Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

Attached: mahgun.jpg (640x480, 51K)

They're illegal, and I couldn't afford one if they weren't

The second is a decent excuse.
The first is not one at all.

Because I'm comfortable with the size of my penis

Post an original response.

The fuck would I do with an AR15
I live in a 250sqft apartment you think I got room for random useless bullshit, fuck off

stop making this thread every single day you fat fucking diabetic loner.

Shoot at the range.
Protect your apartment.
Dispose of criminals and degenerates without waiting for the police.

Takes up practically zero room.

because I don't like penis

>Shoot at the range.
Not one of my hobbies. Also expensive.
> Protect your apartment.
No one's gonna break in here while I'm home dipshit. Criminals don't look for a fight, they look for easy money, they wait until you're out. And I'm not a girl, so I don't need to worry about rapists either.
> Dispose of criminals and degenerates without waiting for the police.
You mean "get thrown into prison for killing people without a strict need to do so"? Yeah nah.
> Takes up practically zero room.
I take it you've never lived in a tiny ass apartment.

Not particularly expensive. Costs about 30-40 bucks.
Criminals break into occupied houses all the time. Not to mention there's no way to reliably know if someone's home at an apartment.
If you don't feel you have a duty to enforce order in the place where you live, you're a huge pussy.
I have lived in plenty of tiny apartments. I kept guns in all of them.

When it's an original thread I might.

Eat dicks.

Haha did you get a little butthurt about the penis comment? Did it hit a little too close to home? Don't worry champ I'm sure you'll find a girl that'll give you a pity hand job, if she can find it behind your pube.


Damn man, must be tough trying to troll when no one will give you any attention.

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They're literally 350 bucks and last forever.


Didn't think so.

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Were you talking to me or OP? Tagging 2 different people makes it a bit confusing. But I'm not trolling I genuinely don't own a big gun because there is no need other than a penis extension. A small calibre firearm will stop a robber exactly the same as an automatic, one or two shots centre mass and people tend to need a doctor pretty quick regardless of what gun it was.

>Anonymous 01/15/20(Wed)17:15:35 No.818541716▶
> (OP)
> stop making this thread every single day you fat fucking diabetic loner.
>Anonymous 01/15/20(Wed)17:15:35 No.818541716▶
> (OP)
> stop making this thread every single day you fat fucking diabetic loner.
>Anonymous 01/15/20(Wed)17:15:35 No.818541716▶
> (OP)
> stop making this thread every single day you fat fucking diabetic loner.

If this was an original thread instead of the same lazy repost I may consider an original answer. The lesson here, you get what you put in, make a shitty unoriginal thread get shitty unoriginal answers.

Except you're wrong.
80% of people shot with a handgun survive.

Because my penis size is adequate for pleasing women.

Will you assholes shut up with this shit?

The discussions that occur in these threads dispel many of the erroneous notions about firearm ownership that are consistently propagated through mass media and online rants by fearful statist retards nationwide.
Thanks for your input tho.

Because the Kalashnikov is better.

Meh. I’ve got shotguns and pistols. Good enough for what I’d need it for.

Bumping based cuck shaming spam thread.

Aren't they fairly expensive? Like thousands of dollars expensive?

You rape burglars?

CA reporting in. 7.5" for shits and giggles. Building a 16" as well.

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I didn't say kill I said stop. Is your aim to kill people? That's fucked.

Klashnikov is decent, but I don't live in a sandbox, and I value a weapon that is useful beyond 300 yards.

Yeah yeah, so reliable you can take half of it apart or melt it down and it'd still shoot. Suuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee.

5.56? Below 10.5" is pointless. You're not even getting the muzzle velocity necessary for fragmentation.

Because they're pieces of shit you have to bang on so they don't jam, and they're useless at range because you're shooting a .22L with a bit more power. See that little rod behind the ejection port? It's so you can beat on it to try to clear a jam in the middle of a firefight. This gun literally has a panic button. Fuck you for thinking this is a decent gun. Makes me embarrassed to be American.

