I have taken LSD 4 times in my life, all between 75 - 300µg (being 250µg the first time, which was insane). I took it with a small group of friends which i feel comfortable with and have never bad tripped even once.
3 of my friends who i tripped with experienced bad trips and now they don't want to do it again. I'm the only one of my group who want's to do it again. One of my friends even low-key forbids me to try it again because he was had a bad trip, because he was afraid to lose controll, and he is the controlling type for sure.
I have thought about doing it alone, but i'm afraid of bad tripping. While on acid with my friends i felt relativly safe, but everytime i was not in the same room as them while tripping, i got paranoid and scared, like for example when i went to the toilet.
check them dubs then partake in suicide like Netflix hit The Preacher, become the arseface
Josiah Young
your soul knows its powers in the real inside i never did it aand i know i should stay away if you know anything about the divine inside do as it says
Dominic Ward
Don't be a pussy and trip solo for once in your life.
I do it 3/4 times a year to have some time for myself.
Angel Adams
Have you ever had any negative experiences with tripping solo?
Ethan Phillips
My advice tripping solo is get extremely used to the hits you currently have. Take a half, then a whole about a week later. Stay inside unless it's your own back yard. Don't drive, go to the store, etc. Get all your needs like smokes and snacks and beer and weed, whatever it may be, so you have no reason to leave. I find stores uncomfortable. Turn off your phone completely and leave it alone. Stay unplugged, which is probably hard for younger people, but it's not a good idea to be announcing it to the world. You could slip and post something stupid, then get paranoid. I tripped a lot between 16-22, then stopped completely. Don't miss it.
Parker Perry
Small dose my bruudaa
Samuel Moore
>tripping solo on acid worst fucking advice.
Chase Ortiz
Only once but it was mix of acid and mdma. If you ever feel in a bad mood while tripping, change your environment and do something different. Most importantly, just remember that it's a drug. Everything will go back to normal.
Cooper Martin
Nah dude, tripping solo is great.
Juan Sanchez
Anyone here have experience with DMT? Been thinking about making some to try but I haven't used any other psychedelics
Tyler Martinez
Not at all.
Ayden Jones
How much microgram would you consider to be a small dose?
James Foster
Man LSD it's an experience that should be done alone dont think it acid as a drug but as kind of meditation u will discover the thruth
Luke Garcia
hey man I agree its great. but also not for everyone. shit can be mad dangerous if youre by yourself and your mind's not in order. and we usually dont have everything in order. not a good idea at all, unless youre actually experienced and youre relatively mentally stable. otherwise fuck that, have someone else look after you
Kayden Nelson
One hit is usually around 150 Ug, I just said a half, which would be 75.
Landon Kelly
It depends on who's tripping and who's the sitter. I've known a couple people that were super annoying trippers and always acted like giant assholes, like they were big retarded babies. Being responsible for one of those people, no thanks.
Jack Campbell
Elijah Jackson
What even is a bad trip?
Basically these pussys are scared of theirselves and facng their inner selves and their ego.
I tripped alone on acid last week.
I've done it about 7-8 times now and love it.
I've had hairy moments, ya know where my entire mind is melting n stuff but I just keep calm and everythings ok.
I believe LSD makes me smarter and levels me out. I feel far better after a good trip - it keeps the ego in check.
I feel completely clear n my mind for the mot part the more do it the clearer and more buddha like and n control of my mind I become.
William Murphy
fuck your friends and trying confine yourself to what they think. be your own. im sure you'd love it ^^ It's all mentality.
Jaxson Ortiz
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Theyt should rename it from acid too. I'm 37 and stayed away from it my whole life cuz I had heard all the rumors.
Turns out they are complete and utter bullshit.
LSD makes me more intelligent and teaches me about my mind.
They need to call it powerbrain or something like that NOT acid.
Adrian Cruz
Bad trip is set and setting and dose. If you get bashed with an especially hard dose not expecting it, and you're at a concert, and the concert has a hard edge to it, or is super hot weather, and everyone is in a foul mood, it's easy to have a bad trip.
Chase Hill
They call it acid because it was a catchy part of the chemical name. Lysergic Acid Diethylimide.
Carter Taylor
user, your friends were not ready for the power and healing that Psychedelics offer. They were faced with their ego, and they succumbed to it's pressure. They didn't allow the bad trip to happen
they resisted the healing.
Are you going to be as normie as them, or are you going to face yourself - your true self?
My favorite way to trip is alone, in a dark room, completely naked in my soft blankets.
Tripping is not for normal humans, it is for humans who are ready to become greater than they once were. I know so many people who've tripped and become afraid of it. I know so many people who trip and learn nothing, because they keep themselves placated with alcohol or entertainment
I know very very few people who can trip alone in the dark like I can, and weirdly enough, it's those same people who U consider to be the best of my friends, the most beautiful people, the most learned, the most understanding and aware
Are you ready to begin waking up, user? Are you ready to dispel māyā and inch your way towards mōksha?
I am the master of the most common questions. If you want me know when your ready for me to come to the office and talk to girls about the same thing about my job. I'm going out for lunch and they are both very excited about this opportunity for you. You can always get me in touch if you want to. You can come over and over the weekend if you want we will see what we can get for you. I am purchasing the book now and will send you the link to the point of it. It will be here in the next couple of days and I will be there at 6 on Friday.
I am not sure if you want me to know about the same time to get to Pont and see.
Is a good thing to have a great day and I hope to see you soon.
Pussy. Imagine being so weakwilled you were afraid of your own mind.
Nathaniel Cook
We are afraid to ride the bike when we first hop on, too
Do you forget your own trials user? You have the empathy required
Jose Clark
Fear not what you may learn, fear that what you do learn changes nothing.
