All women are the same. change my fucking mind

all women are the same. change my fucking mind

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Well that's an original thought... kys

thanks for the bump, now gtfo if you have nothing useful to say. kys afterwards

Nice terrible thread op. Bumping so you can watch it go from page 1 to here again.

Well, yeah.
Nature designed women such that the entire gender has fewer outliers. Less risk-taking. Less initiative. Fewer extreme success stories. Fewer extreme failures.

You can plot basically any attribute on a bell curve, and the curve is narrower for women. Evolutionarily speaking, this serves an important purpose: she will not put her reproductive viability at risk, and if she is pregnant, she will not put the life of an unborn child at risk.

If you look at their genetic makeup, everyone except for identical twins and greater are different.

In the world you live in your statement might be true.
Ask yourself how you end up there

well go ahead and tell me about your world then

In my world, my reality women of value exist.
Your statement wouldn't hold truth for second.
The archetype of the great mother is not a joke.
The World is what you attribute it to be, if your inner world is filled with self hatred and sorrow, don't you think it's only natural the women in your world are the same ?

Not OP.
Women of value exist, I wouldn't dispute that.
The problem is identifying them reliably. Women are skilled enough at subterfuge and avoiding accountability for their actions that they don't even have to think about it when they do it.
A woman can literally genuinely feel like she is falling in love with you, only have her affection dissipate entirely once she has you locked down securely and you are no longer a challenge.

One key with women, good and bad alike, is to keep them struggling to retain your affection. To make them work for it constantly. After all, the world makes you work tirelessly for your success and standing that makes you attractive to her. It is only right that she should be held to the same standard when it comes to you. In the end, a woman is what you make of her.

All incels are the same
How about you change my mind faggot

All men are the same. Change my mind.

Alice is not the same. Alice is a boy

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We are all unique!
Unique means anybody

>t. has never had a social life
Stay being an incel no one likes you anyways


There's a reason they always had a lower place in society. Only thing to do is fine one you like, keep her on a leash tbh, and don't hold your feelings on your sleeves

team fortress 2

How can you say that when girls like Tomoko exist?

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>all women don't like my peepee
>all women are the same

K cool

bump bump bump it up

Womens value is not determined by sex. To think this way is absolutely retarded and makes you no better than a sand nigger.

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Angry virgins are angry

^listen to this guy

Ok sand nigger


I give no shits what you think about anything broseph

Not being too risky has its pros and cons, it doesn't make them less valuable than men though. Also arguing women's value is retarded because it only stands on sex/ reproducing. We get it, you're mad you can't get a gf, go cry about it.

Some are fat, some are skinny

Good point but what in the absolute FUCK is that food.

There’s no such things as “breaks.” Either y’all are committed to whatever relationship you agree to be in, or you’re not.

All women are the same, but not all men are. Stop being a whiny cuck. If you truly think men are better/smarter than women then prove it and fuck some dumb sluts

The I need space card is something valuable for a couple to work. If you guys are tired of each other's shit it's best to take a little break from each other and agree on the length of the break, and make it clear why you need it.

"3 days at mom's, you're driving me crazy, I'll text you but communication minimum plz"


When the person comes back you'll be able to work on things and have had a breather. Hopefully in a healthy environment to enhance inner peace or what ever.

That's how you take a break.

Now it's evident that we're all selfish fucks and will ask for space at one point or another to do things we normally can't with this other person around. It's really up to you, but you should just be honest, and work on it from there.

If your partner is fucking someone else and not telling you about it, well that sucks, and you should know so you could have a chance to work on it at least, lol.

If you're worried about your partner and what they're doing you're putting tremendous anxiety on yourself, and it's going to be difficult.

If both parties are adamant, and open about their human condition you can overcome obstacles like: (drugs, sex, cheating, the little things)

This doesn't make sense

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Why not take care of the problem like grown adults? Space or "timeout" is for children.

