

Attached: cle23.webm (360x360, 1.89M)

Attached: boat_boom.webm (640x360, 899K)

>looting the corpse

Attached: frogman.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

Typical way of things, yes?

Attached: full_chimp.webm (899x450, 1.01M)

Attached: ratchet4.webm (360x640, 1.71M)

idgi why was his back all bruised? he landed in water so his fall would have been softed

did a sea creature kill him wtf


Are you fucking retarded?

there is no way someone can be this idiot

So is this another nigger hate thread?

yes, now go back to Africa, king

Attached: 300.webm (300x200, 1.89M)

i dont think black people can not rob someone after they get knocked out.

>Niggers behaving like apes

Niggers gonna nig boi

How about we just rename sucker punch to nigger punch?

no, niggers behave like niggers exclusively for socioeconomic reasons, now fuck off

Why do niggers insist on being seen as people?

Is there anything more pathetic and beta than sucker-punching someone in the back of the head?

Attached: last_bus_from_hell.webm (578x360, 1.71M)

tf, they kidnapped that man's wife

Sending them back wont solve the problem, vro.

Nigging through his pockets while he's down?

this guy's got a point tbh, think of olympic divers, they jump from great heights and if they mess up they'll get hurt but they won't die. So I reckon this man must have got killed by a foreign sea creature. it's a shame but the sea is unpredictable.

Attached: no_intel_inside.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

They don't seem to try that hard actually

Did somebody get run over by the bus??

I've seen it on a bunch of rekt vids. Friend of mine got hit on his motorcycle and knocked down. Guess who robbed him while he was bleeding.
>diversity is our greatest strength
>we're all exactly alike

Attached: how_to_drive_a_bus.webm (640x360, 1017K)

mah niggas, stay classy

Attached: 1570351667186.webm (360x360, 1.82M)

Remove yourself from the gene pool retard

Trips don't lie.

I don't understand how someone this stupid is wealthy enough to afford a plane ticket. Did Obama give out free plane tickets along with the free phones and other free stuff for his people?

i'd watch her do that and buy the ice cream when she left

Holy shit

Does the ice cream not have a plastic seal under the lid that you peel off?

Not gonna lie, I wanna fuck that ice cream now.

Nigger, do you want to get fucking aids?

Just another MLK day


Why do people cherrypick to enforce racist stereotypes? I could post 100 webms of white people doing stupid shit, doesn't mean all white people are stupid. Maybe if you go into a bad area of town or some ghetto place, yeah you will see poor ghetto people doing poor ghetto things, but race has nothing to do with it.

Nigger got caught also

guy has a point.

clearly a woke chad wrote this.

going by videogame logic i see

must be a nigger thing

Attached: nigger licker.jpg (278x417, 15K)

holy fuck. thank you for helping the opening my eyes user.

the only people whom will dislike this truth will be racists tbh

moral chad alert!

kek just kidding. I agree with u user.

You having fun living in your gated, white community?

Niggers will fight over any given reason. Gas pumps, speed limits, sneezing. They need to be rounded up and fucked off.

unironically based

checkin those dubs

Idk when I see a negro or a muslim I went to another side of the street

you've basically just described how the typical Sup Forums user's mind works user. You've cracked it!

the fucking file name lol

Who the fuck is samefagging this post


Attached: 1550885207882.png (540x480, 363K)

Post in this thread if black people who are convicted of violent crimes or public disturbances should be sequestered from interaction with other races for life.

Years ago my grandmother's neighbor was beaten to death and robbed. He was 72. The CIA should start bombing low income neighborhoods again.

rekt thread without Sup Forums shit

Lol probably bait but I'll bite. Its because when you hit water hard enough its like hitting solid ground. Try slapping the surface of water with your hand when your in a still pool. You'll see what I mean

>race has nothing to do with it
walk through downtown detroit on a tuesday night and then come talk to me

Boost mobile...lmfao what did you expect

Never before have I witnessed such samefaggotry.
If there were tons of white people getting into fights with fast food employees and trashing gas stations for fun, there would be articles and video of these incidents.
But there aren't.

Figured he had a chance until the roof smacked him lol

Attached: plants_v_zombies.webm (640x1136, 1.87M)

No. They seal it so the icecream in vacuum sealed to the lid. If it's easy to open, then someone already opened it.

Those are all hispanics.

lol this is definitely bait...
explain high jump olympic divers then user?

they're literally at risk of dying are they? how many deaths related to high jump olympic athletes? 0.

lay off the retard juice before posting your ignorance in future user.

No you cant, dumb fuck. You wont come near the amount of black images. Yes there are white pics, but theres 100 times more nigger pics.

Fucking naive clueless bitch

If you actually believe what you said, youre just fucking blind and dumb

Fuck that triggered me.

If America, hate crime.
If not America, Africa.


Attached: cartel_happy_happy.webm (640x352, 1.99M)

funny how he's wearing a different bathing suit when they fish him out.

Attached: mfw138743572926.jpg (404x390, 25K)

One fries their chicken, the other grills it with chili and lime.

He should of gave out free one way tickets back to Africa


>thinking white people dont commit crimes are do stupid shit

such is the american way to be retarded and think everyone but you is retarded

Attached: whitepeople.webm (480x480, 596K)

Come up with something new alrdy
Jesus christ thats some stale webm

You know dumbfucks, user. They're dumb as fuck, and Sup Forums has the cream-of-the-crop of dumbfucks

White people do commit crimes. Black people commit way more.

didn't notice this before. I knew the fall wouldn't have killed him, the fact it's a different guy in the video just confirms this whole conspiracy about 'falling into water can kill u' is just utter nonsense. Thanks for pointing it out user, can't believe i missed that.

once i saw this vid of some dudes filing a girl, she was beging in spanish then they shot her :( i want to see it again

You correct. My bad.

Attached: chicken_shop_shootout.webm (526x358, 1.79M)

Is it bad that I heard Yakety Sax in my head while watching this?

haha ha.

>clearly fake

who records a random guy walking out of a gas station.

what fucking dubs are you checking? you fucking idiot

he got like 15 responses in under a minute, the guy got dubbed to heck fuck you talking about. dumbass faggot.

Ill post then you do us all a solid and post new stuff for all of us old webm posters.

This better?

Attached: run_like_fuck.webm (854x480, 1.96M)

trips checked

Some form of flammable liquid spill?

anybody know wtf is going on there?

no reason to insult him

the reason he died is that river is in china and filled with chemical compounds like for example:
nerve gas wich killed him on impact

nerve gas doesn't travel through water you fucking moran

Story behind this?

that dude is dead

"Niggers being niggers" thread

Black Panther outtake? kek

I do the same shit in town when I see a black man walking down the street.