What is up with the normization of degeneracy this generation? Why has incest, bestiality, lolis...

What is up with the normization of degeneracy this generation? Why has incest, bestiality, lolis, cuckoldry etc become seudo-mainstream? How is this stuff actually getting to the normies? Is it because we have grown up with over-censorship on television that it made us crave reality? Please discuss

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Get the fuck out of this places and pick a book instead of making up retarded shit with words you clearly not understand you stupid faggot.

You were supposed to freak out or just get it over with, so you can't really lose. You can stay out of it and win, though. Just don't want. But what are the chances? You will be poor and probably quite lonely not following nearly all degenerate fads, if not Amish or similar.

I don't think you understand how the internet works

Lolis were normal for thousands of years. Even more normal than Greek pederasty. The Greeks all enjoyed Hebe and her ambrosia, or young woman juice. Just now are people denying themselves the abuse of power that was once very common. It's said that Christians invented the idea of children, or not raping all young people in every way that was desired.


this isn't the mainstream
porno is not mainstream
the internet isn't even mainstream

i get that most porn nowadays is fake-incest
and cuckoldry started off as a meme, and people jumped on the bandwagon


how has bestiality or lolis become accepted?

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Europe, simply because they never stopped accepting them.

i dont know what youre talking about

loli and bestiality in europe? i figured it would be most common in the middle east
inb4 europ is middle east

>the internet has absolutely zero influence on the real world, they are two completely separate entities used by two completely separate species

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>Just now are people denying themselves the abuse of power that was once very common
Pretty nice rationalization nigger.

>What is up with the normization of degeneracy this generation?

Sup Forums FTW!

Face it! End of the Alice

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The Middle East struggled with them for a while, causing Muslims to make fatwas publicly legalizing both. However, Europe only recently pretended to care, but never stopped with either. Thus, they have brothels for both, but the most child brothels probably in Ukraine and Switzerland, where international relations are at their extremes. I think perhaps Germany has the most animal brothels, but they like the extreme stuff, like defecation.

It's interesting how fucking your family members has literally become accepted and understood, you proved OP's point. I'll give it just a couple more years and bestiality/loli will be there.

got a link to back that up fam
again.. i'd find it easier to believe if you mentioned thailand or mexico as the countries with animal/kids brothels, because ive never heard of swiss degeneracy

How about you do a search. And neither Thailand or Mexico contribute much to international acceptance of anything. I'm not saying they don't exist there, but they must have international traffic and be considered among the mainstream in Western circles, as English is the language of business and thus Western culture is the culture of the greatest social currency.

fuck off i aint googling pedo bestiality shit

also, the fuck youre talking about.. neither gertmany nor switzerland speak english as first language... i know german porn is huge on scat, but your claim was bestiality and loli, and im saying ur full of shit

>I think perhaps Germany has the most animal brothels, but they like the extreme stuff, like defecation.
we shit into each others mouths and shove fists up our asses to make sure we got all of it, but animal brothels are not a thing here.

They all speak English doing international business. It's like you purposely missed the topic for "muh Evropa!"


What do the jews actually have to gain from us having unconventional sex though?

Cucks should be shamed and of course the incesttards and pedos, but with Cucks you unironically get people saying 'just let them be happy bro' and soon the other two will follow. Epic libertarian future yay

no one other than tumblr tier retards says 'let cucks be happy'

But bestiality is fine?

a cat is fine too

>go on first page of Sup Forums
>bestiality thread
>loli thread
>this thread

I think ur onto something op

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Lol, why are pedos bad but fucking a cat is rational?
I'm starting to think the line is drawn individually depending on that person's fetish

because pussy is pussy and fucking pussy is normal. idiot.

Forgot that, no it's as bad as pedophilia

Catgirl lolis ftw?

yeah because its wrong and you should be shot in the head with a 45

This isn't about right or wrong. It's about mainstream. Also, Christianity is best religion for common man and progress.

i mean what would jesus do?

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>ur wrong so u need to die

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Muslims just have sex with goats. Check the drone cams for hilarious footage!

Is the entirety of Sup Forums just 80 IQ? The problem is the exact opposite of over-censorship, where porn is so readily available to people that they quickly become desentised to it and are pushed towards new things, in this case increasingly weirder porn

I don't get how you don't know - as soon as you let the gays marry, everyone else follows with it, it opened the flood gates. stop the gays, stop everything under it.

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because it weakens us spiritually, mentally, and physically. perfect for the Jews to then domesticate us and take us over.


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