure and women can do anything men can do


What if he(female)’s too weak for the men’s series too?

el jorobado de la tierra mestiza

any videos of her matches?

what if they're scottish and they want to wear kilts tho

>the amount of people in this thread who thought this person was MtF

>They said I couldn't wrestle men
>They said I couldn't live my true self
>So I broke her back
>I broke all their spirits
>I gave them my pain
>And they took it until they choked on it
>Until they all tap out and until they can't handle the disgust of my hatred inflicted on the weak
>I will keep breaking girls
>And they will keep crying for mercy
>And I will whisper to their
>Not until the tears and cries go to the ears of my oppressors and allow me to wrestle who I deserve too
>And they give me what I want

the article cleary says "he"

why would anyone think its a female?


Based Mack beating roasties.

Because the PC thing to do is refer to transgender people by their preferred gender, how do you not know this?

Can you imagine what type of parents could raise a kid like this? To not only be transgender, but to do something as disgraceful as compete in women sports knowing full well the advantage?

If I was his father, I'd kill myself.

>calling an Apple a banana because it plays pretend

Shut up cuck

that definitely counts as black in Europe

She's clearly a mulatta.


If ze thinks ze thinks ze is a man then surely ze should be competing with men.

""""He""" is a Xhe and xhe is a Aussie, shitlord

Wow, he must have really pissed people off for a mainstream news article to actually refer to him as "he" and not his preferred gender, which is "she".

Maybe he is the redpill the pro-trans media needed to get woke. god bless him.

Top kek

whoa, disregard this i was 100% convinced that was a male pretending to be female. i didnt even bother reading the entire article. what a crazy world.

I'm not saying YOU have to do it, but that is the general rule for journalists which is why it's retarded to say "Buh-but they were calling her a He, how was I supposed to know??"


How hard does his dick get?

the absolute madman, quite literally.


doesn't have one

post more

>all these ppl trying to intentionally misgender actually end up using preferred pronouns

you just got reverse trapped

>Hormone replacement Therapy
Pick one

well its certainly not a penis

then he won't qualify to compete, just like i wouldn't

feminism has finally come full circle. it was only a matter of time until tigers golfing on the LPGA and getting a paycheck into his 60s.

Kek I remember a guy from my highschool like 10 years ago, that went to class wearing a skirt one day,. When called to the principal's office for it, he just told the to fuck off and justified it by saying that it was about equality. "It's fucking hot and if girls can be fresh down there, so can we". Mind you, they didn't allow men to wear anything other than long pants

oh yeah the right is really losing on this one
>some dyke thinks shes a man and wants to wrassle boys
>fuck that let that bull dyke beat up on women, people will despise her for it
>but she's on steroids and will crush them
>yeah its despicable but what can we do? we have to respect that faggots rights.



Looks like someone hasn't read the thread.

>when pass so well, trolls trying to trigger you accidentally use your preferred pronoun
This kid's made it.

>The right's mind at work everybody.

The thing is that skirt thing had nothing to do with trannies. They had inferno tier heat wave at end of semester, for Bongs at least, and school dress codes in England don't allow shorts. Options are full length pants or skirt.

it's a girl you stupid fucks. a girl who wants to be a man. she's taking steroids. the article uses her preferred pronoun, 'he'.

well maybe they should allow shorts then the fucking nonces
we had shorts as an optional part of our school uniform that we wore in the summer
