Alright Sup Forums, where do you go for your fix? Do you have someone local or do you somehow order online?

Alright Sup Forums, where do you go for your fix? Do you have someone local or do you somehow order online?

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Canadian here. I go to the store.

Med shop down the block.
Something I have dreamt about since high school has now become my reality.
That’s why I always tip them, because I’m thankful as fuck to be able to re-up without having to associate with undesirables.

Homegrown in legal state!~

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My back yard because i live in the land of the free.

kys FBI

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NYCer here, I feel you 200%. Cuomo has promised to make legalization a reality here in 2020, but we'll honestly have to see.

this is quite literally the adult manifestation of a candy shop as a kid, and I can't fucking wait

My closet because I live in the land of the "sort of free, but not really"

I don't do drugs.

Not FBI, just a newfag with the dark darkweb and don't feel like leaving my house.

>somehow order online

I literally just google buy weed online and use whoever is having a deal

That just sounds like a great way to get caught. Maybe I'm a dumbass, but I always assumed you'd have to use a VPN and a dark web browser tickets to a drug market, like old Silk Road.

Hell yeah, best of luck bro.

If it's legal in your area you can buy from dispenseries and have it delivered

I just call a guy and order cocaine. He comes over, we trade goods and he leaves. No bs, no talking and I love it. For weed (which I don't smoke because I'm not a degenerate) we go to the store.

I grow it.

it;s why they call it dope

>does coke
>not a degenerate

Drove to Mass today from out of state. Got 6 different varieties of bud. A little pricier than my local guy, but I know what I'm getting and it's better. Enjoying Ghost of Lee Roy now. So wasted...

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Oregonian here. I drive to the store.

Britfag here, I drive down to the shithole town I grew up in and buy whatever I want from some guys I’ve known since I was 14.

When I was younger and we used to have to pick up on foot there was always the risk of getting jumped or the police randomly pulling up but we knew the area so we could disappear pretty easily.

Can’t wait for legalisation but I doubt it’ll come for a decade or so.

>use VPN and the dark web to ship drugs to your fucking house

Yeah you really are a dumbass

Canadian here, I grow it and order it online. Grey market

>He thinks he's superior because he smokes a shit tier drug.

Why do you go to the store for a shit tier drug user?

I start my car and drive a mile to one of the 700,000 weed shops in my town. Seriously they’re popping up like Starbucks. There’s two across the street from each other in some spots.

Well NC is still a little bitch about it, so I can't do that.

Mah niggas. It's such a weird feeling seeing people talk about how illegal and how hard it is to get, I already forget that I was in their shoes 5 years ago

what website? is it cheaper than dispensaries?

I use weedmaps dot com and check out the deals


Weed is just so powerful now I just cant smoke it. We used to smoke what we would call KB back 15 years ago. Now it's just insanely potent and makes you want to jump out of your own skin just so you dont have to think about yourself.

Also I'm an adult now and weed slows down the adulting.

CA here. Usually just go to one of several local dispensaries. I’ll check their online menus to see who has what in stock & base it on that. Some dispensaries still require a medical ID, but most are recreational & open to anyone. Usually into flowers here, but just picked up a 1,000mg pure THC tincture - very clean & long-lasting high!

much, i have two sites i frequent, based in BC and based in quebec, depends on whats available i order, has cheaper options but the quality is there.

Depends on what you’re smoking & how you handle pot in general. I’m 50, parent, etc., and I actually find it energizing, though I usually microdose pure Sativa or Sativa-dominant strains. Also found that it helped me be much more tolerant with the kids & just want to do more activities with them, so win/win all around.

It’s true that a lot of the strains are stronger these days, but I think you’d have to compare them to strains you’d typically find in the 70s or earlier. I know a lot of the shit I was smoking in the 80s & 90s was just as strong as it is today, though I did always have access to great sources.