What is the target audience of Rick and Morty

What is the target audience of Rick and Morty


bangladeshi femboys

90's born queers, neets, liberal art students, millennials, redditors.


Atheist man-children who overestimate their intelligence.

Males aged 18-35. Same as most shows.

edgy alt right Sup Forumstards

Sup Forums.org/tv/


God isn't real.

Teenagers who only talk in catchphrases from Marvel and Doctor Who. People who will pay $30 for a shirt with said catchphrases.




20 something males who think they are more intelligent than everyone and girls who go to cons

>Hey, R-r-r-rick. What is- what's that you're holding, Rick? Wh- uh what are you gonna do with it?
>This bad boy is gonna change every*belch*thing M-*burp*-Morty.
>I called it the Grand Object Decomposer! It takes anything, anything at all, Morty and it *burp* changes it to whatever I want. It's the only one in the whole universe.
>What are you gon-
>-na do with it? Well Morty, I*burp*'m gonna do something that will advance humanity technologically by the length of the religious Middle Ages!
>What do you mean, Rick?
>I'm I'm gonna go back to the past and *gark* change all the copies of The Bible into copies of The God Delusion! Wabaladubdub! F*beep* YEAH! *beep* my *beep* God!

fulani speakers

Apparently asshurt faggots on Sup Forums since you people cant seem to stop talking about it

33 here, leave me out of your gay shit please.

It's a pretty funny show, I haven't seen all of the episodes but I laughed at what I did watch.

You're just contrarion faggots who hate anything once it's become popular enough.

As you watch other people go about their lives, try and remember, it is not they who are the freaks, it is (you).

I watched like five consecutive episodes before it was popular

>it was fucking garbage

can you explain what made you laugh?

People that unironically like the Big Bang Theory but understand how cringe it is to everyone else.

I'm so glad there's another Rick and Morty thread to make me feel superior for not liking it. Thanks OP!

Not him but Rick and Morty doesn't really make me laugh a whole lot but I still like it a lot. I don't think it needs to be balls to the walls comedy to be enjoyable.

I have to laugh every time I see somebody criticizing great television shows made for us normal people who actually leave our house to interact with other normal people. Fuck these autist cunts in their fedora-wearing asses. It's like some unwritten rule in their pathetic notebook that they have to be miserable at everything, that the world is "shit" and everything they hear or see is "shit" and the agenda of everyone is "shit".

We get it. We watched that South Park episode, too. You have Asperger's Syndrome. Now drink some whisky, lighten the fuck up and seek help for it. You're not the only one in that boat, bucko.

WE rule this board, now. WE decide who's cool and who's not. You rock spiders clinging to the Sup Forums of the past? The ones that yearn for Bela Tarr marathons while you lick Dorito crumbs off of your fingers and weep for "being born in the wrong generation"? You're archaic. You're ancient fucking history. You've been left behind.

Come out of your basement, you cave-dwellers. Come and celebrate the new millennium by watching Rick & Morty with the rest of us. It's and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.

Explain what makes it comfy

>autistic copy-pasta
Hello newfag

Sup Forums

People who hate Rick and Morty. Makes sense to me

Never said comfy. I like the plots, characters, and the sci-fi elements more than anything else.

There needs to be a trigger warning on this show. I watched it and they said God isn't real but I think God is real and it made me mad and that's not okay for them to hurt my feelings like that!

What the fuck happened to this site? When did all the christfags move in?

Or is this just a meme at this point?

r/the_donald infected Sup Forums which in turn infected the rest of the site
We Christfag now

>33 here
Jesus man, what are you still doing here?

Popular things are bad.
Smug atheism is popular on the internet.
You do the math.

no one ever escapes


Sup Forums obviously, we never shut up about it