I will be posting my gf's pussy photos of the last 3 years. There are 6 of them wich she sent me after fucking another guy's dick. Comment and try to find them. Bonus for winners
I will be posting my gf's pussy photos of the last 3 years...
Op here
So you were cucked?
What do u think?
Here u have everything ;)
Vlf /r/154x1enzm
Disgusting. That shit looks like Arby's sandwich.
Right? Fucking triple beef
"fucking another guy"
"my girlfriend"
Yeah dude, thats not your girlfriend anymore.
i broke up with a girl who had a pussy like this, it bothered me at times during sex. there were plenty of other issues, but it drove me to be an innie-only man. that being said post moar OP
Reminds me of a girl I fooled around with once. Pussy so gross I couldn’t even get my dick hard
Any creampies?
I would dump her for ugly vagina
You couldn't become aroused looking at a vagina? Let me be fair. Was it diseased or deformed?
this one? it's taken by another person
She has an odd thing with her vulva. This picture captures it perfectly. Her labia continue down after her vaginal opening. I've actually never seen this before. Not in life or on the net. I wouldn't complain at all. Just an interesting pussy. You can see it in all the pictures though.
My first gf had very long labia. I didn't mind but I figured all girls were like that since she was my first. It turned out not to be true.
Anyway, what's your cuck story? Does she know you are showing her cunt?
u dont like her?
I'm sure you would.
Nope, keep trying jeje
Stop focusing on the negatives if you can't embrace it.
I, for one, love those labia. Keep em comin
this one? it looks a little tuckered
My thought as well
OP... I'm gonna shoot straight with you... that vagina is real gross. I'm genuinely shocked that you would want to post this online because my god that is one gross gaping roast beef
based and witnessed
Love it! Some nice, meaty curtains!
Here u have my friend, dont forget /r/154x1enzm
that vagina is crossing its arms.
>Vlf /r/154x1enzm
wtf website is that?
Then don't fuck her. Why am I defending vaginas online??? Probably because women feel the pressures of society to be beautiful because they're told that's where their worth is and if I can alleviate any of that stress I'll try.
I'd cum on this broad's chin, OP. Don't worry.
Nope, keep trying
looks like she fucked another guy's chainsaw too
my gf says she had lips like this, she got surgery to have them trimmed down though. all before i met her. looking at these photos i'm glad she did cause DAMN
For you
The best argument for labiaplasty I have ever seen.
What kind of freaky girl do you have that takes all these pictures? Getting women send nudes to me is like pulling teeth! I am unattractive though...
Either way fucked or not, they all look like she could blow a raspberry with those lips.
How did it feel to fuck that pussy?
Shit tier larp faggot.
Oh hush, she's beautiful as she is.
Some rear view ;)
Fanny like a butchers dustbin, stamped bat, box of smashed crabs, overfilled kebab etc.
fuck you faggot
no is not
Fuck man. That shit looks like a bunch of niggers chimped out on it. That’s worse than Arby’s could put out.
it's this one or that one. But I really don't think it's the latter because if he fucked her correctly she wouldn't be touching her sore pussy like that.
Women with ugly pussies are less likely to want to show it off to random strangers tho, so it prevents sluttiness.
Really naughty gf
It is a strange day when a man who is disgusted by a vagina calls another man a faggot.
So that's damn near wifey material.
It looks good from behind
This one
Best feeling in the world
Sir, your gf is a roastie. How many kids does she have? I’m thinkin 4-5
>I am unattractive though
This is your answer. Girls are whores who love the camera.
I made my gf delete all her self taken pics before she gave her iphone to tech support last night. She had over 70 nudes she took herself before she even turned 18. She's 20 now. All girls send nudes.
Bullshit. My ex wife had piss flaps like a 747s wings. She pissed herself once cos her flaps got stuck to her knickers. She couldn't rip them off cos the bond was too strong. She wasn't afraid of showing it, as I found out.
you "accidentally" slip in that bootyhole?
no one wants to lick a pussy that licks you back you fucking moron
That is not a vagina ... That is a train wreck .
Pic related is a vagina
Looks my ex's pussy. Which also looked gross.
The 80/20 rule user. Sorry.
It's okay OP. Only virgins and seething incels whomst never been with a woman would think its gross.
I'd suck up that pussy for days.
How old are you? The ignorance is seeping out of your pores. You obviously don't get pussy if you're older than 14.
her labia go past her vagina opening and all the way to her butthole. Strange vagina, lads.
can you explain the biomechanics of this?
We have the first winner, yes its the second one, she has to show me..
What a tiny slit. Post more if you want. I have a hard time refusing pussy despite our differing opinions on vaginas.
Relatively common actually.
Well you’re kind of right. I’m 41 and married.
You are a little bit late.. keep trying
good point
Jesus it looks like a blown out nutsack from the back dude. you ever fully insert and then hold onto the lips and slowly retreat seeing how much of this chewed up bubble gum of a pussy covers your shaft?
I am not a dummy that thinks she has loose lips so therefore she has fucked a bunch of people but she is a chic with a gross pussy. those lips look rough too. introduce her to lotion.
Its ok .. Many people have shit tastes otherwise reality tv wouldn't exist
>There are 6 of them wich she sent me after fucking another guy's dick.
And you KEPT them??
lol what a fucking loser
Is that a baby’s hand sticking out?
Fanny has flaps. Fanny secretes throughout day. Ex wife suddenly finds she needs a piss. Fanny flaps are glued to her knickers. She can't pull knickers off cos it's welded. Too painful. In the meantime, she wets herself.
how is she so smooth? what does she use to shave?
Jeez, any girl I fuck doesn't want to touch her pussy after I'm done. But I eat the pussy, rub the clit, pound it hard, bite nipples. Cumming once usually isn't the end either. I like to go for longevity. I want the girl to tap out. Longest resistor lasted 6 hours?
Only one girl made me tap. I fucked her on and off for three days. I had whiskey dick and I got it chubbed enough to get it hard and cum like 3 times. I had to get a sandwich. Then she asked for the dick again... I asked for cuddles... Solid birthday weekend though.
Here u have
Your wife is going to leave you. How do you have unlimited pussy but have never studied it?
This is very true!
Those curtains looks amazing
Idk why but it looks like giant skin tags on her lips. Like something id see on the neck of a 300lb redneck
Found the guy who hasn't seen a lot of pussy.
I’ve done a lot to it, just not recently. But it still doesn’t look like an overused parachute.
Found the 13 year old
This, boys and girls, is what’s known as a ham wallet.
How do you fall for the myth that vaginas get looser after childbirth? I mean immediately after, sure. But they close right back up. I get that you were only saying that her labias are long but you were >implying.
Common. Lmao. Guy trying to either defend the gf's pussy or act like he's seen a lot of pussy.
Her labia is fucked up, my guy. It's not common to have it connected to the asshole
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