Cause I'm not going to subject myself to be under your control and be held captive by someone who's irrational, mad, and insufferable to be around (yes people produce these symptoms even the person you love dearly!). Do you need your hand held Everytime you go peepee? Do you think you can handle your GF / bf walking outside without immediately texting them and asking them where they are if they've already explained they went to go see a friend?

If you've not asked for space in a relationship you're going to fight, and fight hard when you could have some duely needed time to yourself without your conjoined twin at your side to unwind, chill, see family, see friends, just be away from this person who's always there.

Yeah, when you're a child you need someone to tell you when to go to time out. When you're an adult who's going to tell your partner to shut the fuck up for a day and let me be?

Breaks are necessary. Be an adult and decide for yourself that you're your own person, don't need to be stuck together, and are still capable of trusting each other by setting boundaries.

No, their value is in the form of managing a home and raising children. The sex is where one of those things comes from.

Stupid. You need to erase this shit from your head.

Women are the breadwinners typically until men start making more money(40s).

Yeah, you need someone to do the laundry and manage your house? I hope you can pay for everything yourself while your "maid" is at it lol

I got into a female-dominated profession -- teaching. Worst mistake a man could possibly make. I regret it every day. So much constant cunting.

Basically. Just like most guys are the same. just like most blacks jews asians and what else are the same. There is a reason stereotypes exist. They define the majority not the except. And let's be honest when it comes to these things no one gives a shit about the exception so fuck you and your "well I know x person who doesn't fit that." FUCK YOU.

Yeah thats rough

False. Gender roles are ingrained in DNA. Their role is exactly what he stated.

Gender roles are only necessary in predated ancient history. You don't need to be a warrior/ Hunter anymore Bobby, you can catch butterflies cause that's what you really want to do, isn't it?

This isn't the 1950's anymore buddy, women can do whatever they please and are pretty good at their jobs and whatnot.

More enthusiasm Jen, they're cracking

Gender roles can be accepted or rejected, it really doesn't matter. Some women find them restricting and others don't, in places where the roles aren't forced life is undeniably better for all.

I think there is some truth to this. Women want to fuck chads, but chads don’t stay loyal, so women hook up with less chaddy guys as bfs, but still crave more of a man when their hormones rampage.

Solution: be less whiny and more independent.

Well said.

How many female butchers, farmers or other professions with labor intense work do you know?

"Women dont have to do those jobs, theyre better suites for higher paying management positions instead of labor intensive or dangerous jobs." - these hoes

Someone's gotta do it.

You're restricting human beings to their gender. Let's say out of everyone that's on planet Earth right now there's 3 women/ 3 men who would at some point in their lives solve an important problem all unique to them, that would change the way we all live our lives and advance our species as a whole (I know this is just a crude example). But all the mathematicians seem to be Men, and under the impression women aren't capable of doing what they do. They turn her away from furthering her career cause a man looks better in a lab coat and is taken more seriously when it comes to maths. All three women are turned away, and are pushed into nursing or some shit. So instead of having 6/6 advancements, we have 3/6.

I'm a man, and I don't like these stats.

What the fuck man? Stop limiting your ideas and beliefs and allow for some breathing room. Women can do everything we can albeit lifting shit is for men, woopdydoo testosterone and muscle mass..

This guy gets pegged

Everyone, round of applause for Johnny! Saying random things that don't pertain to this squabble don't interest me, sorry.

And what if I get pegged? I like it

As a woman, I hope you like cuckoldry too, cause my ovaries are screaming for a chad.

Vulnerable men just aren’t sexy. Great people, but not sexy.

Grow up child..

Women like people, so they become doctors/nurses, men like things and numbers, so they become engineers/construction workers.

Who's Chad? Fuck I think I made a wrong turn, I'm back in middle school lol

Are you going to live your life taking account of who's a cuck, or try and figure out why you're not very happy and things aren't working out in between you, and the girls you meet? I don't like making assumptions, but you're not ready.