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If someone is armed and breaking into your house, your aim is to kill them. And I don't mean that rhetorically, I mean you yourself.

No, because they are not comfortable with the size of his penis.

Nice airsoft sight

They're getting a shot in the face one way or another ;-)

I've shot plenty of rounds through one and it never jammed.

This Chinese made gun on the other hand would jam every few.

Attached: CSETI-LOGO.png (104x104, 20K)

A lot more power than a 22LR. A multiple, in fact.
They're point target accurate out to 500 yards.
No one uses the forward assist. It's only there because the US government required it. Eugene Stoner didn't find it necessary.

I've put 5k rounds down range and never had to use that button once

No my aim is to deter and injure I'm not a psychopath and have no desire to end a life

The minute you point a gun at someone, their aim is going to be to kill you. 100% of the time, no exception.
Please don't have kids or a family. I would hate to think of others depending on your for safety.


Lol why would I do that?

Today on "I've never owned a gun"

And up next at 7, Why the Government is Your Friend.

Yeah, that's what I thought, faggot.
Next time keep your mouth shut when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

you're really retarded. Forward assists arent needed on ARs, havent been for a long time. It's for looks. I've never used the foward assist after 15 years of shooting them in and out of the military. Also, just because 5.56 is not much bigger in DIAMETER doesnt mean it's the same thing, you stupid double nigger. The amount of force a 5.56 delivers is many times a 22lr. Suck start a shotgun. 55 grains moving at over 3000 FPS, vs 40 grains moving at 1100 FPS. hmm... just a bit more power.

I live in CA, and i don't think that is compliant but you do you brother

I’ve used it for 350 legend. Straight wall and OAL of cartridges don’t chamber well. Prob need to polish feed ramps too.

Have kids, have family and have defended my home once with a 9mm without having to fire a single shot. Most people when they aim a gun at you they are praying they don't have to fire I know I was and the guy holding a gun that slowly backed out of my garage before running down the street didn't seem like he wanted to either so that's at least 1 exception. Look its a little embarrassing that you even think that everyone with a gun is wanting to kill when forced to defend themselves you obviously know nobody in law enforcement or anyone that has served in the military because if you said that to them they would tear you a new one for being such an ignorant prick. By your logic every time I get in a fight I'm aiming to kill someone I'm not sometimes the aim is to scare or threaten or to just show you are capable of defending yourself guns should be a deterrent and in my case it was and it was enough to avoid a potentially deadly situation. I'm honestly starting to think you're 12 with your insistence that everything comes down to do or die, the world is more nuanced than that.

It's not compliant, he's stated that in previous threads. He's a moron for posting it here.
They could backtrace him, and then consequences would never be the same.

What do you think would make it compliant?

Unlike you I'm not lurking solely in this thread just to post replies I have other shit to do so my replies won't be instant, see "family" above

I do

I'm happy with the size of my dick.

Attached: guns4u.jpg (750x500, 38K)

That's a pretty cool story, bro.
Coincidentally, you're a moron for not putting someone down immediately if they were trespassing in your house with firearm.
You're extraordinarily lucky they didn't put you down right then and there, or worse harm your family.
There is zero nuance when it comes to armed conflict between homeowner and an intruder. None. And your made-up edge case does nothing to disprove that.

google a picture of the author of this comic and everything suddenly makes sense

i find your lack of punctuation disturbing

Well seeing as it's a pistol AR, a threaded barrel with an A2 flash hider is a big no no. And unless it has one of those stupid mag lock open the receiver to drop the mag, the standard grip is also a big negative

I own 3 complete ARs and 1 pistol lower so I can take my SBR upper out of state without having to fill out form 20, if it please the Crown I'd like to take my gun out of state to goof around with my friends.

