Mad redneck cancer tranny wants to fight me at his local walmart

mad redneck cancer tranny wants to fight me at his local walmart

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shit thread no one care die

kys op

stfu faggots this has potential

I'll fight you op since I live in the Netherlands too
>Kom dan kankerjong

Are you scurred OP?

Pull up then faggot


imagine being too much of a pussy faggot to fight a tranny

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dude wants me to visit him in america but when i ask him to come to central station of the hague he suddenly comes up with having a life
cancer fag tranny

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pull up pussy ass nigger

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sure meet me at the hague central faggot

pics or it didn't happen

tfw Sup Forums is defending a tranny
are you guys fucking redditors or something lol

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NYPA and shitty discord drama, fuck off.

yes mmmm yes im going to spend money on this and fly to the us just because you told me to yes

i didnt post this to hear your worthless opinion
i posted this in the hope some tranny would reconsider suicide

Op is een kanker hoer

je moeder is een kankerhoer

the Dutch really are pussy

we sold slaves to america at one point, we still have that spirit in us faggot