Okay Jordan Peterson slow down. We've all heard this before

Most of them are fucking horrible whores. But not all of them

Some women are black. Some women are white. Boom.

Some women are hot some women are ugly. Boom.

Some women are artistic some women are boring. Boom.

Some women are adventurous, some are afraid of everything. Boom.

Some women are freaky, some are disgusted by everything. Boom.

Some women are compassionate, some are conceited. Boom.

Some women are free thinkers, some follow the crowd. Boom.

Some women are trustworthy and loyal, some women are Jews. Boom

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Did you know that most alpha males are actually very vulnerable individuals?

Being vulnerable? In what respect? Mental fortitude? Emotionality?

Oh wait, this guy's a "real man" and knows what he's talking about. Quiet everyone.

Would this include your own mother? If so, does that make you a bastard?

In positing an argument, never use 'all.'

Attached: Don't hate your mom.jpg (942x287, 103K)

>ITT: virgins and incels

every thought of doing lectures, got some good stuff.

They are all individuals. That's why they repeat the same lives. You're suppose to be the variable in the equation. Blame yourself for not making one into what you want.

Yeah because men aren't capable of enjoying a moment of pleasurable desire, right?

Men never cheat and are incapable of being sluts? Stop shaming women for having sex.

You're supposed to be kissing my ass.

Everyone is the same

You are all filled with your tribal thoughts processes, me vs them. Left vs right. Man vs woman. White vs black. It’s disgusting

Spoken like a loser. As an alpha I can assure you I don't give a fuck about other people's opinions. I can handle myself in a fight. I don't look for others to lead the way, or make decisions. The reason losers like you don't respect that is an over active ego that finds excuses for every shortcoming.

Lol internet tough guys on anime forums are cringe
Are you actually bait?

Right on

They are bro
bunch of whores

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If you were actually confident you wouldn't need to announce to an anonymous use as an anonymous user that you're an alpha.

With the way everything is censored and controlled by the left it would be virtually impossible to get anywhere with that, even if I could afford it. But alas I have to work for a living, and after work I have to get my life together, and in between I have to make time to enjoy my life before it ends.

It's not an announcement dumbass. It is an argument from authority. Learn the difference faggot.

>B-B-b-but wemen r supposed 2 be perfect virgin waifus that want to fuck me and only me!!!!!!!! If they don't want my smelly 3 incher inside them then it's THEIR fault for being whores...!

If they are whores why can't you get laid?

>wont put the child at risk
Most stupid whores get abortions.
Are you new?

The deal is, your issues are for you to handle, and you do it well so you have resources left to spare. A woman’s sexuality is wired around wether or not you seem well fit to protect her offspring. If you can’t even protect yourself, from yourself, you’re repulsive.

Seething incel detected.

Becuz.. whore.. cunt.... Uh. *poops*

Alright, then why are you on Sup Forums discussing with me in the first place if you have no doubts in your mind? An alpha would laugh much like I have these last 15 posts or so at how stupid and beaten you beasts have become. You're like a Mule, or apparently an Ape who's incapable of vulnerability cause he's so sure of his strength, and knowledge. That makes you an insecure person, and a bigot. What happens when someone out does you Mr Alpha? Are you going to hold it together? Or slap his ass and make out with him like a true Alpha Male ™

I know this is Sup Forums but fuck off lol

The way society tries to keep this from being true is gross. I've been held back from promotions because its "unfair" to my female counterparts who have put up with half the bullshit I do. This is social justice at work.

Vulnerability =/= weakness, but a lot of “modern men” confuse the two. See

I can get laid, because they are whores, my friend.

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>not put future child at risk
>fetal alcohol syndrome exists

Looks like a milk steak w/ jelly beans (raw)

>A woman can literally genuinely feel like she is falling in love with you, only to have it disappear entirely once she has you locked down
Dude, men do this too. As proof I offer every guy who dumps his first wife for a younger woman (myself included).

