Why do you hate black people?

Why do you hate black people?

Are you aware that there are rapists, killers, druggies in every race?

That the human race originated in north Eastern Africa and that the first people were black?

That race is really just a social construct and there’s virtually no difference between different races genetically?

That some of the people you laugh and joke with on this board are black?

Are any of you willing to admit that this was a learned behavior from previous generations?

No, I’m not Jewish. Just some black guy who doesn’t get it.

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>must destroy the goyim . Must destroy what G-d created. Must serve satan. Long life the fake jews.

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I don't hate you.
I just think we are too different to co-exist. And there isn't a charity out there I can donate to that isn't a scam so I can improve your home country enough that would make you want to move back to it.
We're sort of stuck with each other for the time being. Want to hate the jews?


OP here again. Im actually mixed so it’s not impossible. But practicality wise with large numbers of radical white supremacists and “KANGZ” on opposite ends of the spectrum it does seem futile. I know it’s cliche and naive to say, but it really feels like it should be easier for everyone to just coexist


there are massively disproportionate amounts of nigs committing those crimes

13% of our population should not be responsible for 50% of our crime. they are predisposed to being criminals

>I’m not Jewish
Wasn't it, "I'm not white I'm jewish"?
You shape shifting jew can fukk right off.

blacks aren't human

I don't hate black people. I just hate your culture.

Nigglets would rather be the next Tupac instead of getting an education, not because of white people but other niggers

I don’t hate you, I hate the niggers blasting rap music with their windows down at 2 am. Which just so happens to be all of them.

you act like i owe you something nigger. youre using all this historical knowledge for the wrong shit....which is politics. white man doesn't owe you a god damn thing, so shut the fuck up and get a job. oh and fuck you and your bible references. can't use jesus for everything LOL

I know right. I don't understand why more blacks can't have positive role models. There should be more Dr. Carson's, and less Dr. Dre's.

Just because I know the difference between Black Americans, White Americans, and Hispanic Americans and Spics, Niggers, and Trailer Trash, doesn't make me a racist. It simply makes me a realist. If your too fragile or stupid to know the difference, you deserve what you get.

I just see what has happened here in Norway. We had very little crime and murder, yet somehow when african and arab immigrants started creating ghettos in parts of our cities the rate of violence and crime skyrocketed and the streets are full of garbage. I'm sure its all a coincidence.

Niggers are homonid/ape hybrids. Very similar to humans physiologically, but also fundamentally different in mental capacities and social structures.

You cannot change my mind. This is a fact.

same shit happens here in the us in major cities. a bunch of do-nothing blacks and arabs stealing from the government and then blaming the white man for raising taxes. they do it to themselves, its a faggot mob. and theyre all gonna get fuckin whacked anyway. most of them are the kind you just can't help. let the people kill their leaders.....not worth getting involved.

I don't hate black people, what I hate are niggers! Black people who don't work, steal, rob, assault, kill, traffic drugs, abuse their children, abuse their partners/wives, don't study, likes to be gangsta, alcoholics, drug addicts, blame society - past history and anything else besides their poor choice making
What I am trying to say is I think this is as much a racial problem as a social because I am describing a large percentage of the african americans

People quoting this stat fail to finish the second half..

13% of the population makes up more than 50% of the prison system but whites commit crimes at a similar rate, they just don't serve sentences for the same crime. What might get you(assumed white, sorry if I'm wrong) a 10 year probation+mandatory counseling for manslaughter would be 5 years in prison stint for a person of color with a murderer charge.

State provided lawyers spend on average 18 minutes with clients overall regardless of color but some people of color get less than 3 to decide to either take a plea or face decades of incarceration if it goes to trial. The prosecutor knows this and gets paid per lockup.

>just some black guy who doesn’t get it
Silence nigger get the fuck out

There are white niggers, Asian niggers, Latin niggers, black niggers.. Sup Forums just has a limited vocabulary

wow the race that barely commits crime doesnt get harsher jail time, who would have guessed. maybe if nigs were constantly committing crime they would stop getting the book thrown at them

We don't hate black people, we hate niggers, like we hate people who commit crimes etc

Im of the mind that if we only continued to beat and degrade the black race that there would be much more manageable negroes around today. Beatings are a miraculous tool, and the fruit of a good beating is a reasonable nigger

White people can be rehabilitated, niggers are just following their nature

1) proportion of total population who are rapists, killers and druggies higher in blacks
2) not that this matters but hominid skin was "white" under the fur. Darker skin is later development. Look at your palms and soles. What color are they?
3) if race is a social construct how come forensic anthropologists can identify race by skull formation. Social constructs aren't manifest in our bones
4) there are identifiable genetic markers for dozens of ethnicities. While race is not as precise as ethnicity it still represents ethnicity groupings.
5) blacks are disliked more as a group because they identify (and allow themselves to be identified) more as a group than whites or Asians. You can dislike a group as a whole and still get along with people of that group at an individual level.

Did you miss the part that says whites commit crimes at a similar rate? As in commit a crime and not be punished. As in your mom had her whole college football team in one weekend.

whites commit crimes for the most part like jaywalking which are harmless. niggers kill, steal, rob, rape, sell drugs, etc. personally i think we should just put them down but i guess we can let them live in jail forever on white tax dollars while they work for free

>Why do you hate black people?
they are trash tier humans
>Are you aware that there are rapists, killers, druggies in every race?
sure, blacks outperform them by a huge margin in those exploits
>That the human race originated in north Eastern Africa and that the first people were black?
the smart ones left long time ago

>That race is really just a social construct and there’s virtually no difference between different races genetically?
that's a bold face lie and you know it

>That some of the people you laugh and joke with on this board are black?
do they want a free cookie ?

>Are any of you willing to admit that this was a learned behavior from previous generations?
you do not need to be taught pattern recognition, you have it as a defensive mechanism from birth, if a certain group is doing bad stuff you grow to steer clear of them

>No, I’m not Jewish. Just some black guy who doesn’t get it.


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