Jeremiah Young
No one cares asshole
Jack Myers
I’ve done LSD for 5 times. Never have I lost control or thought about killing myself or whatever people experience with a bad trip. If your inner voice says not to do it, dont. And you need to be absolutely certain that you are in a good place mentally when you do decide to have a go. I’ve experienced weird (paranormal) shit since I was a child so that’s why I’ve always been fascinated with psychadelics. So my inner voice has never said to me not to do it. I’ve grown alot thanks to them. But it all varies for each individual. People who have predetermined mental illness usually dont come back with a right mind.
Benjamin Ramirez
I did Psilocybin at the cusp of abusing Xanax, being a neet, and trying to kill myself
It was objectively the worst mental health I've ever had, and Psilocybin showed me... beauty? love? life? I stared at the Moon just crying and laughing with the wind. For the first time in a long time I felt true happiness.
That was 7 years ago, and it was the beginning of my deep interest to psychedelics and Eastern philosophy. I have grown and changed so much since then
It's hard for me to really say when there's a right and wrong time to trip. The wrong time for me was the right time.
There's an entire thread of people who care. This comment is objectively useless
Hunter Nguyen
tripping by yourself is way better than with people. you can do whatever you want with no distractions. allows you to focus on what you want to focus on. riding a bike is my favorite thing to do on acid.
Asher Carter
based Albert Hoffman
did you know 4/19 is Bicycle day because of him and LSD?
Jose Jones
did shrooms a bit when was younger..me and a friend took some and had a great time..then he wanted to go to a club..we went in, made one lap and ran out to front door like kids..came back to my place and cut on the tv, j and silent bob strikes back was on..laughed so hard at that movie the next day my sides hurt...often consider it to be the best day of my life..
Camden Mitchell
Who the fuck says arse........its ASS speak Merican or KYS for being a British fag, not the cigarette
Blake Garcia
I've been offered to try some this Friday, any tips for a first time drug user?
I've tried some weed, didn't like it much.
Cameron Hill
You should know that acid very often give an opossite effect of what you espect. Also you should know that you can manipulate the effect as you wish, is a practice matter.
I experienced one of the worst things someone could experience in a trip... I watched someone stabbing in the chest a sleeping guy in the street and here i am.
Kayden Clark
Fuck off dr.phill
Jace Cox
not being a jerk, that is a deep thought..
Henry Thomas
If you didn't like cannabis, a Psychedelic, you're probably not going to like LSD, a bigger psychedelic ^^;
if you don't mind losing control for 16 hours then yes you should try it, but you don't get to choose how you trip. You can only accept and nod your head at whatever the trip gives you
Is anger the only thing you're capable of?
I know it fucks me up. I've seen psychedelics hurt people who weren't ready. I've seen them heal those who weren't ready, too. Its such an ambiguous and foreign thing. I don't think we'll ever truly know what makes someone "ready"
I have felt that readiness before, but I have no way of explaining that feeling to someone who might 'think' they're ready.
At the end of the day, it's all very trial and error, and even the most experienced tripper still has "bad" trips.
We have to be willing to face those, and come back for more in order to learn anything from psychedelics, I feel
it's a Depressant, Stimulant, Hallucinogen, and Psychedelic. Cannabis is fucking weird
you've never eaten a huge edible and felt like you were tripping?
Isaiah Stewart
The good old Terence Mckenna deserves to be mentioned in this context. He will put you in the right mind. You should check him out on yt.
Xavier Wright
DMT and Mescaline and Psilocybin all feel different, too, but they're also psychedelics
Liam Jackson
and Alan Watts and Timothy Leary :3
Parker Stewart
Drop a tab alone during the day in a city you don’t know
Jeremiah Clark
I did one tab solo my first time. Don't know the dose. I was a little aprehensive because I've had manic psychosis 3 times and had been pretty depressed lately. I don't think I had ego death but I definitely had a good time. Just looking at my face in the mirror and watching all the muscles in my face and laughing at my expressions. Trees were fascinating and almost spooky. But honestly it was pretty underwhelming I felt in control and coherent the entire time just kind of had fun with my thoughts and felt happy.
Benjamin Rogers
write on your palm something like 'its ok, just have fun', i think youll be okay. or try to get a sitter.
Eli Morales
Nature loves courage.
Jayden King
talk them into candyflipping
Brody Russell
I've soloed about 5 times, I find one or two hits to be about as much as you should take.
Another user said to disconnect, this is a good idea, at least from talking to people. Grabbing all nessecities before hand is also a good idea, so you can just kick it.
I recommend watching a movie, or a zoom quilt with some nice music and remember it's an all day thing. So dont make to many plans for afterwards. If you've done it before, you will know what to expect so try to stay in your own brain a bit and dont get stuck in thought loops, you'll be good.
Leo James
I wish. No idea where to obtain
Josiah Foster
this is good advice. 50-75mcg is a safe do at home dose to start with, especially since its the low end youve already tried. then up the dose as you get more comfortable. the biggest potential issue is taking too much and panicking, then getting into a spiral of bad thoughts. learn to handle smaller amounts and build up
Alexander Gray
It's a weird feeling, you roll back into your own mind, and then you fall out of your sense of self as you reach the outer recesses of reality. You are you but not you, sometimes their are beings with you, some of them feel familiar some dont, but it feels like sometimes they are also part of you?.
It lasts about 10-20 min, but your perception of that time is vastly slowed. Its one of those drugs you need to be sure what your getting or making. Not all DMT is equal, and some shit out there will throw you through some tough shit. Seizing, panic attacks. Be careful user, and do as much research as possible.
Hudson Sanders
Agreed, you havent tried it, thus you have no valid opinion.