Wtf? I'm a man. I don't live my life thinking about what my lady is doing. She can fuck off and I'd be fine by myself. If she cheats I'd be happy to hear who it was and congratulate them for their mistake while I carry on with my life with or without them, and move forward.

What the fuck, why do you care about alphas and sex so much. FML, do you have a record of what everyone around you has done in the past five years? Nobody cares about personal problems that stem from sex. It makes for a spicy meatball and sinks into a dark place not to be heard from again cause it doesn't matter.

Give a real life example of this happening if you want to prove a point. This hypothetical bullshit is just plain wrong and even against the narrative of modern society. I've seen people get chosen for "diversity quotas" over more experienced and qualified individuals. So don't feed me bullshit and call it equality.

You want to fuck whores? lmao loser

>Alright, then why are you on Sup Forums discussing with me in the first place if you have no doubts in your mind?

Wow, you are trying so hard to be deep but clearly lack the intelligence. This is such a retarded sentence. I go on b because I am bored and sometimes there are interesting discussions to be had. It's one of the last places on the internet you don't get banned for calling out the Jews or destroying SJW bullshit. It makes absolutely no sense to read into that some kind of doubt.

>That makes you an insecure person,

Like WTF? There is absolutely nothing in your post that follows to this conclusion. You are simply retarded.

When someone "out does me" I concede that they have out done me. No same in that. There is absolutely nothing alpha about these retarded larp scenarios that you losers come up with where you imagine some alpha doing some gay shit. You have absolutely no fucking clue how to be alpha and it shows. It is so cringy when you losers try to fake it.

Your animosity toward women suggests otherwise. Clearly you are unhappy with the quality of women who are interested in being intimate with you. Which realistically stems from your own poor qualities.

All this shit is important to me. I need women to stand next to me when shit hits the fan. If someone can help me and they're capable and willing fuck it, I'll even take your help or a woman's. If you can't see the answer in my example you're feeding your own agenda.

Qualified? You mean being a man? Lmao

I'm not going to argue how there's a glass ceiling in certain professions when there's brilliant women that deserve to be there, and aren't cause mathematicians get nervous around girls. Or some guy that's on the committee is from the 2nd world war and doesn't believe women are equal to men.

Are you really arguing about this?

Who the fuck invited r/sjw r/lgbt and tumblr to 4chin?

I've been with a lot of women over time, I'm in my 40s now and gave up. Betwen arguing about LITERALLY NOTHING with almost all of them, their need for mindless entertainment, entitlement to be a cunt, expense I'd rather spend on myself cuz I've become more selfish over time after putting in relationships as long as 7 years (2x).. 8 years.. scatter some 3 year ones in there, I'm just done. I make decent money, over the years just splurge on shit *I* want. Hell, It might sound like some dorky shit but I almost have a complete NES collection and upgraded my guitar setup to have roughly $10,000 in "decent gear", nothing professional but even mid-grade guitar operations will run ya that w/ all the shit you want with it. I don't have to hear anymore that I spend too much time on the computer, even though that is EXACTLY what makes me decent money since my first programming job at 16. If all there is to a woman is fucking, I can buy that too, but I don't. I look at it like, yup, I've had enough sex, and the bundle of shit that came with it wasn't worth it. Fast forward about 7 years of being single, I'm certainly more happy but even worse I can't stand listen to women talk about "today's shit". Be it political, reality TV, some dumb fucking commercial they saw, shit happening on their phone (I hate phones), so I pass into willingly single to just don't give a fuck anymore. No age group of women is worth a fuck to me anymore. If you're married, great, good for you, if you think you're married to your "best friend" you probably are one of those annoying dudes who had "Hufflepuff" avatars on Facebook and would cuck out to her. Now I'm gonna fuck off and drink some Jack and play some NES games.

Soph did it by saying that 4 was one of the places that red pilled her. Their bullshit requires brainwashing young minds before they are capable of thinking for themselves. The thing they fear the most is kids getting red pilled.

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