Well, what is your sexuality spectrum?

Well, what is your sexuality spectrum?

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not a faggot


Don't think anyone on Sup Forums is Hyper-Masculine

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Just about

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I let my SO fuck others, I fuck others. Why restrain from cravings. Most I've had is 3 different in the span of 2 days


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Sure you are.

I never said I was a trap. Fuck off with your bullshit, virgin.

Why is "Sexual Exploration" only related to BDSM? Is that the extent of your knowledge of sex play?
Fucking younglings.

What's with the little marks on sexual orientation?

Fooled around with other girls a few times, but definitely straight.

Is there a test you can take or is it just the image?

Is no one going to talk about fucking LABIDO. Kek my sides

The traps are.

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Le art hoe has arrived

Because I used a calligraphy pen? Jesus

Nah art hoes would be hella gae

Because of nearly all of your sliders and the fact that call a digital brush a calligraphy pen

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It's called a calligraphy pen brush, you fucking cretin

Fr how much of a mongoloid are you

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Hahahaha I had to stop and salute your ingenuity

Why do you retards consider yourselves Romantics? You lurk trap threads and your humor is meme based

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Normal would’ve also been accepted

Good one.

You're a man. Stfu and stop larping.

Would've been perfect if it wasn't for the BDSM

BDSM is actually super fun, but generally my fetishes follow my partner's.
Mine is into BDSM.

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nice one

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>why do you call yourself a music fan? you play football and watch tv

you and i would get along

what does this say about me?

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that i'll kick you in the ribs if i ever see you posting a tfw no gf

That you’re a fag
Did you really need someone else to tell you that?