2 stripped upper and lower s that I don't have any idea what to build them into. I already have a 10.5" upper, 16" mid-length and 18" SPR setup so beside 300BLK or other niche rounds I am all set for AR wise

Posting airshit for trolling purpose

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You're a fucking moron honestly it makes me sad that one day you might have children. Talk to any properly trained law enforcement personell or any soldier about firearm conflict resolution then come back and apologise for the fact you don't actually understand how these things go, it's OK at 12 I wasn't too smart either don't worry hopefully you'll grow as a person.

Whoopsy daisies

>You're a moron

Lol good one. I am a cop retard. Kill anyone dumb enough to break into your house. That is what every police officer will tell you.

Eat dicks.

Yeah I can't be bothered with punctuation most of the time when I'm on my phone and only really use it to seperate points when absolutely neccesary.

Holy shit this is my second "eat dicks" I'm really starting to get to people here. Ironically I'm fine with people owning ar15's, I just don't need a penis extension a couple handguns and a shotgun do just fine for what I want them for.

It's California though, but also an AR.. so you could break into someone's house and get shot by that and the criminal would likely sue you and get off with a misdemeanor

Hey, man, reliability is a good thing.
If you can bury the damn thing in a desert and dig it back up 30 years later without having wrapped it in anything, load it with a rusty-ass mag, and start to fire it even with sand still running off of it....
There's a reason you can play in the sandbox with it!
Besides, 7.62x39 > 5.56x45 in both caliber and mathematics.

Haha nice RP faggot no officer with any dignity will tell you that. Maybe a few ass hole latent homosexal cops will but that's about it.... Oh shit you are one of those ass hole latent homo cops aren't you?

because fuck you I own 3. Well, 2 and an AR10.
But fuck you regardless.

I own multiple AR for fun reasons, I like to go to the range to punch holes in paper from far away, also mechanically they are interesting to me, like how a car engine can harness the power of exploding gasoline and turn that force into motion.

Guns are mini cannons that you can throw a piece of metal really far away and fast too.

I also built them for my friend for fun.

Attached: Built.jpg (1632x918, 465K)

Illegal on Spain

because i own real weapons, not an imitation of a real weapon.

> AR-10
Have you thought about building a 6.5 Creedmoor? I was going to build an AR-10 but I don't have anything in .308 but the Creedmoor opens up more options for AR-10 platform

I see you are a student of the blades

Cuz .223/5.56 is a girl's caliber

What does dick size have to do with shooting?

Fucking millenial logic

but i do

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The left has been using the small benis logic for anything they don't like - cars/trucks, guns, muscular body, boats... pretty much anything the left doesn't like it's because small benis, because it's an argument that you can't reasonably disprove.

I fucking wish I was a millennial. God damn middle age is no fun. And it doesn't it has to do with what you shoot.

All that handguard real estate... VFG only

Can't afford one yet, job market for engineering has been unkind to me. Just took up a machinist trainee position to get some cash and skills in the meantime for $17.50/hr in flyover country, not shabby.

Once I'm not paycheck to paycheck anymore, I'll save a bit here and there for a handgun, a bolt-action for marksmanship practice, and an AR for SHTF scenario. Would love to go hunting with my college roommate once I have the time, get some damn tasty jalapeño-pineapple deer jerky.

I like guns though, I shoot regularly. Also not a lefty I don't have a political affiliation I vote based on facts and who I believe will do the best job at the time. Also you can't disprove it because it's true.

cause i not afraid of anything or anyone enough to want to kill anyone or anything over anyone or anything. simple.

yeah but i got it used on the cheap

The setup looks like stock DD just with EoTech combo on it.

Haha, this. I imagine the average gun owner is about an inch below the median.

charging handle
bolt carrier
geissele trigger
but yeah i kept the outside the same

Which Geissele trigger?

Nope, just a basic bitch AR10 in 308. I have a remmy 700 in 308 too so I can share ammo.I try to keep as few types of ammo as I can. 308, 3006, 223, 9mm, .22, and 12 gauge.

i got the ssa on sale last 4th of july

> 9mm
Didn't see 40... you are a wise man.

I got the SD-C for Black Friday... it's been so busy with work I haven't have the chance to test it out. Big sad