What is the best hands free masturbator on the market ?

What is the best hands free masturbator on the market ?
I kinda want to try the Autoblow AI but it's one of the most expensive
I also looked at the Kiiroo Titan and the Lovesens Max 2, but it does not look like it feels as good as the Autoblow

Also, general men sextoys I guess

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I have the Autoblow AI and it's pretty impressive. Super nice to not have to do anything. Different settings and speeds are great. My one and only complaint is it does put sleeves through the ringer. I'm still on my first one and going strong. But I have a feeling I'm gonna need another one at some point. I can't imagine anything else on the market being better at this point. OP you have inspired me, I think I'm gonna give mine a whirl right now.

Thanks for the review, I knew the sleeves needed remplacement but it's normal I guess
So it's really like "I put my penis in it and just relax"?

just get a gf

You have to hold the thing in place if you're lying down obviously but yeah it does all the work. There are 10 sucking motions and 10 speeds. You just gotta find what combo you like and let it do the work. The sleeve thing is understandable. It needs to be soft to feel good and the movement needs to be intense to feel good so naturally over time it's gonna degrade. But so far so good. It comes with a vagina one so I'll probably get an ass one next.

>What is the best hands free masturbator on the market ?

an Asian masseuse, ask for a handie.

Correction it comes with a mouth one so I'll get a vagina and ass one next.

Not all Asian masseuse Are whores or at least will jack you off the worst is when they send In a hot 18 or 29 year old they rub you then send in a old fat Asian whore for the handy or bj happens more than you think....... or the place gets raided by the fuzz married women not fucking there men but have the time too figure out he is getting jacked off are the worst.

i use one of these
best $30 ive ever spent

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i've used one but my dick was too big.

It won't be an issue for me

Thanks again
Also, is it noisy ?
I have a roomate, and I don't want him to know I'm being sucked by a robot every time I use it

>What is the best hands free masturbator on the market ?

jeez you must be lazy

I just want to try something new, I'll still jerk off normally of course

Pics? lol

Is the mouth one's nice enough or should I buy the vaginal one with it ?


I have one actually, but it's a long distance relationship since september so I try to compensate as I can

It's noisy enough. I wouldn't call it LOUD by any means. Doesn't take away from the pleasure of using it at all. But it's probably enough to have a roomate barely hear it and wonder, what the fuck is that?

Sure, why not? Not like you can see my dick anyway. Enjoy my untrimmed pubes fag.

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what is that?

someone elses hand.

If I were to recommend a second one I would say get the anal one. Only because I feel like you can get deeper inside it. Lips kinda get in the way of going as deep as you may want. If size isn't a factor then getting a second one isn't a must by any means.

Yeah, but it's 200$ everytime, not only once

Nice, it looked bigger on the picture
Not too heavy to hold ?
Did you already tried to "stuck" it somewhere so you don't have to use your hand at all ?

If you're lying down then gravity helps and it's not too heavy at all. If I had to hold it up while standing or something then yes it would be annoying. I tried setting it on a level table to do it standing but it wasn't as good as lying down. Like I said I think the gravity helps. I haven't tried anything lying down to go hands free, I've always held it. Maybe I'll experiment with that at some point.

Are you ok?

Well thanks for the review my dude, I might place an order soon

I don't think he is

holy shit this is the most neckbeard shit i've seen. i'm done with this fucking website.

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LBFMs are the best.

a trap

>your mom
>0 results found

>minimizes Sup Forums
>pulls up Walmart.com
>orders five
>uses mom's credit card

Attached: 1201732054460.jpg (105x105, 3K)

No problemo!

Honestly just DL a dating app, easy and real

I live in a pretty small village in Europe, there is like 20 profils within 100km on Tinder, already liked them all
No match

sounds like you live in a good place to only have 20 whores within 100km.

how hard is it to clean?


Not bad. You only need to clean the sleeve which is removable so if you've tried a Fleshlight it's basically the same thing.

the innovation of man is astounding

you're fucking retarded

I understand the whole MGTOW lifestyle but this is just fucking pathetic


>Autoblow AI
is it really much better than your hand?

Attached: alf.gif (500x370, 84K)

>you go girl, sexy and fem sexual freedom ::fistpump::!
>male tools
>ewww, get away from me creep.