Afraid to ask but do you guys really hate jews
Afraid to ask but do you guys really hate jews
Are you a JEW user ?????
no one cares enough to hate anyone. you either rich or poor. race means poop and religion is a gauge of stupidity
Israel is a criminal state of land thieves and child killers.
The rest of the Jews are enablers of this evil.
I don't hate them, I just think they are bad people.
No I am actually a slav but I am not racist do you hate jews
Hate is much too strong a word.
Dislike their behavior at times is much more on the spot.
I hate the elite from Isreal. I don't care about Judaism in the slightest. So, it's annoying when both are jews. Hitler could have killed Isreal, not Judaism.
Jew bad
the nazarene and i are kin
I'm antisemitic mostly for the meme, I even dated a jew for a year.
Jews are awesome, i don't get the hate.
How did you survive that long without the succubus stealing your soul?
I don't
I like the Jewish community. They have the best lawyers and doctors. Also, why is Pepe sweating profusely in the picture you posted?? Pepe looks cute tho. AWWWW!!! Here's a hug for making me smile---> *hugs* Please reply back with a hug!!!
Fuck off kike
I hate Jews.
Religious reasons first of all and the fact that ive never met one that ive liked yet.
Hi guys. Sup wit jew?
they've been kicked out of every country in the world you hooknosed fucking leech
The irony being that they own half those countries in the world.
I think the Jews are fine and that anyone who says otherwise is a goatfucking sandnigger
they barely own their stolen land they live on now.
I hate dune coons and kikes, kike. the world would be much better without you vermin than muzzies tho
Never met one
Shalom user love us
Only Zionists